
Looking for a new technique to improve vocabulary

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Hey guys :)

I wanted to ask this question for a long time.

I really want to improve my vocabulary. However, I am tired to use index cards all the time.

Question for the English native do you improve, expand your vocabulary and turn away from vernacular language? 

I know academic reading helps, but I am looking for a different approach, new method. A lot of new words I learn do not stick for a long time. Especially after summer break and when not involved in academic writing. 

Thank you. :) 

P.S. I love reading and hearing new words, I love when people use very interesting phrases. Here, I am talking about advanced vocabulary, maybe words that even native speakers do not use that often in their lexicon.

Edited by Galyna

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Quizlet, lol. 

Maybe visualization will help. visualize yourself, as you learn the words, in conversations using the words. This would probably engrain it into your subconscious mind faster because the body learns by being in the moment and doing, or using the activity.

Like when learning history, the best way to learn it is to visualize the history going on in your head. it's easier to remember a movie rather than a blank wall of text.

Or why we remember jokes rather than a class lecture better? it's because our body is more ingrained into the activity rather than just intellectualizing something. Unless, of course, we enjoy the lecure. 

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18 hours ago, DreamScape said:

Quizlet, lol. 

Hahaha, quizlet for vocabulary? Nah...:D

18 hours ago, DreamScape said:

Maybe visualization will help. visualize yourself, as you learn the words, in conversations using the words.

That is a good idea, never thought about it this way in order to enhance my cognitive learning, however I am a visual learner.

18 hours ago, DreamScape said:

Like when learning history, the best way to learn it is to visualize the history going on in your head.

Agree. Thank you for your feedback, much appreciated. 

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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Reading a lot is the best way.

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@Galyna the best way is to read new material, which ever words you don't know look them up in the dictionary/Google and write it down in your common place journal.

Most important is use these words in day to day communication for practice

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Thank you, Elton? 

I have OneNote, plus index cards everywhere. However, I tend to forget my new words. 
I use Google translator every day, on top of that I have a special chrome extension. But some words don’t stick for a long time. For instance, I know the word “yield” which is pretty common, right? However, it took two attempts of mine to memorize the word “succumb” which is cooler, imo.

Same with “overlap” and “superimposed”, the first one used in a regular language, the second one tends to be more in academic one. 
thanks for you feedback ?

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Galyna try to watch travel documentaries , there you will learn a lot of new words and try to put those words into daily practice 

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don't learn vocabularies independently, learn them inside a context or listen to so many materials that your head absorb those inside context automatically, let it be an automatic process and don't consciously get in the way of your subconscious and vocabularies! it knows how to absorb them! 


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