
Is Mike Tyson Enlightened?

23 posts in this topic

he crealy took DMT, so ? 
Leo calls his psychedelic trips "awakenings"

what is the difference between psychedelic trip and enlightenment ?

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No but he's a wonderful representation of someone who has had a tremendous amount of love in his life the entire time and never knew it until he had his experience with the toad.  

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@Nahm are you sure  ? 
cuz tbh I rather feel like my subconscious is telling this whole business is a scam
i mean you gotta live this life anyways enlighement or not
"You chop wood and carry water"
what is the difference?
why even bother? 
life is very demanding with out 
to pull out happy life and important aspects of it is an art itself 
just read yesterday Osho days were pretty much regular from his descrption


Edited by OmniYoga

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Leo said he has experienced levels of awakening to such a depth that he doesn't know if anybody else has experienced levels of awakening of the same caliber. He said nobody in the forum is awake. If this is true (which I am inclined to believe), someone random guy like Mike Tyson is incredibly unlikely to be even as conscious and spiritually developed as myself! I'm probably way more conscious and spiritually developed than Mike, and I ain't enlightened, it'll take another year and a half for me to even start expecting a full blown enlightenment occurrence. 

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@Aaron p I'm no expert in this topic but will just give you how I see it personally. 

"Enlightenment " is not a realization that occurs in your mind. Any realization couched within your mind is limited.. relative and impermanent. If enlightenment is a particular realization it would be limited. . Relative and impermanent. Which makes it not a big deal. Just another realization. Another experience and there is always more to come be sure of that.  How I see it .. Enlightenment is NOT the realization of the absolute truth.. Enlightenment IS the absolute truth. And since absloute truth is all that there is.. Enlightenment is all that there is. And therefore you are not enlightened because you are enlightenment itself. 

And that makes the questioni Of " is X enlightened "a very funny question IMO. The very first thing you learn about enlightenment is that the person is illusory. There is no person to begin with. And yet you ask is the person enlightened lol. 

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37 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Aaron p I'm no expert in this topic but will just give you how I see it personally. 

"Enlightenment " is not a realization that occurs in your mind. Any realization couched within your mind is limited.. relative and impermanent. If enlightenment is a particular realization it would be limited. . Relative and impermanent. Which makes it not a big deal. Just another realization. Another experience and there is always more to come be sure of that.  How I see it .. Enlightenment is NOT the realization of the absolute truth.. Enlightenment IS the absolute truth. And since absloute truth is all that there is.. Enlightenment is all that there is. And therefore you are not enlightened because you are enlightenment itself. 

And that makes the questioni Of " is X enlightened "a very funny question IMO. The very first thing you learn about enlightenment is that the person is illusory. There is no person to begin with. And yet you ask is the person enlightened lol. 

@Someone here Careful, you are falling into a classic Neo- Advaita trap 

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7 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

@Someone here Careful, you are falling into a classic Neo- Advaita trap 

I don't care what Neo-Advaita says about it. Go through the inquiry and find out for yourself. The notion of an enlightened person and a more enlightened person like it's some sort of a super Mario game of reaching higher and higher levels is just funny IMO and reflects that the person hasn't grasped even 1% of what enlightenment really is and still playing ego games.  If "you" are not even real, how in the earth can "you" become enlightened?. Enlightenment is not a specific thing within reality. Enlightenment is reality itself. That's just my opinion ofc. But then again it doesn't matter from where I see it. 

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6 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I don't care what Neo-Advaita says about it. Go through the inquiry and find out for yourself. The notion of an enlightened person and a more enlightened person like it's some sort of a super Mario game of reaching higher and higher levels is just funny IMO and reflects that the person hasn't grasped even 1% of what enlightenment really is and still playing ego games.  If "you" are not even real, how in the earth can "you" become enlightened?. Enlightenment is not a specific thing within reality. Enlightenment is reality itself. That's just my opinion ofc. But then again it doesn't matter from where I see it. 

There´s no "I", you are totally right.

There is just ONE. This One can be conscious what it is, or not.

To the state of the ONE being conciouss, we call that being enlightened.

Enlightement is a state of being

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Just now, Javfly33 said:

There´s no "I", you are totally right.

There is just ONE. This One can be conscious what it is, or not.

To the state of the ONE being conciouss, we call that being enlightened.

Enlightement is a state of being

Let it go and you will be it as you already are.. Or don't. 

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Stop playing games Iron Mike is currently one the most enlightened  being on the planet. 
He had to start out brutish to get there. He had to pass through all the tiers, all colors to complete the prism of consciousness.   Leo has more book knowledge and his place in the pantheon but Iron Mike has Buddha nature, natural spiritual talent. 
Others may get there but they have to work at it more. However Leo is integrating from a new awakening so will have to see 



See this. it's wrong 






 The pyramid,   this is the foundation that stands upright 




Edited by Nak Khid

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3 hours ago, OmniYoga said:

he crealy took DMT, so ? 
Leo calls his psychedelic trips "awakenings"

what is the difference between psychedelic trip and enlightenment ?

If you are enlightened, then Mike Tyson is Enlightened. Are you awake are you asleep? 

Psychodelic trips are pointers to another dimension, but they are not the destination. Psychodelic trips are just trips. 

