
Psychedelics dr. Arthur Janov Pshychoteraphy

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In his book "the new primal scream" he mention that using pshychedelics can be dangerous for you'r mental health (weaken the gating of reppressed emotions) I wonder what are your thoughts on this?20200613_210851.jpg

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This is true but that doesn't that is very useful in some cases.

Most people build strong defence mechanism when they are young and because of them they suffer all sorts of neurosis and diseases.

In fact a goal of psychoanalysis is to guide the patient to break down those defences and let him re-experience the pain that then allows healing.

It is true that for people with severe mental trauma that are not psychological stable opening the "flood gates" radically trough the use of psychedelics it can lead to stronger and more disfunctional defences and regression but for most people psychedelics are an extremely potent way to heal.

Just my thoughts :D

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@max duewel

7 hours ago, max duewel said:


  1. Most people build strong defence mechanism when they are young and because of them they suffer all sorts of neurosis and diseases.



Yeah thats the majority of people, but here he says that if you abuse those chemicals/poor childhood experiences the gates that keep your "bad" stuff in unconcious, begin to  rotten, this means you are anxios(or other neuratic symtom) in constant time even when you don t need to be.


7 hours ago, max duewel said:



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@Marianitozz it does. if you become addicted of them, anxiety, depression, panic attack and paranoia could occur, which is totally sucks :) 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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