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Is there anything to 11, or 11:11?  My inner life is usually on a rollercoaster, and whenever I'm more conscious, I always see these numbers in abundance.  When I'm going through a more unconscious time, I never see these numbers.  I understand the mind can play tricks on you, but its such a dramatic difference that I actually believe these numbers are saying something.  Any truth to what I'm saying?

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1 hour ago, SerpaeTetra said:

Is there anything to 11, or 11:11?  My inner life is usually on a rollercoaster, and whenever I'm more conscious, I always see these numbers in abundance.  When I'm going through a more unconscious time, I never see these numbers.  I understand the mind can play tricks on you, but its such a dramatic difference that I actually believe these numbers are saying something.  Any truth to what I'm saying?

No the numbers are not going to help you, you will have to face yourself.   Write don't the number on a piece of paper and then burn it , that's delusion. It has no power.  What you are describing , the rollercoaster.  this is not the type of consciousness that you need. Before you go to bed say " give me stability" 50 times and as you say it write it.  This is not anything magical. It is self hypnosis.  When you awake again. This is the stability you need before elevating your consciousness.  Several days of this, lets' say 5.  Does the number 5 mean anything? Not at all it could be six. You could could say the 49 times or 51.   The numbers don't matter.  The concept matters, balance and stability, dedication to it.  Put consciousness out of your mind.  That will rise naturally once you have the stability.  And what if you feel the rollercoaster  again?  Return to the stability.  "Give me stability" . This is a demand to the self.  It takes repetitious tedium for the subconscious to finally accept it.  This is an exercise to maintain. You will gain strength by this.  And stay away from unstable people, that will only make you lose footing.   Decide what you want and don't listen to the mind's foolishness.  What if eleven comes into you mind again? Fine, say "foolishness" if it comes up.   These thoughts they come an they go. That is just background noise.
Decide what you  want, Write it,  say it.  Everything must have a solid foundation.  Mystifying numbers is magical thinking. It's for children and psychics trying to sell or manipulate. 

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This is called synchronicity



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@SerpaeTetra Numbers are there to guide you to somewhere where you need to be, but you have to notice it and believe it. In my experience I resonate with the number 1424, I always see it everywhere, randomly. Some days the coincidences are just mindfucky actually. Try to play along and see what happens. Also read about it on google


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Two weeks ago I had one of my deepest realizations of my life and saw 11:11 or 1:11 a lot. Before this, I thought "meh, that's bullshit can't mean anything"... then I realized that I'm God. Maybe it was just a coincidence but my interpretation now is that it means oneness. So maybe God is calling you to unite with your divine self.

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5 minutes ago, Member said:

Maybe God is calling you.

That's exactly whats going on. You are sending these signs for yourself.

Also 11:11 I quite see it often and I had some mystical experiences with it.

Edited by inFlow


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awareness brings syntropy including the numbers of the thing you glance at: hand watch, digital clock!

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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