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Each the center of their universe

3 posts in this topic

You're each the center of your world/experience. The Kingdom of heaven is found within. When you do find it, it will be emmanating and radiating from you. There are infinite centers, running infinite different realities. You are the master of your center. Once you get full consious control, you're the master and the central Sun for your cosmos. To you, there's just your cosmos. You are the seed which has been planted long looong ago, you have been watered and the soil is just right, you just need to start to bloom and bloom you will... When you do, you're the King of your Kingdom and the Queen of your Queendom!


It's all about YOU!

In your world, you're the highest authority. Leo, Mooji etc all are second to you. But only in your own respective world. It is a shared merged world with infinite other worlds... But the mirror before which only you stand obeys and bows and dances to your music alone.

What will you orchestrate today?

What dance will the world dance for you?

Be the King that you already are

And be the Queen you already are

Mere dost

Mere yaar

Mere Pyar

God bless you all

Love you

Love me

Love all

Love him

Love she

Love they

Love her

Love love

Love from above


Love Is The Answer

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12 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

 Once you get full consious control, you're the master and the central Sun for your cosmos

'My cosmos' is the cosmos, there is no other.

Nice post!

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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@SamueLSD ❤️?❤️


You're the happening

Beginning less, endless happening

Happening can only happen, so let whatever happens, happen. 

Happening cannot understand itself as a thing, happening is the thinging of things. You cannot pause happening... the way to get off the ride is a binary system. So, simply know you're already also off the ride and the ride itself also.

Love Is The Answer

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