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Tiny Nietzsche

What should I do with Cyberpunk 2077?

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Just watched Life Advice For Young People - Part 2.., That game is so teasing & captivating, I know It will surely consume my hours (at least 500 hours I suspect), and yes, I'm 25 already, Things in my life ain't yet together.. I'm really afraid I'd regret myself getting immersed to that game.. But yeah.. You know.. It's easy to than done, I really want to play it

Edited by Tiny Nietzsche

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Why are you posting the same question again. Do you expect people to encourage you to buy the pc and play the game? In a self-actualization forum?

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The best choice is beyond obvious, like super polished crystal clear

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You need to evaluate your deeper motives of why you want to do what you want to do
Why do you reaaally want to play the game? 
For what? 
And dont stop with "because its fun"
ask why 10x times

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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You're still young like me.

I suggest you just work hard to have an amazing life by the actual year 2077.

Edited by Extreme Z7

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Didn't you make another thread about this? Why do you feel so much resistance regarding whether or not you play this game? You're not going to enjoy it either way if you do get it and feeling something is off. It's just my opinion but I wouldn't spend all that money on a PC just to play this game if you have other financial issues, if money isn't an issue for you then it shouldn't be a problem. You can play it for way cheaper than spending thousands of dollars. If it's a matter of time then ask why you feel you are wasting your time, love yourself. It isn't about changing yourself but loving yourself fully. That's when actual change can occur. 

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how do people know my previous topic, did they check my profile before reply (quite weird) or just remember me? :S /TY all for replies

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It depends. Some people to relax will spend time in a forum, others watching a movie, others watching TV Shows, others taking a walk...

There´s no problem in instead of doing this things, you choose to play Cyberpunk.

The problem would arise if you would play Cyberpunk ON TOP of everything else you already doing of fun and entertainment.

It depends if you are going to burn those 500 hours in a 18, 12, 6, or 3 months.

I wouldnt see crazy to spend 500 hours on entertainment in a whole year.

Edited by Javfly33

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stop investing your time and energy on the thing that is volatile, turn your own life to an adventurous game instead! 



"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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Just let it go bro, let it go

You'll regret it 

Edited by Hello from Russia

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I don't think occasional video gaming is that bad as long as it relaxes you or may support creativity. It is not different from binging on Netflix series although lot of people demonise gaming while wasting 4 hours a day watching crap. Don't let it become an addiction though and observe how gaming makes you feel. If you end up angry, frustrated and unhappy those are clear signs that it is not doing you well

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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On 12-6-2020 at 10:10 PM, Espaim said:

The best choice is beyond obvious, like super polished crystal clear

+1 made me giggle. Maybe admitting that you know what the best choice is can be the first step. Then see if you can make the decision to follow your higher self. Then see if you can compassionately follow up on that decision.

It can help to draw to paths, one where you play the video game and live that lifestyle, another where you pick up some other habits instead. Visualize both paths 1 month, 6 months, a year, 5 years, 10 years down the road. See if the contrast between those visions gets you some motivation.

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I think it's okay to have some downtime. Watch a couple netflix episodes, or play video games for an hour or two each day at maximum. But set your limit, and don't spend entire weekends or evenings like a sloth in front of a screen.

I believe even Leo has mentioned watching movies, documentaries, television series, etc. You can't meditate or be productive 24/7. That's not the right balance either IMO.

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On 6/12/2020 at 3:07 PM, EnlightenmentBlog said:

Why are you posting the same question again. Do you expect people to encourage you to buy the pc and play the game? In a self-actualization forum?

I think that letting someone indulge in something to excess can be considered a valid strategy.

It's like when a parent lets their child smoke as many cigarettes as they want, until they get physically sick and never smoke another one.

And if he's asking this question again, it's clear that nothing is gonna stop him. My personal policy is that if I think of something I want 3 times, or if my interest lasts for over a week, then I do it. Otherwise it will just keep coming up.

This is essentially how I quit gaming over the course of a few years. I did it often in my teenage years to the point where I finally realized that playing games all day is psychologically no easier or more pleasant than working all day.

Edited by smurf88

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You know it's the wrong decision for you, that is why you are asking this question again. To justify a bad decision. You have gotten your advice in the first thread already. 

On 13.6.2020 at 6:29 AM, Lyubov said:

You're not going to enjoy it either way if you do get it and feeling something is off.


Its probably like a mind virus right now because you watched a lot of gameplay videos/reviews of it till now. If you put your mind to other things the desire will probably get weaker. 

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