
How Do I Know, I'm Not Lying To Myself?

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I was just recently talking to my friend, At one point I was telling him about meditation and my experience with meditation. He had an argument that I just believe what other people say and then think it is true, and therefore my experience with meditation is me lying to myself believing that meditation was having some sort of positive effect on me.

Is this true? Am I lying to myself? How do I know my experience with meditation is authentic? Not just some sort of placebo effect from lying to myself believing meditation will help me in some way.


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1 minute ago, Lorcan said:

Is this true? Am I lying to myself? How do I know my experience with meditation is authentic? Not just some sort of placebo effect from lying to myself believing meditation will help me in some way.

It doesn't matter, because even if you have this symptom now, meditation will get rid of it for sure.

But the thing is, don't take my word for it, do the practice yourself and find out what it does for you.

If you find out in 40 years time that meditation is a placebo that's fine, but you would have cured your tendency to just believe on blind faith because you went the extra mile and did the work to find out for yourself if the benefits of meditation are really true or not!


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Just throwing this idea in there, but what would be the difference if it was a placebo effect or not? If you had cancer and took a sugar pill that cured your cancer because you believed it would are you going to be annoyed because you only took a sugar pill instead something else that for whatever reason you believed in more?

Truth is meditation lets you take a step back from your thoughts and step into your own being, so once you know yourself through that being you'll see first hand whats true. Also theres a lot of studies saying that meditation does help in other ways so its not a waste of time either way

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