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Life metaphor of owning a non essential business in the Covid 19 pandemic. 

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At my salon, there have been people being so ignorant of why we have extra step procedures for protection right now. What they aren't understanding is that we were closed for thirty days! Unheard of! And when you are finally open again, you'll do anything you can or must to stay open!

Likewise, we are open in childhood, then we close up for so long we forget what being open felt like. So when we open again, we'll do whatever we can or must to stay open!

Of course sometimes these manifest in unhealthy ways like drugs or other vices. Then there's a whole road to recovery and to stabilize. It's the process. It's the involution of alpha.


Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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