
God's Will?

9 posts in this topic

Leo often mentions Will if I am not mistaken. E.g. in the mail to Ralston he writes "are you conscious that your will creates the entire Universe?". And Ralston answers "there is no will".

The Will is also big in Christianity - "Thy Will be done".

what does 'Will' mean precisely? do you have any direct experiences which can clarify this word or why Ralston denies its existence?

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came across this Talk with Ramana Maharshi (28) just now actually looking for sth else. maybe it explains the discrepancy between Leo and Ralston. I don't know.

D.: Why then is samsara - creation and manifestation as finitised - so full of sorrow and evil?
M.: God’s will!

D.: Why does God will it so?
M.: It is inscrutable. No motive can be attributed to that Power - no desire, no end to achieve can be asserted of that one Infinite, All-wise and All-powerful Being. God is untouched by activities, which take place in His presence; compare the sun and the world activities. There is no meaning in attributing responsibility and motive to the One before it becomes many. But God’s will for the prescribed course of events is a good solution of the free-will problem (vexata quaestio). If the mind is restless on account of a sense of the imperfect and unsatisfactory character of what befalls us or what is committed or omitted by us, then it is wise to drop the sense of responsibility and free-will by regarding ourselves as the ordained instruments of the All-wise and All-powerful, to do and suffer as He pleases. He carries all burdens and gives us peace.

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Ralston is wrong of course.

Will and material reality/experience are identical.

Consciousness is Will.

Since Consciousness is omniscient, omnipresent, intelligent, and sentient, it is capable of creating/imagining whatever it Wills. And since Consciousness is Love, its Will is Love.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 hours ago, Petals said:

Leo often mentions Will if I am not mistaken. E.g. in the mail to Ralston he writes

what mail??

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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Letter to Peter Ralston by Leo Gura (page 15, mid of scroll )  (I'm not sure why it says summer 2020 but anyway: 





excerpt of letter , Leo Gura to Peter Ralston ( a lot more questions at link) 


Leo Gura : I have a few more questions for you,
if you don't mind, to see if we're on the same page 


Leo Gura :  1) Are you conscious that you are God? That you are the only being in existence? That your will and intelligence creates the entire Universe?

Peter Ralston: Yes to the beginning, no to the end. There is no "will"

Leo Gura : 2) Are you conscious that you are Love, that God is Love, that God is Absolute Goodness & Perfection, and that Reality is Love? Are you conscious that Love is not an emotion or a feeling, but the very substrate of reality. Are you conscious that Love = Truth. That they are literally identical?

Peter Ralston: Perhaps, but I disagree with your conclusions. It isn't that way.

Leo Gura : 3) Are you conscious that Leo and Peter are one?

Peter Ralston: Yes, but not as individuals or entities.

Leo Gura : 4) Have you ever had complete omniscience? A complete, comprehension of the entire present moment and how you are creating it?
Peter Ralston: Perhaps, but I disagree with your conclusions. It isn't that way. No, no one has, no human mind can be omniscient, and in absolute consciousness there is no need for it, because nothing exists. You are speaking of experience, and that kind of experience might better be called psychic or supernatural or an altered state. Are such states possible? Yes, and it is possible for one to be very powerful and aware in many ways. But no state, no matter how grand, is enlightenment.


The above questions are not really pure questions.  It's Leo saying these things are true and then asking Ralston does he knows they are true.  For instance in the first question he does not ask "are you God?"   he says Are you conscious that you are God? 
And I'm not sure if we assume that a person is God why would they have to become conscious they are what they are 
How could God not be conscious that he is God?  If people are God why would you ask a person if they are person? 
But anyway the question presents the idea as true and ask does he know it's true.  "God" is not one of Ralson's favorite words

  Ralston  says "Yes "  but no to the last part of the first question which is 
(Are you conscious That ) your will and intelligence creates the entire Universe?

Ralston says There is no "will".    So in this context will means his intention. 
I suspect he also does not think he created the universe. 
 You would have to message him to see further on what he means that There is no will. 

However look at his answer to the 4th question, that might shed some light on it
"no human mind can be omniscient,
and in absolute consciousness there is no need for it, because nothing exists..... no state, no matter how grand, is enlightenment "



Edited by Nak Khid

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Did Leo write these questions cause he was trying to "measure" if he was more awake than Peter? xD

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the will of The God (the planet) is the perfect rhythm of life into the future, occurring...


He does it for Him first and us secondarily.


we are along for the ride.

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@Nak Khid yes, could be that Ralston thought that his personal will is meant. then of course he must disagree.

@Leo Gura thank you. an absence of Will would also seem to not make much sense. how could blind and undirected 'force' make/imagine this intricate universe?

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