
What are we working towards? Is it like a single staircase to infinity?

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Hear me out. So Leo, talks about deeper levels of awakening, he's reached, through psychedelics. Mystical experiences are rare amongst the crowd here. Most of us are glued on to the pursuit of enlightenment and doing spiritual work, but we take on ideologies from what we hear and turn it into a gooey mess. And even enlightenment, to us, is a very basic and proto concept. In a word : non-duality, but is something, most of us don't experience. And the majority of the time, we are distracted from even the basic idea of spirituality. 

So, some of us who venture into it, find it very deep, in the sense, that there could be a million different experiences, and there is nothing to measure it or compare it against. And the major thing is - If I become more loving, and more accepting of other's opinions and feelings, and of my own repressions. Now that is a few steps up the staircase, i was talking about. And the only reason I'd be more loving and more accepting, is cause if feels good, and it's now a part of who I am. It is devoid of reason and meaning, but it feels better and purer, in an intuitive sense, of which I have nothing to compare it with. 

The whole spiritual process, feels like a leap of faith, a jump down the mountain with eyes closed. No one knows what I might encounter next in life cause of the decisions I have taken, and whether I have could have had a certain person in my life, had if not been like I was. What is it all about? This struggle, this urge, and this feeling to climb up the stairs? To god knows where. 

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16 minutes ago, Nahm said:


What’s awakening mean to you?

An opening up of an aspect of reality which was previously unknown in my experience. 

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@assx95 don't you wanna know your true existential nature? It's bigger than a experience. It's a knowing.

It makes you still. It makes you feel fearless. It makes you feel like a new born child ready to explore the world. 

Yes sure this urge to know comes at different times to different people. You can give yourself sometime before you jump into it, but when you do there's nothing more important for you than this. 

This is not some aspect of life but rather this is about the very basis, the very fundamentals of life. And yes you don't know where you will end up but that's the beauty of it not a flaw.

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29 minutes ago, Nahm said:

What aspect do you have in mind?

Non duality. 


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26 minutes ago, Harsh Bagdia said:

don't you wanna know your true existential nature? It's bigger than a experience. It's a knowing.

It makes you still. It makes you feel fearless. It makes you feel like a new born child ready to explore the world. 

Yes sure this urge to know comes at different times to different people. You can give yourself sometime before you jump into it, but when you do there's nothing more important for you than this. 

This is not some aspect of life but rather this is about the very basis, the very fundamentals of life. And yes you don't know where you will end up but that's the beauty of it not a flaw.

This is all theory to me. I am unable to experience any of it,  to feel it deeply. I am unable to reason my way towards spirituality. 

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2 minutes ago, The Lucid Dreamer said:

Have you taken any psychs? 

Acid twice, dose of ~ 150 mics. 
And Marijuana, both by smoking, and edibles.  

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Nonduality, implying “not two”. 

So, is there a ‘you’ working toward ‘something’?

Is there a ‘you’ which ‘took on ideologies’?

Aren’t they as they appear - your own ?

How could an ‘us’ experience not two?

Ultimately, who’s belief is this climbing up stairs concept?



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7 minutes ago, Nahm said:

So, is there a ‘you’ working toward ‘something’?

Of course, I am working towards getting myself to see the nondual aspect of reality. 

9 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Is there a ‘you’ which ‘took on ideologies’?

When I tell people about things like enlightenment, which I haven't experienced myself, it does seem like, I have taken on ideologies. To even think there is a thing called "enlightenment", i have to believe, without experiencing it, and that's what I have done. 

11 minutes ago, Nahm said:

How could an ‘us’ experience not two?

That is not possible. Cause my world is personal and i don't think anyone else experiences my joy, and my pain. 


12 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Aren’t they as they appear - your own ?

It does seem like that. Cause i begin claiming it as my ideology, although i might have borrowed it from elsewhere. 

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22 minutes ago, assx95 said:

Of course, I am working towards getting myself to see the nondual aspect of reality. 

This is a group project the three of you are working on?


When I tell people about things like enlightenment, which I haven't experienced myself, it does seem like, I have taken on ideologies.

What exactly are you telling people about then? What’s the content, the actual words? 


