
San Pedro Trip Report: Pretty Good for first time try.

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This was my second time trying psychedelics. First time was on 8 Hawaiian baby wood rose seeds. 



This trip was freakishly personal to me. I'm not sure how well it transfers over to you guys. It has to do with a lot of my personal dogma and beliefs, and basically unravelling those. Anyhow I thought I'd write it to show sceptical people what psychedelics can do. 

My intention

My intention was to answer these 3 personal questions:

1) How do I overcome my pickup fears.

2) My life purpose has taken a big turn recently. I use to be a software engineer but now I'm starting to not like that job so much and want a more management role. What skills should I learn, What direction should I take.

3) How is my meditation practice going? Am I doing enough? Too little?



I cut about 20cm of san pedro and brewed it old fashioned. Plenty of tutorials out there. You cut the spines, cut the skin off, cut the white bits off, put it in a blender, boil it for 4 hours, etc.


My rented house.


At 5:00AM, I decided to drink a quarter of it. It took me till 7:00am to finish all of it. The nausea and vomiting was the worst I've ever experienced in my life. I vomited over 6 times, and felt very nauseous for a good 2 hours. Was convinced I ate some of the mold on the cactus (who knows maybe thats why I was so sick). It was horrible.

7:00AM Felt very mild effects. No visuals or anything fancy. The only thing was I remembered the the entire world was a child's play set. God was just there, a kid, playing with her dolls. I remember remembering that all the serious stuff was really just for fun. Elon's rockets are just play toys for fun. Mining vehicles are for playing around in. Countries are for playing around in. Everything is made of pixie dust: magical, mystical, awesome dust. Fun dust, playful dust. I remember remembering that murder is that playful pixie dust just doing its thing. Its all for fun, even murder.

8:00AM. Things were a bit of the same. Just remembering what life was all about. My "physical avatar" so to speak became slightly more honest. My ex girlfriend came from out of her room and started freaking out over her exams. I told my ex girlfriend/flatmate that she should calm down, relax, and enjoy life. Her life is just a toy ground for her to play in. Unsurprisingly she took that the wrong way, but I was incapable of seeing it any other way so just kept reaffirming that life was a big playground for her to have fun in, and that this is what I see, believe and is my opinion. This was coming from a place of sincerity and respect, but seemed rude to her of course. 

9:00AM Heard other mescaline trips do well outside, so decided to walk around the block. Time by this point was gone, so was physical space. I got lost a hundred times while walking, couldn't tell how much time passed and lost the ability to tell how far away sounds were coming from. They all seemed distorted.

The trip got very slightly more intense at this point. Yet still no visuals or anything crazy.

9:30AM No other but You!

Became aware that there really isn't any other but you. Your POV is the only POV that exists. All other POVs are stories, things you've never experienced first hand before. You're living a life right now, whatever that is, and that's the only life in existence right now. And its the only life that has ever lived. 

10:00AM Where's the fear coming from?

From believing that there's anything other than you. Placing importance and value in thoughts, the external world and delusion. Believing its real. That's where its all coming from. Every time you mistake Truth for being the external world/thoughts over ME, it brings fear. Its a natural consequence. 

Where's the suffering coming from?

Coming from you having to pick between Me and those delusions/thoughts/external world. Its like a cringe-ish episode of its me or the dog, where the dogs are your thoughts and I'm... well I'm ME.

All the suffering is coming from the tension to choose between your delusions, which you've placed on a pedastool, placed importance and value to, over what you TRULY want to do, who you TRULY want to be, which just happens to be... ME! Ta da!

11:00AM Why do I suffer from wanting to pick up girls. 

