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God's Personhood?

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the following is (just) metaphysical speculation.

Leo made clear in another thread that 'Will' is the case and that Consciousness is Will.

Will seems to be the attribute of a 'person'. I have recently come across a few sources which seem to say that God is a 'Person' (of course not in the sense that we think, while our personhood might be a reflection of God's Personhood) whereas before I had the idea that it was not, just undefined and 'enlightenment' would be the 'merging' with that Undefined/Undefinable.

As an example - Stephen Jourdain. He is somebody who openly says in the same book from which I quote that he is God. Quote: "My story isn't that of a fusion into a great, anonymous mass, but that of the birth of a new person. It must be well-understood: A spiritual person, an entity without either features nor contours yet definitely a person."

What do you think/understand about this? especially @Leo Gura and others who have had direct experience.

Edited by Petals

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Yes, but it's kind of less confusing to say consciousness instead of person. When we say person we might think - seperate, has problems, likes and dislikes...

But yes, when I became conscious of God, my reaction was - wow, reality as a whole "has a person" :D

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God has infinite qualities. In this way, Reality possesses both personal and impersonal qualities.
Furthermore, instead of there being a rigid divide between personal and impersonal qualities, the two are on the same spectrum. 

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