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Off balance.

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The dream is an experience. In the experience this is only real, and therefore unsatisfying. I am real, you are real, this is real, the goal is real. In the dream there is a constant movement away from this. It is a perpetual denying of this just being. The movement away from this makes it appear real and seem like there is something to achieve or get, in order to achieve fulfillment. The fullfilment is never satisfied permanently, only through quick fixes, which actually is the satisfaction of fulfilling/feeding the energy of needing, for a moment. When this is only real and you deny the unreality that this is too, you are off balance and unsatisfied. The experience of just real is dull and dead. This is known, so it is not important for you to pay attention to, it is only an obstacle in your way to get fulfillment in the future. The movement away from this is this as well. You are not to do anything. There is a all encompassing effortless letting go or allowance that is open for everything to happen. The energy of seeking does not need to be gotten rid off, it is just as much this as reading these words are. The individual is an illusion taking ownership for everything, it indeed takes ownership over the energy of seeking and fails to get rid of it.

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1 hour ago, traveler said:

The dream is an experience. In the experience this is only real, and therefore unsatisfying. I am real, you are real, this is real, the goal is real. In the dream there is a constant movement away from this. It is a perpetual denying of this just being. The movement away from this makes it appear real and seem like there is something to achieve or get, in order to achieve fulfillment. The fullfilment is never satisfied permanently, only through quick fixes, which actually is the satisfaction of fulfilling/feeding the energy of needing, for a moment. When this is only real and you deny the unreality that this is too, you are off balance and unsatisfied. The experience of just real is dull and dead. This is known, so it is not important for you to pay attention to, it is only an obstacle in your way to get fulfillment in the future. The movement away from this is this as well. You are not to do anything. There is a all encompassing effortless letting go or allowance that is open for everything to happen. The energy of seeking does not need to be gotten rid off, it is just as much this as reading these words are. The individual is an illusion taking ownership for everything, it indeed takes ownership over the energy of seeking and fails to get rid of it.

A great way of explaining it ?

In a sense the recognition that there is nothing to be found and no one who could find it,  is the seeking energy going bye-bye ?


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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