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Where does the Leo gets so much content to speak about.

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Hi All

I see @Leo GuraLeo has a lot of content to speak about? Where is it coming from?

I would like to know when you are more and more in present (we aren't in the past or future state i.e. dream state being awake) will it not reduce the content to speak more and more. 

I mean when we meditate we are trying to be in the present moment and not go in the past or future if we do more of it aren't we left to be more and more in present and if so how does Leo get the content to speak on so much. 

Below is how I meditate.  

This is my observation with myself when I sit to meditate I initially see how I am making stories with myself from the past or the future or someone said me something blah bhahhhhh. Then suddenly I will realize I am doing this when I see there someone watching this my going here there in the past and present.

So, for now, I am just trying to be that which sees that I go here and there. My attention is on not letting it go here and there. 

So in the day, I see how I am making stories and thinking nonsense stuff. So I try to bring my attention back on the one who is seeing me making stories. 

So as per my observation, I am just trying to understand how Leo gets all this content? 

Let me know your thoughts. 





Edited by Err

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Step 1: Be very curious. 

Step 2: Read at least 50 books per year. Non-fiction ranging from psychology, philosophy, metaphysics. 

Step 3: Observe. Contemplate. Meditate. 

Step 4: Integrate what you learn.

Repeat these steps until you reach infinite intelligence. Then STOP. 

Edited by JosephKnecht

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Directly from God™

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Leo has read a lot of books in his lifetime. Especially in his earlier videos you can even tell sometimes what exact books the information is coming from. In his more recent videos, he is drawing a lot from his experiences with meditation and especially 5-MeO-DMT, and consequently his content is different, more original and generally on a higher level than a few years ago. If you had read all the books that he read, and did all the self-actualization work that he did, you would have a lot of things to talk about as well.

From what you're describing it seems that you are beginning to develop more awareness. This is good. You're on the right track. Keep meditating every day, read books, watch videos of Leo's or other high consciousness teachers, and in time the whole thing will snowball and you will develop more awareness and be able to connect so many dots in a similar way that Leo did it. I wish you all the best on your hero's journey. :)

Oh, and contrary to what the previous poster said, of course reading non-fiction and self-help books is a good idea, but I would suggest reading great fiction as well. Do not underestimate how much you can learn and grow from reading the greats of world literature. I can't possibly list every author that is worth reading, there are so many, but some of my favourites are Dostoyevski, Tolstoi, Hesse, Kafka, Zweig and Thomas Bernhard. Poetry is worth getting into as well. I for example particularly like Shakespeare, Blake, Frost and some German and Austrian ones like Goethe, Rilke and Celan. There is so much great literature to explore and enjoy!

Edited by KingCrimson

He is the Maker and the world he made, He is the vision and he is the Seer,
He is himself the actor and the act, He is himself the knower and the known,
He is himself the dreamer and the dream. 
- Sri Aurobindo, Savitri

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