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Emotions And Consciousness

3 posts in this topic

In this video Leo talks about how the model for the emotions is organized from least to most useful.

I wonder if it is also organized in level of consciousness, from least to most, and in level of control and responsibility.

I also saw a pattern in the way emotions are organized in this model that reminded me of the consciousness level model:


It seems like the more one grows in consciousness, the more one feels higher and higher emotions on the spectrum.

For example a victim feels basically 3 categories of emotions : Apathy, Grief and Fear

While the fighter feels : Lust, Anger and Pride

The Creator : Courage and Acceptance

And the Peace stage : Peace

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1 hour ago, Bruno said:

In this video Leo talks about how the model for the emotions is organized from least to most useful.

I wonder if it is also organized in level of consciousness, from least to most, and in level of control and responsibility.

I also saw a pattern in the way emotions are organized in this model that reminded me of the consciousness level model:


It seems like the more one grows in consciousness, the more one feels higher and higher emotions on the spectrum.

For example a victim feels basically 3 categories of emotions : Apathy, Grief and Fear

While the fighter feels : Lust, Anger and Pride

The Creator : Courage and Acceptance

And the Peace stage : Peace

you said: It seems like the more one grows in consciousness, the more one feels higher and higher emotions on the spectrum,

how do you figure this emotions is of the human being, the human identity.

you said:

For example a victim feels basically 3 categories of emotions : Apathy, Grief and Fear

While the fighter feels : Lust, Anger and Pride

both of these are emotions of the human being

you said: The Creator : Courage and Acceptance

where did you get this idea from,  as far as how the (creator)  manifest itself? and what is the (creator)

and you said:  And the Peace stage : Peace

what is a peace stage, where would one find this, how would one obtain this?


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