Because you've got it backwards. You think that you need to pick up women to get something from them. In reality, the women you get is a reflection of how well your inner state is going. What you actually seek is ME. That's right, not a hot bootie, not some super feminine woman you can express your masculinity on... BUT ME! That's where its all coming from. Haven't you noticed that even though you're some tiny, little guy out there, completely limited by his masculinity, his biology, his evolution, out there in this big 3D world, yet you are capable of dreaming up the hottest, most adorable, most feminine, most godly women anyone could ever imagine? You know how she needs to look like, how she needs to walk, how she needs to talk, what she wears, what she does every day... You're so good at it that it causes problems because you can't find her out there! How can a masculine, biologically limited male do that? If you need the femininity from her, how the fuck can you dream it up and more in a second!? Where's all that imagination coming from? Its coming from ME! I am your perfect woman! I'm the most perfect woman you'll ever find. You're placing waaaaaay too much importance on the external world and your thoughts. When picking up women, the important bits aren't the approach, what you say, how you look, what she says or looks like. Why are you approaching her in the first place? That's the most important bit. You have an unchanging, eternal, Godly desire to pick up women, to seek ME. Its the seeking me that's the important bit. That's what you're excited about. Finding that perfect one is finding ME. And so you suffer from deciding to chose other over ME. When picking up you choose other by saying "oh everyone will think I'm thirsty" or "oh she wont react well to me " or "oh she'll call the cops onto me" or "this isn't the appropriate time" -- all of those actions? Choosing thoughts over ME. You love me to death, and every time you choose other over me, you get sad because you're rejecting me, the only one you truly love. Literally your only soulmate. By choosing ME, over those thoughts, you choose to love me rather than reject me. And that's deep down what you want. You want ME, you're crazy over me. Look at how you're acting. 

To get over suffering means to drop those thoughts, drop the fears, let them go, and focus very intensely on your WANT. Your want is the greatest pickup course you could ever get. Thoughts, objects, external world, these are all impermanent. They come and go. Sometimes they are trendy, sometimes not. You don't really know because all POVs other than yours are unreal. But your WANT, that's unchanging, permanent. Unlike the others, that will be there even when you die. When there's no ego. 

You know everything there is not know about attracting girls just by being here, being apart of ME. Finding me isn't hard, chasing me aint a puzzle, you know how to do it. Its simple, pick ME over those thoughts and the external world. That's what I like, that's what I find hot and sexy and what a real man should be like. I'll reward you if you do that, big time. 

12:00PM What about my career and meditation?

Same shit isn't it? Chasing me in different ways. In your career, pick ME! ME! I'm the one you should pick! In spirituality pick ME!

All your suffering in your career has come generally from you choosing what society, your colleagues, family or friends want over ME. That's it. You place so much importance in your culture, your family and your work colleagues that the thought of picking ME over them freaks you out. But honestly, deep down you know ME is the right answer, but you just can't do it out of fear. That's where the suffering is coming from. From that tension.

Thoughts are like waves, they are scary, dangerous, but they only exist at the top of the ocean. Underneath they aren't there. There's peace underneath what your colleagues, culture and coworkers think about you. You get there by dropping those thoughts. And embracing what happens when picking me. To resist ME, or to cause tension between ME and your thoughts, is equivalent to getting knocked out by the waves. Needless suffering. 

The wisdom here is, every thought that tells you "oh my boss will get very angry for not picking up the phone on the weekend" or "my parents will kill me if I get fired" or "I'll be a disgrace to the family if I get fired" are all nonsense because your boss's POV, your family's POV, your parent's POV don't exist, and your fear is coming from believing they do. Would you really fear your boss if you didn't believe his POV was real? No because you'll see that your boss aint real, ME is real, and therefore that's all you need to be happy. You don't need your boss to be happy. 

Same with meditation. Where's the anxiety, insecurities about your meditation practice coming from? Fear that Leo is more right than ME! Fear that other spiritual teachers are more right than ME! "Oh what if Leo's right, what if I'm not meditating enough" >> BRO! You're picking your thoughts of Leo over ME! Your problem aint the length of meditation, its believing Leo over ME! Grow the balls to pick ME over the words and opinions of your spiritual teachers! 