To even think there is a thing called "enlightenment", i have to believe, without experiencing it, and that's what I have done. 

That is the belief at play. That isn’t true at all, you believe it is. It justifies your ideologies. But feeling is saying, no, no sir. 


That is not possible. Cause my world is personal and i don't think anyone else experiences my joy, and my pain. 

Wow. You you you. Ok. Maybe everyone else could have some too? Perhaps you could share? ?


It does seem like that. Cause i begin claiming it as my ideology, although i might have borrowed it from elsewhere. 

Seems like you’re claiming the whole damn experience imo. Well on your way to solipsism. 

You know, McDonalds says their food is good. Up to you though.



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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

What exactly are you telling people about then? What’s the content, the actual words? 

When I tell people about enlightenment, i tell them how, it sometimes feels like :  the fingers I am typing with, the hands attached to my fingers, the the laptop in front of me, the entire room, and my body, and even my entire self, is part of a big machine. That all of it are just forms with distinct features, but they are all made up of the same thing. I don't know what they are made out of.  But it does feel like every single object that I perceive, is analogous to how there are objects in the dream. 

The other thing I tell them, is how the world would appear different, and it would all seem magical and mysterious, when they get enlightened. But i don't know what I am talking about, cause i haven't experienced it myself. 

Edited by assx95

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Do you want to wake up from this reality and remember who you are completely, and definetely, more than anything else?

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@assx95 just snort some 5meo man. 



Edited by Aaron p

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What is believed to be a thing looked for is itself only a belief there are things, and one who looks, at things. Inspect. Look at a thing. Find the separation between the object, the seeing, and the knowing of the seeing. What separates these? You’ll notice thoughts arise, such as “things”, “objects”, “seeing”...notice the thoughts, and look for the separation between the knowing of the thoughts, and the thoughts. What separates these?

Then consider dreams, and the knowing of them. Look for the separation. What separates them? What is the literal actual separation between the dream state, and the waking state, and the knowing of these? What separates these? You’ll notice thoughts arise, such as “I do”, “me”, “one is this”, “the other is this”. Notice the thoughts, and look for the separation between the knowing of thoughts, and the thoughts. What separates the knowing of the dream state, from the knowing of the waking state? 

Give consideration to perception. If you can not find separation between objects, seeing, and knowing, nor of the dream state, waking state, and the knowing - what is perception? Notice thoughts arise, and look for the separation between the thoughts and the knowing of. 

Then look for the separation between knowing, and the I, and the myself. What separates these from knowing? 



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2 hours ago, assx95 said:

This is all theory to me. I am unable to experience any of it,  to feel it deeply. I am unable to reason my way towards spirituality. 

There's no hurry.

Focus on complete financial independence and understanding personal psychology-

What is thought? What is thinking? What is mind? What are emotions-fear, anger, happiness etc.? How does mind work? 

how society works? How my body works?

Not by reading a book but by direct experience and understanding. After all this, naturally a question will arise,

"Who am I?"  And it will bother you so much that it would be good enough reason for your way towards Spirituality. If you aren't asking yourself who am I, then you are just trying to pursue this because it seems so cool. 

Sri Ramakrishna said:
“Do not seek illumination

unless you seek it

as a man whose hair is on fire

seeks a pond.”

But yeah Psychedelics can show you glimpses of it without going through earlier stages of financial independence and understanding of mind which can then lead you towards this path which happened with me. 

Lastly I will like to add what Leo says,

Pursue Truth for truth's sake.

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

Do you want to wake up from this reality and remember who you are completely, and definetely, more than anything else?

Yeah, much more than anything else. 

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1 minute ago, assx95 said:


Yeah, much more than anything else. 

Are you sure? Go to the mountains 21 days with no food just water. That would be a good start of surrender towards something real and not just mambo jambo.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

What is believed to be a thing looked for is itself only a belief there are things, and one who looks, at things. Inspect. Look at a thing. Find the separation between the object, the seeing, and the knowing of the seeing. What separates these? You’ll notice thoughts arise, such as “things”, “objects”, “seeing”...notice the thoughts, and look for the separation between the knowing of the thoughts, and the thoughts. What separates these?

There is no separation. The object, the seeing and the knowing of it, are all one and the same. 

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