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Hindu Vedanta Compared To Buddism

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I have been following Hindu Vedanta with respect to Atman and Brahman.  It seems like Buddhism is more well known and popular than Hindu Vedanta.  In addition to this the Buddha rejected Atman,  (Anatman).  Why is this?  Could you provide some clarification?

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1 hour ago, Henri said:



This is accurate, it depends on the perspective; 

If you look at a wave, you need both the Crests and troughs or there is no wave.

The Buddha taught bliss through extinguishment (trough), the Hindu Vedantas taught bliss through fullness(or purpose) (crest).

There are also downsides to the bliss in both, via misunderstanding; with Buddhism you can get to nihilism and/or an ego driven marit system, with Hinduism you get a cast system, and/or an ego driven purpose. 

Edited by SkyPanther

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