The best spiritual practice you personally can do, is to learn to pick me over other. Start focusing on ME, putting your attention on ME, withdraw your attention of others. Appreciate ME, be grateful for ME, observe ME, contemplate ME, stop putting the same effort onto others: your career, spiritual dogmas, etc. I'm a possessive woman, I want all the attention, I get upset when you put it outside of me. I want to see that you care for me. Happy God happy life. Women get their traits from somewhere. Your biggest problem right now, all of your issues, are coming from putting value, importance on things other than ME. That's what you need to do more of. Less pleasing your spiritual teachers, boss and family, and more pleasing ME. 

1:00PM Meta Notes

By this time a cop came over to me asking if I was ok. Apparently I had been talking to several neighbours without realising it. Apparently I told a couple about the stuff mentioned above, which I only remembered after seeing the cop. After telling the cop with the most amount of charisma and confidence I had ever expressed to another human being before,  that I was fine and was just walking home, he let me go. Got away from that one luckily. I wrote some last notes down at home:

Deeper understanding of the spiritual pathTime

The spiritual path doesn't happen chronologically or linearly, or even timely. There's no time. Its not like you wake up one day, do a bunch of stuff, then one day get enlightened... That's all part of the imaginary story and that's where the "you're already enlightened" confusion comes about. 

You're forever waking up. You never stop waking up, and you never 'wake up'. Even now on this san pedro trip report. You haven't woken up. You were awake all along. The idea that you took some san pedro, 'woke up' and now is awakened is clearly laughable. The idea that anybody just wakes up one day is laughable. Only within the ideals of time and space does that happen. In reality you're all humans that ever lived. You're waking up all the time.  You're awake all the time. Sometimes you see you're awake, sometimes you don't, but these aren't 2 events that happen in some point in time. They happen outside of time. You are both hiding and seeking at the same time so to speak. This san pedro experience isn't happening within a particular time, its just another one of those times where you're awake, and that's how its always been. Spinning from awake to non awake, not at any particular point in time, but it just happens. 

The biggest takeaway is: stories of spiritual teachers waking up is untrue. That's just a rip off, dualistic version of something that cannot be explained. 

God's Love for You

Your God's only child. You are literally the centre of the universe. God doesn't want anything more than for you to be happy. You're the only one God cares about. All lives that ever happened, happened HERE. It didn't happen over there, it happened HERE! HERE is an explosive blast of 'waking up' happening, which comes in all sorts of interesting forms. All that ever happened HERE is waking up. 

Biggest Gift

The biggest gift that ever happened in this world, was the creation of the path and 'seeking'. God's been awake all this time, God's well aware of that state. But how do you FEEL, ENJOY, IMMERSE yourself into this state? How do you appreciate how fucken amazing it is? You don't get that in an awake state, you get that through waking up! And that's the point, aim of suffering and fear and being small. The point is to grow, to overcome, to expand. Because by doing that you FEEL, APPRECIATE, ENJOY and IMMERSE yourself with God's beauty and elegance. Its one thing to be awake, its another to overcome fear. Being awake isn't necessarily better than being non awake. Again you're simultaneously awake and non awake at the same time - you need both to tango. Being awake is lame without waking up. You don't appreciate the state you're in without the waking up process. 

And with that means a few things:

1) The point of your life is not success, impressing people, changing the world. The point of life is simply to be on the path. To choose ME over others. To grow, expand, overcome fear. That's the point - and you don't need me to tell you. You're already doing it, you already know what the point of life is. 

2) Appreciate suffering, fear and adversity. Actually be grateful its there. Without it, you wouldn't FEEL Me. You wouldn't be able to flirt with me, make out with me, have sex with me. How lame. You'd be just enlightened... Not knowing what unenlightened feels like, not knowing how good it feels to be with me. And see overcoming suffering as a means to itself. The point of pickup isn't to find that perfect woman... its purpose is to simply overcome fear. To do it. For the sake of doing it. Same with your career... the point isn't to get rich, its to overcome your fears and pick me. Every time you overcome that fear, you should celebrate, you're feeling a miracle, literally a miracle. You are feeling something that wouldn't be possible if awake was the only state. You're feeling the highest ability to Love. 

