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In Retrospect

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Thought: Somewhat cloudy and polarized. Not too loud or distracting though. Overall; positively charged. Several good ideas. Minor downloads. Some echo and delay. Awareness over thought; rather effortless. Prolonged periods of complete silence.

Sensation: Woke up with a smile, falling asleep at peace. Minor turbulence. Release of stored tension. Very satisfying resistance exercise. Some drag and some rush. Love showers. - quite a few. Floating. Bliss. Joy. Excitemen. Peace. Contractions; one or two. Overall; nicely balanced and pleasant.

Perspective: Mainly clear. Beautiful moments of crystal definition. Cartoon lucidity. Light admiration. Unification of seemingly opposite points of views. Several shifts and minor collapses. Frequent jumping. Bird's eye view. Seeing the mirror. Seeing nothing. Loking back at what is. Transparency. Detachment; rather effortless. 




Overview: Great Day. Nice conscious breathing. - Can be even less disturbed and more grounded. The body is opening up and becoming stronger, firmer. Decent mental and emotional balance.

An invitation for improvement: patience, discipline, absolute respect and understanding. Big picture, long game. More inspired action. Less hibernation. More being - less imagination, seeking gratification, pleasure and resonance. Purify senses more. Watch out for awkward body posture. Zoom out more often. 

Edited by ivankiss

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