Someone here

the absolute truth about reality -my discovery

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49 minutes ago, traveler said:

There is no observer. Notice that there is no real seperation between seer and seen. There is no one here, nothing is really happening. It is a play of boundless energy. There is no real position.

until there is.

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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

 i have been contemplating this topic a lot recently and i believe i have reached solid conclusions.   these conclusions are unquestionable because they are self-evident..undeniably true and infallible which is what you need to qualify a truth as an "absolute truth".     so what is reality ?  reality is whatever appears to be appearing at the moment you think you are not asleep. period. that is it. there is nothing else. there is no need for any materialistic beliefs or spiritual beliefs. it is so  obvious that is totally overlooked and filtered out . kinda reminds me when you are looking for your glasses when you are actually wearing them  lol.   so basically there is no need to search for anything. there is no need to label it as anything or to have any kind of metaphysical worldviews  whether it is material..spiritual ..nondual etc.  reality is not consciousness. it is not matter. it is not dual .it is not nondual. it is not god, it is not a dream .it is not imagination. it is not a simulation. it is not a matrix. it is not your creation or my creation or gods creation . it is not any word or concept. but if i have to use a concept im gonna choose "actuality".  reality is actuality.  but then again i gone too far because actuality as actuality is not even "actuality" .it simply has no fucking name lol other than what you want to call it.  this video of Alan watts helped me with this  insight along with leos video 'what is Truth" and "what is actuality". 

so basically you want to know what is reality and what is the absolute truth about existence and your role in it?   well that is exactly what you are seeing right now .this is it. so what the fuck are you asking about  ?lol 

What your sharing is a profound insight and its all you ever really need to know.  And yet there is more, but its not really important from where you understand now, yet sometimes more will awaken in you from that place, its just the way it is, and its nothing you can or  need to do about it.  Just be what it is as you say...... :)  Congrats man, thats a real sweet place to be.

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@Someone here  yep that's the big recognition... some clearing up will probably occur but like you said it doesn't matter because it's just what's happening within THIS...❤ ?

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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17 hours ago, Someone here said:


 i have been contemplating this topic a lot recently and i believe i have reached solid conclusions.   these conclusions are unquestionable because they are self-evident..undeniably true and infallible which is what you need to qualify a truth as an "absolute truth".


@Leo Gura What make us to confuse like that?

Logic and Concept-orientation?

I can see how guy is influenced by some of the materials like “what is actuality” and “Absolute Truth”.

You yourself, as I can see, have used logic, rationality, common sense, epistemology, open mindedness, intuition and somehow gone as far as you are.

What is the core distinction? What helped you to not to stuck into the concepts or mediocre spiritual answers like “you’re already Enlightened”?

I guess that the psychedelics made a lot for ya. Therefore, how do you not confuse and misinterpreted what was happening with you?

For example, while I’m on microdosing on shrooms/LSD I’m having a visions. I can’t call it thought, it’s more like animations of the principles of reality.

For example, I remember the vision in which I saw why struggle is a necessary part of growth:

I’ve seen in my minds eye how the spherical energetic structure going through “struggle”, it was cringed and tensed and then went through this process and expanded, becoming more than it was originally. And it was obvious that it won’t get developed before it went through this process, therefore any resistance is worthless, because that process is good and will make you more whole.

It became obvious for me that it was the illustration of what is struggle really is and you shouldn’t be afraid and avoid it.

It was an insight!

But how do I really know that that was really about that? Maybe it’s my interpretation and accumulated knowledge, that I’ve gathered before.


In other times I’m often having a visions of infinite numbers of spheres which are close to each other and they are moving together and it’s obvious that they are connected (but without any wires or cables). You can see that from the big picture it’s pattern-like construction, which can be separated by your minds eye (perspective change) into any lesser structure or pattern.


Its seems like the more developed way of thinking.


Edited by Ar_Senses

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1 hour ago, Ar_Senses said:

But how do I really know that that was really about that? Maybe it’s my interpretation and accumulated knowledge, that I’ve gathered before.

Direct consciousness is NOT knowledge, belief, concept, or interpretation.

Notice that you are conscious of existence. Existence itself is NOT knowledge, belief, concept, or interpretation. HERE IT IS!


Stop thinking about it and LOOK at it. You are unwittingly giving thought priority over direct experience. Stop doing that, silly.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 hours ago, Ar_Senses said:

@Leo Gura What make us to confuse like that?

Logic and Concept-orientation?

I can see how guy is influenced by some of the materials like “what is actuality” and “Absolute Truth”.

You yourself, as I can see, have used logic, rationality, common sense, epistemology, open mindedness, intuition and somehow gone as far as you are.

What is the core distinction? What helped you to not to stuck into the concepts or mediocre spiritual answers like “you’re already Enlightened”?

I guess that the psychedelics made a lot for ya. Therefore, how do you not confuse and misinterpreted what was happening with you?

For example, while I’m on microdosing on shrooms/LSD I’m having a visions. I can’t call it thought, it’s more like animations of the principles of reality.