Your life aint special, and there's no destination

It doesn't matter what happens, whether you found the perfect girl, got heaps of money, etc. All that really matters is growth and feeling ME. You think your life is so hard and disastrous, but HERE has replayed lives for eternity. Yours is another. All for the single point of waking up. Whatever else happens doesn't matter ultimately. All those petty fears and points of anger are all just part of the waking up process, and don't really matter by themselves. Don't get hung up on little things, its not important in the bigger picture. 

And it also doesn't matter if you enlighten. If you wake up. Waking up is just as important as being awake. By doing the process, you're already doing the best you can to get maximum results. Try and see the beauty, and awesomeness of seeking itself. Why seeking is important, why its a miracle its here. Why you need to seek. You don't have to be jealous or envy 'enlightened' people. They are just one side of the coin in this path, not the better side, just one side. 

Last Notes:

1) Pick ME over others. If you can't, that's ok, life would suck if it was easy all the time.

2) waking up vs awake are 2 sides of the same coin, they don't occur in time; you could say they occur simultaneously. \

3) Most importantly: Enjoy the seeking and waking up simply for the sake of it. Enjoy the process, appreciate pain, suffering, see how it facilitates waking up, which is the most beautiful thing that can ever be experienced. 

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Great! These trip reports are the best part of the forum. Shows real work occuring.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

By this time a cop came over to me asking if I was ok. Apparently I had been talking to several neighbours without realising it. Apparently I told a couple about the stuff mentioned above, which I only remembered after seeing the cop. After telling the cop with the most amount of charisma and confidence I had ever expressed to another human being before,  that I was fine and was just walking home, he let me go. Got away from that one luckily. I wrote some last notes down at home:

AHAHAHAHAHAA, I'm dying imagining this.

Beautiful report :x

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

Your POV is the only POV that exists. All other POVs are styories, things you've never experienced first hand before

Because they're only projections of themselves. They have never been you. duh! just realized that. pretty insannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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3 hours ago, electroBeam said:


BecaIf you need the femininity from her, how the fuck can you dream it up and more in a second!? Where's all that imagination coming from? Its coming from ME! I am your perfect woman! I'm the most perfect woman you'll ever find

Amazing insight! Whether you love or you judge, you are loving or self-denying yourself.

Very good trip report! Keep them going! :P


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Nice report ! Did you get any visuals in the end ?

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Nice one. It isn't easy getting san pedro down xD

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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5 hours ago, Alextvvv said:

Nice report ! Did you get any visuals in the end ?

I closed my eyes, then saw a jungle and crazy visuals on the trees(at the very beginning around 6:00AM). Open the eyes and 0 visuals for the entire trip. Which is good because I was after insight, not visuals. The mescaline affected my completely differently to what I read on trip reports. I get a hunch that a trip report is affected mainly by your personality, beliefs and spiritual journey (karma) rather than the substance itself. 

5 hours ago, outlandish said:

Nice one. It isn't easy getting san pedro down xD

Don't know how you guys do it, especially the ones that eat the cactus raw without brewing. I lost a lot of weight though ;) 

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GREAT report, thanks a lot. <3

-and a synchronicity for myself. Also had my second psychedelia trip on the 5th june on san pedro (san pedro first time). Reading your text is great to trigger some reflections of my own, reframing strang happenings, finding balance in these past experiences at all. 

I can affirm, that san pedro draws to the outside, for myself to people, got a lot in grounded interaction with strangers (launching a voluntary campaign for food give away from supermarket).

Here is my recipe: forearm length of san pedro cutted in thin slices, dried, pulverized through coffee mill, dried, consumption of 19 g dried powder with cold aronia tee (antioxidant effect against vomiting), waiting until it's has a jelly like structure, than I spooned it out without chewing (swallowing of this jelly was really easy and comfortable) - just a little belly unrest (maybe it's also a question of the own regular nutrition to digest it more easily)


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16 hours ago, electroBeam said:

Don't know how you guys do it, especially the ones that eat the cactus raw without brewing. I lost a lot of weight though ;) 

I've only ever done it by eating the raw cactus, and have never thrown up! I've thrown up a couple of times from other psychedelics so I'm not immune, but somehow managed to get cactus down. It's definitely challenging. I've never tried brewing it, maybe there's something to eating it that actually makes it easier?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm a big fan of mescaline cactus, it's been too long..