Who cares what Leo calls his trips. Who cares which pills Neo took in the Matrix. It is about which pills YOU are willing to take? 

Red or Blue pill. You choose! 

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@Someone here so are you saying Mike Tyson is not real ?

if there is no I, who is experience consciousness ?
who is conscious ?
who is having a life experience?
doesn't make sense

Edited by OmniYoga

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2 hours ago, Someone here said:

I don't care what Neo-Advaita says about it. Go through the inquiry and find out for yourself. The notion of an enlightened person and a more enlightened person like it's some sort of a super Mario game of reaching higher and higher levels is just funny IMO and reflects that the person hasn't grasped even 1% of what enlightenment really is and still playing ego games.  If "you" are not even real, how in the earth can "you" become enlightened?. Enlightenment is not a specific thing within reality. Enlightenment is reality itself. That's just my opinion ofc. But then again it doesn't matter from where I see it. 

Can you explain Neo advaita trap in detail?

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46 minutes ago, OmniYoga said:

@Someone here so are you saying Mike Tyson is not real ?

if there is no I, who is experience consciousness ?
who is conscious ?
who is having a life experience?
doesn't make sense

There is no such thing as "I" in reality. By that I don't mean obviously the body doesn't exist or the mind or perceptions etc. All that is real. But there is no "you" In the middle of all that.  Try it. Pinpoint where exactly is this "you" in actuality? Where does "you" reside?.  Notice that whatever answer you come with can't be you because it will be the object of experience and not the subject. The subject of experience is never an object to experience. In other words you can't find yourself. You just are yourself. And what That is, is just this.  The person that you think you are is just an idea occurring within this. 

Edited by Someone here

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54 minutes ago, An young being said:

Can you explain Neo advaita trap in detail?

They mean the trap of "you are already enlightened and there's nothing to search about". That's indeed a trap but it's absolutely true nevertheless.

Deal with that lol. 

Edited by Someone here

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That's why it's called the pathless path ❤

Sometimes the desperate hardcore seeking and or suffering leads to so much energy buildup that it creates a dropping away or deep recognition... and sometimes it doesn't.

See the seeking reenforces/ perpetuates the belief that there is a separate individual that will maybe one day find something called enlightenment...

But enlightenment is the cessation of the illusory self structure which is seeking lol....see the issue?

it's kind of like screaming for silence...

It's so simple and so difficult simultaneously... because in one sense it's already the case and in another it's not recognized at all.

It is what it is...



“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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I listen to mikes Hotboxin podcast regularly. He’s a very intelligent guy, a lot more intelligent than people give him credit for. His historical knowledge on a very wide range of subjects is quite astounding to be honest with you. He regularly talks of his toad experiences and has no doubt gone very deep into consciousness. But from the way he talks about these experiences, Mike doesn’t know what consciousness actually is. He’s done the toad with no prior work into consciousness. He basically just blasted himself in there and gets completely overwhelmed. He’s talked about how he died, he became god during these trips. But yet he still doesn’t realise he is god. He consistently talks about god as if gods out there somewhere, as if we will be judged at the end of our days, that type thing. Tyson is absolutely laced with beliefs, even though he’s had a number of direct experiences using the toad. Maybe he knows in some way, but his ego definitely is not accepting whatever he was subjected to during his trips. He no prior insight to what consciousness is, so basically when he trips he just doesn’t have a clue what’s actually going on. He seems like someone who definitely would get there if he found or came across the right guidance. would be perfect for Tyson. And he seems the type of guy who would do the work and take it seriously. He’s clearly a masterful learner, to learn the boxing skills he did, with his early background and that deserves nothing but respect. And as I say his historical knowledge is right up there. Infact, that is one podcast I’d like to see leo on, as Tyson would be nothing but highly interested in what he had to say. But in all likelihood he’s not even aware of Leo. Leo being mikes teacher, now that’s be a story? unless Tyson decided to knock him out one day when Leo’s trying to get through to him by calling him a donkey?. Anyway either way, mike Tyson is not enlightened. Far from it. And unfortunately if he ever did become totally awake, and decided to make it public, they’d probably lock him up in a mental institute claiming he’d gone mad and thinks he’s god, because of the unfortunate way he’s been perceived down the years. Because that’s the way of the current world

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@Aaron p

On 6/12/2020 at 0:43 PM, VeganAwake said:

That's why it's called the pathless path ❤

Sometimes the desperate hardcore seeking and or suffering leads to so much energy buildup that it creates a dropping away or deep recognition... and sometimes it doesn't.

See the seeking reenforces/ perpetuates the belief that there is a separate individual that will maybe one day find something called enlightenment...

But enlightenment is the cessation of the illusory self structure which is seeking lol....see the issue?

it's kind of like screaming for silence...

It's so simple and so difficult simultaneously... because in one sense it's already the case and in another it's not recognized at all.

It is what it is...



There is no way to know how much awaken someone is in this forum.  They may or may not be awake more than Leo. Two possibilties that Leo is trying to pull off.  One he is trying to push people's buttons to test their own ego and the other is Leo is biased.  Someone can be completely awakened and may not be able to articulate it as well as someone like Leo or a great salesman like Tony Robbins.  

Edited by Tanz

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I didn't see anyone mention that Mike's getting ready to fight again, seems like a partial regression to me.

Edited by CultivateLove

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