For example, I remember the vision in which I saw why struggle is a necessary part of growth:

I’ve seen in my minds eye how the spherical energetic structure going through “struggle”, it was cringed and tensed and then went through this process and expanded, becoming more than it was originally. And it was obvious that it won’t get developed before it went through this process, therefore any resistance is worthless, because that process is good and will make you more whole.

It became obvious for me that it was the illustration of what is struggle really is and you shouldn’t be afraid and avoid it.

It was an insight!

But how do I really know that that was really about that? Maybe it’s my interpretation and accumulated knowledge, that I’ve gathered before.


In other times I’m often having a visions of infinite numbers of spheres which are close to each other and they are moving together and it’s obvious that they are connected (but without any wires or cables). You can see that from the big picture it’s pattern-like construction, which can be separated by your minds eye (perspective change) into any lesser structure or pattern.


Its seems like the more developed way of thinking.


In addition to what Leo said, I'd add it sounds like part of your fundamental workings is looking for "proof of certainty" to your experiences.  You wonder, well I had this experience, but how do I not know its perception/perspective/interpretation/accumulated knowledge/ just my mind which is in a body on this earth, and not what I was aware of in the experience.  And if your 200% honest, you'll probably begin to realize you can't prove it, there's always another theoretical model that could explain anything. 

There's no easy remedy to this, I was in this place for years at one point, putting together and connecting possibilities that I read about as being Truth and God, science and what actually is and how its all supposed to work.  I was good at it, I made very good connections and synthesized lots of religions and Truths from different cultures and it all logically connected.  But it really didn't get me anywhere and a lot of it was mumbo jumbo and really wasn't as smart as I thought it was, lol.  It wasn't until I got to a place of realizing I couldn't prove ANYTHING, God, Mind, Ego, Choice, "I", self, materiel reality, Nondual reality, and lived REALLY not knowing how anything works or is and getting comfortable with not having to know (because no one needs to know anything or be right about anything, Reality still chugs along all the same) that Truth began to really emerge and Self understanding unfolded spontaneously (its not a thing or particular event that happens, its not even a "It or its").

Leo and original OP is pointing to something profound.  This is it, full stop.  What ever is experienced, all that appears, all mundane human experience, all profound liberating  moments, all mental chatter, all sensations, all theories, all models, all trying to figure it out, all failings, all beliefs, all questions, all wonderings, all confusions, all getting it, all not getting it, all rights, all wrongs, all subconscious, all conscious, all hates, all fears............just what happens, just what happened, just whats gonna happen, all disagreeing or agreeing, all no thats not it, all what ifs ands or buts.  

Edited by Mu_

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11 minutes ago, Mu_ said:

In addition to what Leo said, I'd add it sounds like part of your fundamental workings is looking for "proof of certainty" to your experiences.  You wonder, well I had this experience, but how do I not know its perception/perspective/interpretation/accumulated knowledge/ just my mind which is in a body on this earth, and not what I was aware of in the experience.  And if your 200% honest, you'll probably begin to realize you can't prove it, there's always another theoretical model that could explain anything. 

There's no easy remedy to this, I was in this place for years at one point, putting together and connecting possibilities that I read about as being Truth and God, science and what actually is and how its all supposed to work.  I was good at it, I made very good connections and synthesized lots of religions and Truths from different cultures and it all logically connected.  But it really didn't get me anywhere and a lot of it was mumbo jumbo and really wasn't as smart as I thought it was, lol.  It wasn't until I got to a place of realizing I couldn't prove ANYTHING, God, Mind, Ego, Choice, "I", self, materiel reality, Nondual reality, and lived REALLY not knowing how anything works or is and getting comfortable with not having to know (because no one needs to know anything or be right about anything, Reality still chugs along all the same) that Truth began to really emerge and Self understanding unfolded spontaneously (its not a thing or particular event that happens, its not even a "It or its").

Leo and original OP is pointing to something profound.  This is it, full stop.  What ever is experienced, all that appears, all mundane human experience, all profound liberating  moments, all mental chatter, all sensations, all theories, all models, all trying to figure it out, all failings, all beliefs, all questions, all wonderings, all confusions, all getting it, all not getting it, all rights, all wrongs, all subconscious, all conscious, all hates, all fears............just what happens, just what happened, just whats gonna happen, all disagreeing or agreeing, all no thats not it, all what ifs ands or buts.  

Yep that's it... ? ❤ ?

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Direct consciousness is NOT knowledge, belief, concept, or interpretation.

Notice that you are conscious of existence. Existence itself is NOT knowledge, belief, concept, or interpretation. HERE IT IS!


Stop thinking about it and LOOK at it. You are unwittingly giving thought priority over direct experience. Stop doing that, silly.

Now I’ve realized that I have the desire not to See, but to Understand. I wish I can understand everything — God, Infinity, Reality, Consciousness, Truth, Allah, Absolute.

What is understanding? Why it’s so desirable?