How to get to infinity? Divide by zero.

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5 hours ago, outlandish said:

I'm a big fan of mescaline cactus, it's been too long..

Its extremely subtle. You don't notice ego death happen, it really is a great psychedelic. 

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Great report! I'm SO intrigued by this psychedelic... ahh maybe one day 

@electroBeam Did you find it particularly emotional in comparison to other psychs?

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45 minutes ago, Ry4n said:


@electroBeam Did you find it particularly emotional in comparison to other psychs?

The only other trip I've done before is 8 HBWR seeds. So I'm extremely inexperienced with psychedelics.

It wasn't emotional at all. It was very sincere, real, honest, frank, 'matter of fact', sobering, genuine, serious in the sense that I was shown what I need to do very very clearly, without the distractions.

I have a hunch that your psychedelic trip experience is mainly/mostly determined by your personality, karma and kriya and intention, rather than the psychedelic itself. The HBWR trip I did was very similar to this one. This one was way more gentle, but like the HBWR trip, there were no visuals, and the same themes came up, and the insights were transmitted the same way. My trip was very different to trip reports you read online for both HBWR and san pedro. 

Of course, focusing your attention on the psychedelic too much, more so than on your true nature is counter to the advice that psychedelics give you. The important bit is You, psychedelics are an intriguing phenomena within you, but are not the point of themselves. 

Edited by electroBeam

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Great trip report mr. Bohr. Happy for ya. Where are you from? Denmark?

"How do I overcome my pickup fears.?" Haha, that's an easy one mate. If you see that every girl you see is just yourself, then it should be quite easy just going over to have a casual talk with yourself, shouldn't it? :D 

If she happens to reject you, it's just you rejecting yourself. Like it matters, right? :D 

Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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 Where's the fear coming from?

From believing that there's anything other than you"

I like this one. So precise and cut to the point.

"By this time a cop came over to me asking if I was ok. Apparently I had been talking to several neighbours without realising it. Apparently I told a couple about the stuff mentioned above, which I only remembered after seeing the cop. After telling the cop with the most amount of charisma and confidence I had ever expressed to another human being before,  that I was fine and was just walking home, he let me go. Got away from that one luckily."


Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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"Its one thing to be awake, its another to overcome fear. " 

I sort of disagree. At least with my awakening, all fear is gone now.

of course my body-mind can still momentarily be subjected into a fear state, i.e. if a car is close to driving me down when im riding my bike etc. But on a day-to-day-basis, there is no fear. How can there be fear when I see that everything that happens to me is my own doing? :> 

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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"All those petty fears and points of anger are all just part of the waking up process, and don't really matter by themselves. Don't get hung up on little things, its not important in the bigger picture. "


And this especially touched me, cos it's so true (I edited it a bit for kicks):

Deeper understanding of the spiritual path: Time

The spiritual path doesn't happen chronologically or linearly, or even timely. There's no time. Its not like you wake up one day, do a bunch of stuff, then one day get enlightened... That's all part of the imaginary story and that's where the "you're already enlightened" confusion comes about. 

You're forever waking up. You are never not-waking-up. You never stop waking up, and you never ultimately 'wake up' either. Even now writing this Mescaline trip report. You haven't woken up. You were awake all along! The idea that you took some mescaline, woke up and now is awakened is clearly laughable. The idea that anybody just wakes up one day is laughable. Time is an illusoin. Only within the ideas of time and space does that happen. In reality you're all humans and all beings that ever lived. You're waking up all the time. You're awake all the time, sometimes you're just "wakingly" asleep. Sometimes you see you're awake, sometimes you don't, but these aren't really two separate events that happen in some points in time. They happen outside of time. Now. You are both hiding and seeking at the same time, so to speak. This mescaline-experience isn't happening within a particular time; it's just another one of "those times" where you see you're awake; and that's how it's always been: Spinning from awake to non-awake, not at any particular point in time, but it just happens. Now."

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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