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Any of you feeling or sounding like a robot during self actualizing?

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Hey, self actualizes, I am almost 23 years old, working at a job and also from home selling online, and have been living alone for the last 2 years moving out from my parents.

I've been into personal development since 2014 when I had to decide what career I wanted after graduating high school in 2015 and got into it when I was obese at that time and wanted to get better with girls. 

My life has been completely reinvented from the personal development journey. 

There are times where I go several weeks where I randomly do a 1-2 day water fast, stay in my house watch lectures and read books all day, meditate, and go without masturbating or having sex. I also go into isolation where I rarely talk to anyone for a couple of days and focus on myself and my work. 

Then almost 3 weeks after I stick with this routine I become robotic-like, monotone in my voice and my emotions are rigid. When I communicate with people this way especially girls I tend to not have an interest in talking to them or if I do my conversation skills really suck. 

I want to know if any of you are relating to this feeling of being this way after working on yourselves?

 For example, have also observed in Leo's newest videos through his body language including his voice that he's more monotone, and he doesn't show a lot of facial expressions. 

Has it impacted your relationships, professional life or friendships? 

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Yea a bit. Like being programmed. 

I wanted self actualization to be more natural and effortless. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Preety_India Have you found a balance around that? or Is this something you continue to contemplate about yourself and how you can breakthrough to keep improving?

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