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Importance of awareness to love

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Hello everyone, Last 3 months i have been working on awareness. Every time, I recognize that i am running by thoughts, i dropped  it, did 10 push-ups and be aware of the moment. It is super boring, but, it is just a thought :) 

Results are crazy, i feel more less within the body, feel timeless, days and nights are too long ( it feels like they never start even time), meaning of duality fades away slow by slow, and additionally i got 3 times satori moments, which directly opens my vision and convince me this is completely dream. Satori moments are perfect glimpses to get rid of the thoughts. Because, it is just so clear, 1 second completely out of so called reality. As much as i get rid of the thoughts, nothingness increase, which includes full love. I can clearly see that love is not a feeling, it is the source. Thoughts are prison. Infinite love is outside of the thoughts. And the wall is so thin. If you love more, it will be more thinner. 
We can never be able to control what will happen to body, we just try to protect it with thoughts. But nothing is under control. You just need to think a moment when it is necessary and body do the rest. I just gave up anymore. Whatever is going to happen to body, it will. I am going to completely surrender. Love is right outside.

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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