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Self-Actualisation or Human Rights?

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In recent weeks im sure youve been aware of all the George Floyd and black lives matter news thats been going on. This has sparked a need in me, being mixed race and going through racism in the UK, to look into the issues around black people in the UK and what can be done to help. I was very aware of it previously and had a period where i looked into how a white dominated society came about and what the effects of such a thing would be, at a time i was very passionate abut it, maybe my green side or stage. Last few years ive been more interested in non-duality and had many amazing insights and my perception has changed about life in general. 

However I have felt i needed some higher cause to help, at the moment i make money with things like amazon fba, so although fine and pay the bills theres nothing really past that. But even this ive come to terms with an said to myself ill go with the flow, if something else comes up that makes sense ill flow with that. So with all the racial stuff going on its taken me back to the type of mindset i was in before and i would like to help out where i can. I think the underlying issue and what can really make a change is as always awareness, in 2 parts 1. helping white people be aware of the system that they live within and how that effects people who dont look like them negatively. So they can understand these people on the same level as them and will not so easily ignore the advantages they enjoy at others detriment. 2. For black people to know their own self worth and understand that they are worthy of equal footing with white people and dont need to do things like bleach their skin or straighten their hair. 

To do this some kind of education would be needed, could be work seminars, community talks, talks at school etc. I feel this could help. The reasons why i dont want to do it is because although at the moment ive revived my passion for it, its not actually my main interest as i said im more interested in non-duality and self-actualization and i also think there are many speakers out there doing this that are better at it than me and have an audience. I have little experience public speaking so im not even sure if ill be good, but still i would like to try. Although ive looked into it quite deeply, i have no formal qualifications in it and there are many that have studied this and are experts. My thinking was that i consider myself to think in a more systems way so im not sure if others would approach it the same way as me, so maybe that could provide something new into the mix. Another way to do this would be a podcast or something. 

So i guess what im asking for is just some advice, its like i want to do it but it feels a bit daunting and im also thinking i might be limited by it, as in i cant talk about things i most want to talk about, i dont know, what do you guys think?

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Most of the people stuck in that paradigm have very limited world views. You can learn how to bring blue up to orange maybe, but there is a lot of resources for that anyway. A lot of the issues are structural and not so much on people being unaware of the issue aside from older generations. Let another generation or so die off and most of these issues will reduce a good chunk. Newer generations are much more knowledgeable and accepting. If you find it highly valuable though, then go pursue it. If you do though look at the structure though and not so much trying to just educate older generations, which might be a waste of time. Look at issues like the education system, poverty, etc. You would need green systems and thinking in order to rid the "me" thinking in how a lot of structure is built. 


Edited by Average Investor

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@Average InvestorThanks for your feedback. You might have a point when you say that this will die out with the older generations, I think in general it's younger people that have been protesting here, so in theory they're already on board for change. However I feel there could be something there in terms of empowerment for young black people. 

System wise there are glaring issues but these would have to be addressed in the political sphere, which I could look into these further and see if there's anything possible there. The other thing is that there's a lot of money that's been raised for blm, and in general people to back things that provide positive movement for black people, so there is money available, I'm not interested in the money personally but in terms of being able to fund something good. I don't know how long this goodwill will last though 

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@Consept It will likely just be a trend for now while people are bored from the virus. Keep that in mind if you want to form a podcast right now, I would be sure you really want to voice that opinion long term. Look at where your growth is and heading. I bet you will surpass most of this stuff anyway. It is unfortunate that a big piece of the collective is ignorant on the topic. If you do go with it though you would want to pinpoint that infrastructure that is really keeping ways of old thinking. 

Most of this change will keep coming in waves as you have seen in the past. I should mention I have not looked at any of the news around the topic, but just have the general gist from the last run of protests. 

Look into becoming a spiral wizard if you want to advance others. It will require heavy research on spiral dynamics. I have thought about doing something similar myself, but on larger thinking themes as a whole. 

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