An young being

Anybody here experienced non duality without knowing about it?

28 posts in this topic

20 minutes ago, Heaven said:

From my experience I believe that without any teaching I would never experience non duality.

Haven’t you had an experience in which you were so in awe that you and time broke down and there was only essence of One Now? For example, seeing a night sky filled with stars in which you lost sense of time and “me”?

Haven’t you had an experience in which you loved something so deeply that “me” and time dissolved? There was no “you” and “me”. There was simply the essence of the One love?

Haven’t you ever had an experience in which you got “in the zone” playing a musical instrument or sport? Time and “me” dissolved and there is only Here and Now. There is no “me playing soccer” or “me playing the trumpet”. 

Haven’t you ever half-awoken from sleep and there is no time or “me”? There is simply the awareness of what is Here and Now. (And then the self re-enters and thinks “Crap, I overslept. I’m late for class. I better hurry. . . “.

These are all “nondual” experiences and no nondual theory or teaching is necessary. Most people have had glimpses of “nondual” experiences without any teaching. Imo, the idea that nondual teachings are necessary for nondual experiences creates a block. I’ve found it much more helpful to show people that they have already had nondual experiences.

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The 3rd time I meditated I experienced the dissolution of myself, but I reacted in fear out of not knowing what was going on. I thought I was going insane or that I was about to disappear. I was aware of the idea of enlightenment, but I had no idea that it could happen after barely starting a meditation practice, or that it entailed actually dying.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Almost all people are experiencing non-duality without knowing it.

Only people who are awake are experiencing non-duality while being aware of it (i.e. *knowing it*.).

Non-duality = Reality = God = Consciousness = Love = Absolute Infinity

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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When I was ten years old I had a fever for about a week (up to 42 degrees Celsius). I experienced reality constantly shrinking into a small ball and then expanding back to it's normal size.

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18 hours ago, Recursoinominado said:

usually dismissed it as some silly hallucination.

On spot.


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non duality for me was for a long time the last tabu in society, sensable but not to talk about, what’s fascinating to me can feel discomfortable to others to even think about - and even here, sometimes people have massive resistance to open up to the possibility of non duality. certainly “not knowing” is one of the thresholds. but i did not read ralston yet to somehow get what that means. all this wondering and wonder you can only see by not knowing.

Edited by remember

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Ya, when i was a kid sitting out side I became the sky or something, can't remember it very clearly anymore.  The main thing I remember is that I felt I was the sky just as surely as I would normally feel like a person/body.  After that I thought and rationalized about it a lot and decided it made no sense and so I sort of pretended it didn't happen. 

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