Seems like it’s not simply Being Aware of Everything without a construct/interpretation


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Desire stems from the feeling of being a separate individual that is incomplete and needs to find fulfillment somewhere in the future...

as long as this seeking energy is not recognized for what it truly is it will continue to seek forever because that's all it is and all it can do.

Desire is then fulfilled when it's recognized nothing and no-one need fulfillment... everything was already complete all along it's just a dream or misidentification that says otherwise.

"The ego says seek but do not find"


 the ego actually wants to find fulfillment, it's just when it recognizes it has to go bye-bye in the process it can only say this is not it this is not it Retreat

And that's all happening within perfection... it's just waiting for no one to recognize it

Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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5 hours ago, Mu_ said:

Nondual reality, and lived REALLY not knowing how anything works or is and getting comfortable with not having to know (because no one needs to know anything or be right about anything, Reality still chugs along all the same) that Truth began to really emerge and Self understanding unfolded spontaneously (its not a thing or particular event that happens, its not even a "It or its").

That part is the hardest to open my mind to)

Thanks man!

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12 minutes ago, Ar_Senses said:

That part is the hardest to open my mind to)

Thanks man!

Not gonna lie, the "mind" experience of not knowing and not searching can feel pretty lame and uncomfortable.  But a pattern I noticed, is that sometimes it will be intense for a period 1-2 weeks, then there would come a big opening revealing stuff spontaneously.  But still if you don't have a deep sense of trust in this process or "something greater", I imagine you will likely doubt or think your going crazy, and that will be the distraction the mind grabs onto.  Just keep open and noticing, but let go of the need to know a particular solution or fact about reality. 

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11 hours ago, Ar_Senses said:

Now I’ve realized that I have the desire not to See, but to Understand. I wish I can understand everything — God, Infinity, Reality, Consciousness, Truth, Allah, Absolute.

What is understanding? Why it’s so desirable?

Seems like it’s not simply Being Aware of Everything without a construct/interpretation


Imagine trying to explain to a kid what does sex feel like?. You can give him all sorts of metaphors and examples from his own experience of pleasurable stuff (candy.. Ice cream etc).  But he's not gonna really understand it untill he actually experience it. The same with understanding reality. It turns out the best way to understand reality is to experience reality. Understanding is good but it's always going to be limited and partial. You can explain parts of reality in terms of another.. But you will never be able to unravel the whole thing because your understanding itself is part from the whole.. So you have to unravel yourself in the way lol.  Understanding the whole can only be realized through nonunderstanding 

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

Imagine trying to explain to a kid what does sex feel like?. You can give him all sorts of metaphors and examples from his own experience of pleasurable stuff (candy.. Ice cream etc).  But he's not gonna really understand it untill he actually experience it. The same with understanding reality. It turns out the best way to understand reality is to experience reality. Understanding is good but it's always going to be limited and partial. You can explain parts of reality in terms of another.. But you will never be able to unravel the whole thing because your understanding itself is part from the whole.. So you have to unravel yourself in the way lol.  Understanding the whole can only be realized through nonunderstanding 

Have you understood reality or experienced it?

Edited by An young being

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36 minutes ago, An young being said:

Have you understood reality or experienced it?

36 minutes ago, An young being said:


Sorry I can't edit this repetition for some reason lol.  But anyways:

Understanding comes and goes. Experience doesn't. I'm experiencing reality all the time obviously that's one. And understanding can be true or false. Experience is always true. That makes experience absolute truth and understanding relative and second order compared to the experience itself as itself.   Now by that I don't mean the context of the experience or the interpretation that you give to your experience.. That's all concepts and understanding which is relative and can be false but the fact of there being experience happening at all is the only undeniable truth there is. Therefore the only absolute truth there is.  For example you might be dreaming right now.. Who knows?  But that's the context of the experience.. It could be a dream or anything else.. But the fact that this experience right here is happening right now is absolutely true and can't be falsified. Making it absolute truth. 

In this video Leo asked Peter Ralston about how can we trust our experience being an absolute truth and I think Ralston was trying to say exactly what I'm saying here but in a different formulation. 

36 minutes ago, An young being said:



36 minutes ago, An young being said:


36 minutes ago, An young being said:


36 minutes ago, An young being said:


Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here that happens on my phone a lot...highlighting the duplicate box and hitting delete or the x seems to get rid of it.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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6 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

@Someone here that happens on my phone a lot...highlighting the duplicate box and hitting delete or the x seems to get rid of it.

Thanks. I think it's something about the phone. I can easily delete it if I'm using the PC. 

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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45 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Understanding comes and goes. Experience doesn't. I'm experiencing reality all the time obviously that's one. And understanding can be true or false. Experience is always true.

Currently my understanding and reasoning resembles yours. It is so true, experience is all we know...

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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9 minutes ago, Galyna said:

Currently my understanding and reasoning resembles yours. It is so true, experience is all we know...

And all you will ever know . that's even more important. ;)

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here how is the book? finished already?

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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