
Is suicide the most powerful method for reaching total enlightenment?

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@Inliytened1 Yep.

It originates from a selfish level of consciousness.

But also if suicidal thoughts help a person get through a dark time then that's fine too. If it helps with moving up the emotional scale and as a catalyst for your path then that's fine. It's a nuanced topic. 

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6 minutes ago, Artaemis said:

@Inliytened1 Yep.

It originates from a selfish level of consciousness.

But also if suicidal thoughts help a person get through a dark time then that's fine too. If it helps with moving up the emotional scale and as a catalyst for your path then that's fine. It's a nuanced topic. 

It is nuanced.   I think from my own direct experience that more consciousness ultimately helps with all mental disorders.  Mental disorders are a result of a blockage in consciousness somewhere.  And God is forever being pulled in the direction of more consciousness.  I have a post on OCD on this.   Psychedelics can really help open the mind and expand consciousness.  I think that this type of therapy will be very helpful in the future.


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It's an indicator of a lack of embodiment work.

Edited by Artaemis

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There's a lot of heaviness around this area. That's why I like AH's teachings.  She doesn't like the terms 'mental disorder' and 'clinical depression' as it really boxes someone in and it can become apart of their identity (which can be great in certain circumstances in my experience, but often constrictive of growth). 

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1 minute ago, Artaemis said:

There's a lot of heaviness around this area. That's why I like AH's teachings.  She doesn't like the terms 'mental disorder' and 'clinical depression' as it really boxes someone in and it can become apart of their identity (which can be great in certain circumstances in my experience, but often constrictive of growth). 

Agreed.  It's not really a disorder so that is a bad term.  It is simply a lack of consciousness.


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Suicide is only something God would do if She is imagining Herself so deeply to be a <separate self> that has forgot its Divinity AND feels very, very much like a victim of "a cruel world".

But nothing could be farther from the truth: <the separate self> IS in Reality pure imagination and IS in Reality God Herself and IS in Reality therefore the opposite of a victim: i.e. responsible and in power/control the whole time.

Therefore the situation of a 'imaginary separate self' commiting suicide is the complete opposite of enlightenment. It's the easiest way to not reach it. 

Cos God will try again right after, perhaps with a character that is slightly more in touch with The Divine. :-) But you still have to go through it all again.

If you want to awaken, do it now while you got the chance. :-)

Of course, if you don't want to awaken, you *could* still commit suicide, if you really wanted to (not that I recommend it: I don't at all, I'm a big fan of life/the dream). This would be equal to typing "-suicide" in a video game. The characther/NPC would die,  but a new one would spawn again soon after. :-)

The only chance to awaken is Now.

Awakening is the NPC/character realizing its Divinity/Godhead-nature. It's the most beautiful event possible inside God's dream.

Go for it. But don't take my word for it -- that it's beautiful. Search for understanding, honesty and truth for their own's sake. The truth may be bad, it may be good. You have no clue. Let go of beliefs and find out yourself... for understanding's sake. Knowledge is power (real knowledge, not belief-knowledge... although belief-knowledge sort of can be powerful too (in relative sense) if it's "relatively true").
With knowledge/power you can be free. Free to do as you please. Free to control yourself (and "others") as you please. As you please will most likely be in a Loving way, since God = Love (but again: don't take my word for it!). Don't believe anything I say.

EDIT: I'm here talking about the case of suicide for a person who's not awake, i.e. asleep in the dream, i.e. not aware of the dream's nature: dream (probably instead believing it to be "real" / "serious business").

I suppose some enlightened human beings will choose to commit suicide. Maybe.
I am enlightened and got no plans for it, currently, but who knows in the future. But that will be out of Love, not out of "lack/regret/fear" as in the first mentioned, asleep case.

Of course, ultimately speaking: a human being, who's asleep,  commiting suicide is also a Loving act (big L, non-duality you know). But in a relative sense it's the opposite of love: it's fear, hate, regret, lack, believing to be a separate victim-self of a cruel world.

Anyway, thanks for the good question <3

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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Of course not. Suicide thoughts overcome with discipline and family/community support/ music/ therapy/ psychedelics

healing is always possible, no matter how bad your “genetics” or mental “ilness” is. 

get right and left with God, and suicide isn’t a desirable option anymore. 

psyches for me saved my life and healed ALL my traumas (More to heal) and allowed me actually enter stage yellow and turquoise. 

still building strong foundation of blue and orange, while also listening to red and beige and the other “lesser” spirals

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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15 minutes ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:


psyches for me saved my life and healed ALL my traumas (More to heal) and allowed me actually enter stage yellow and turquoise. 

