
Building a brand in english?

6 posts in this topic

I decided to start building a brand or rather just showing presence and sharing my insights about Psychedelic use and Spirituality on YouTube or through a blog. 

The question that comes to my mind is: Should I do it in my native languange (german) or in english? 

  • On english it has more potential to reach more people in general
  • On german it is certainly more niche (which could also be a good thing .. I guess) 
  • My pronunciation skills on english are not the best ... I understand everything (I even think on english most of the time) but it´s not so easy to formulate ideas in a sophisticated way
  • I would like to practice my english skills anyway 
  • Maybe I want to offer coaching or something similar at some point in the future, but I am not sure if I am confident enough to do that in english
  • I really like the english vocabulary, much easier to find some good descriptions on english (translated to german some words sound just really weird) 

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@Verg0 Heh, it just so happens that I have been going through the exact same thought process a couple of days ago; the only difference is that I arrived at my conclusion about fifteen seconds later, lol. Here it is:

Definitely go with English!

Man, if you're halfway proficient in English, then this is pretty much a no-brainer; you'll be shooting yourself in the foot if you limit yourself to German. Your potential audience will be about 50 times bigger when you speak/write in the most spoken language on planet Earth - don't worry 'bout the accent, that will just ad some extra exotic spice to your videos. ;) Plus, it will be a great occasion to really polish up your English skills and perhaps even enable you to do international collaborations with other bloggers and Youtubers in the future!

Anyhow, that's my two cents. B|

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@Verg0 Gern geschehen!

PS: You could also create two different Youtube channels, one in German, one in English. That way you won't even have to agonize over the choice of language - just go with both!

But when in doubt, I would always go with English.

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On 7.6.2020 at 4:20 PM, Bazooka Jesus said:

@Verg0 Gern geschehen!


I think I´ll go with English. 

Already have a German Channel with my mate :) 

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You can always do both and have two separated and unrelated channels :)

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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