The World Could have been better this way

30 posts in this topic

13 minutes ago, Member said:

I don't agree, sometimes having less desirable traits could be a blessing. I've been both beautiful and plain ugly and the only time I truly evolved spiritually was when people rejected me. You have no idea how debilitating is to apparently have a healthy relationship with someone who appears to accept you but as soon as you're in deep $h!t, they just dump you like you're some garbage with no value. And the truth is that most people are shallow, their only interest is to gain social status and they will use you without any remorse. So better improve other qualities so that you aren't surrounded by a-holes and you can rise above them. Prove yourself that you have value.

Yes, I think human body in general is a sinking ship, ageing etc. It's just an animal lol

But what makes us, us. Is not the body it is us the mind. Now the mind is unlimited whereas the body is. Therefore if we could re-learn to not be humans, to try to get back to that being before one was/is a human one than could unlock one's full unhibited potential. 

Come on guys manifesting/limiting oneself as a human is so old school. 

Let's use our unlimited imagination and manifest as something better and more evolved and cooler and hipper. ?

There are no limits to imagination, and any alleged limits that there are, are imagined by us in the first place. 


Edited by WHO IS

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50 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

Come on guys manifesting/limiting oneself as a human is so old school.

Agreed... people are so stuck on repeating the same thought patterns and focusing on being mortals that there's no way we can evolve further. I doubt that some day technology or science will be able to transform our minds in such a way that the body will transcend all the limitations. To me it all seems to be a mind problem... we see stuff around us and identify with all the shit, then we wonder why we've having miserable lives.

Humans have lost all their hope but that power lies within, not in the sky or stars, not on other planets or dimensions. So stop focusing on being an ugly frog and realize that you are God. It's silly to imagine that god is a beautiful deity... beauty is in the eye of the beholder :)

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16 minutes ago, Member said:

Agreed... people are so stuck on repeating the same thought patterns and focusing on being mortals that there's no way we can evolve further. I doubt that some day technology or science will be able to transform our minds in such a way that the body will transcend all the limitations. To me it all seems to be a mind problem... we see stuff around us and identify with all the shit, then we wonder why we've having miserable lives.

Humans have lost all their hope but that power lies within, not in the sky or stars, not on other planets or dimensions. So stop focusing on being an ugly frog and realize that you are God. It's silly to imagine that god is a beautiful deity... beauty is in the eye of the beholder :)

I now get the point I think, why in many religions life is synonymous with water, because for example when we pour water into a cup it takes the shape of a cup, when we pour it into a box it takes the shape of a box, and I think it is the Consciousness. Right now Our Consciousness/Water is "poured" into the shape of a human being/lets-say-a-box. And what we need to do is basically "un-pour" ourselves from the limited form of a human being. 

And for this, first of all, we need to realize that we are no human, although the body appears to be. 

For example take this passage from John, which allegedly has Jesus words : John 3:5, ESV: "Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." John 3:5, KJV: "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."

Im not taking these words as a religious-christian text, but as possible words that were uttered by someone, in this case alleged Jesus of Nazareth who might have had some insight into Consiosunes - nature of reality. 

Edited by WHO IS

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44 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

I now get the point I think, why in many religions life is synonymous with water, because for example when we pour water into a cup it takes the shape of a cup, when we pour it into a box it takes the shape of a box, and I think it is the Consciousness. Right now Our Consciousness/Water is "poured" into the shape of a human being/lets-say-a-box. And what we need to do is basically "un-pour" ourselves from the limited form of a human being. 

And for this, first of all, we need to realize that we are no human, although the body appears to be. 

For example take this passage from John, which allegedly has Jesus words : John 3:5, ESV: "Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God." John 3:5, KJV: "Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."

Im not taking these words as a religious-christian text, but as possible words that were uttered by someone, in this case alleged Jesus of Nazareth who might have had some insight into Consiosunes - nature of reality. 

I don't know what's the interpretation for "water and the Spirit" but I agree that the Bible has some advanced stuff, although many truths have been lost... As for the body appearing as human, to me the first chapters from Genesis are really insightful:

“I heard Your voice in the garden,” he replied, “and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.” 11“Who told you that you were naked?” asked the LORD God. “Have you eaten of the tree from which I commanded you not to eat?” 12And the man answered, “The woman whom You gave me, she gave me fruit from the tree, and I ate it.”

In conclusion, they were innocent and suddenly they started feeling shame and fear because that's the price of knowledge. And Jesus said that we should be like children again which makes sense because they don't know much before the mind is being programmed by all around us.

When we are little we think that everything is possible and the mind has the power of transformation... but once we start to believe in our mortality, our minds act like a time bomb... this is where body starts to get ill and old, and finally die. Because the spark has been killed by this huge brain that we call "reality". When there is no hope, the magic is lost.

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1 hour ago, WHO IS said:

life is synonymous with water, because for example when we pour water into a cup it takes the shape of a cup, when we pour it into a box it takes the shape of a box, and I think it is the Consciousness. Right now Our Consciousness/Water is "poured" into the shape of a human being/lets-say-a-box. And what we need to do is basically "un-pour" ourselves from the limited form of a human being. 

well if water is poured into a cup the water takes the form of the inside of the cup, the cup embraces the water. if water is poured into a box ? the box looses shape.

it‘s a mess to reclaim water from the box.

Edited by remember

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A world whree you can make mistakes and grow from them, where you have freedom and can create what you want, where you can experience fighting alongside your brothers and fight for your country, or experience being a revolutionary, where you can experience being really deeply hurt, and learn how to love and be loved,

That's a world i want to live in. 

Not everything is pretty, but it is all beautiful.


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On 07/06/2020 at 9:36 PM, WHO IS said:

I see a world/existence where there is no need to kill and consume another living beings/creatures in order to sustain one's own life/existence.

I see a world where one does not need to "earn a living", when one "earns" a living it sounds as if to be alive is a privilege, doesn't it? 

I see a world where people don`t get sick and ill. 

I see a world where there is no such as some are ugly and others are beautiful, why not make everyone beautiful? When some are ugly and others are beautiful it creates jealousy from the inferior party and willingness to dominate from the superior party, I wonder if it is intentional, what do you think? And do you think it is fair?

I see a world/existence where one does need to virtually watch out/make sure all times that at one does not die. Where death does not exist. 

I see a world void of entropy, where good things last and do not fade away. 

One must know suffering in order to know bliss.

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On 2020-06-07 at 1:36 PM, WHO IS said:

Where death does not exist. 

Death provides life, without it there can not be life.

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Everyone's beautiful! ugliness doesn't exist.

Love life and your Health, INFJ Visionary


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