Exactly.  Psychedelics opened your mind.  You are a perfect example.   There are so many who will not wake up to Infinite Love!!!  God's greatest gift is its finite self realizing it is Infinite or Love.  It takes the distinction between not love (fear) and Love to actually awaken.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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30 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

God's greatest gift is its finite self realizing it is Infinite or Love

On point <3

It's the greatest gift exactly because of the infinite contrast  between the "separate/finite/lacking/fearing self" and then the awakening *of that* which now makes *that*(=you) conscious of the opposite: "Oneness/Infinity/Wholeness/Love".

Not only concious of that (Love) but you actually BECOME it. You become Whole/Complete/Infinite/Love. That's awakening. Remembering that you are that, and always have been, and forever will be ... I want to cry over how beautiful it is ...


Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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If you want to die because you are so done with life and can't take the suffering anymore..I would say that's the farthest thing from enlightenment. 

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3 minutes ago, Someone here said:

If you want to die because you are so done with life and can't take the suffering anymore..I would say that's the farthest thing from enlightenment. 

There can be valid reasons for wanting to end one's life (like in the case of chronic or terminal disease, or torture).

Just don't confuse it with God-realization.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

If you want to die because you are so done with life and can't take the suffering anymore..I would say that's the farthest thing from enlightenment. 

12 hours ago, BipolarGrowth said:

Isn't suicide the most direct way to let go of your survival, by definition? And wouldn’t the “You” be gone as well? 

@Someone here I wouldn't say that. There's plenty of people that suffering has been a catalyzer for enlightenment . I had an Awakening after a deep suffering situation which forced me to focus on my breath.

Eckhart Tolle reached enlightenment in almost suicidal moment of his life.


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oops, mispost.

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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3 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Eckhart Tolle reached enlightenment in almost suicidal moment of his life.

But that is not a point we want to guide people towards.

He got very lucky. Don't count on that. 99.9% of suicidal people will not awaken.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 minute ago, Leo Gura said:

There can be valid reasons for wanting to end one's life (like in the case of chronic or terminal disease).

Just don't confuse it with God-realization.

@Leo Gura 

Why is valid in your opinion to want to end one's life for chronic disease, and not because of depression? Can't see the difference.

Not that I agree with the terms "valid" anyway btw. Everything is "valid" to be. 

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

There can be valid reasons for wanted to end one's life.

Just don't confuse it with God-realization.

Yes I mean an enlightened person is not typically someone who's bitching about his life and just wants to die IMO. 

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4 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

@Leo Gura 

Why is valid in your opinion to want to end one's life for chronic disease, and not because of depression? Can't see the difference.

Not that I agree with the terms "valid" anyway btw. Everything is "valid" to be. 

Valid is a relative notion, of course.

Do whatever you want. But in this work/teaching we have some standards for what is acceptable and what is not.

Depression is something that can be reversed in many cases. So it's worth suffering through it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

99.9% of suicidal people will not awaken.

I was 1 ½ year ago (winter 2019) very suicidal. Very close to ending my own life. I was a big victim, crying over my inability to sleep and how cruel the world was to me (mostly because of my inability to sleep well, which made me feel like a zombie all the time). 

I was at the last step before actually doing it / trying it. Planned it. Wrote a note.
It was hell. Like a "bad trip" that'd never stop. What stopped me from commiting to the plan/actually killing myself, was my love for my family. After I "chickened out", I told myself that I was just not "strong enough" to "do it", and I just said to myself that I had to continue living, doing my best to become more happy again -- whatever it would take -- having faith in the universe that my sleep issues would slowly go away... they slowly, slowly did, but are even today creeping in the background.

I then got a job that I'm now very happy for, and yeah, suddenly the world just started being friendly towards me, even though I was still struggling/still felt like I was in "a bad trip" until around early summer 2019.

I have been suicidal at many points in my life actually. This winter 2019 was the most dramatic however. But even this winter, 6 months ago, I was also somewhat suicidal (also depressed). But it was milder than the 2019 one.

And where am I now? I'm awake, and I'm sure I would not have been without my depression.
However, I suppose you can become enlightened without depression. We are all unique.

This Tolle-quote resonates SO fucking much with me:

"The world is not there to make you happy, it is there to challenge you. The interesting thing is that when you stop expecting the world or situation to satisfy you, it usually flips and shows you it's friendly/benign face."

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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11 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

There can be valid reasons for wanting to end one's life (like in the case of chronic or terminal disease, or torture).

Just don't confuse it with God-realization.

@Leo Gura In your latest video, you said that we, humans, called God death. So, how is shooting myself different from naturally dying, in regards to God-realization? 

Death is death, right?

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