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My Deepest Awakening Yet.

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After pondering the nature of my existence for days now, I have come across my most mind-bending awakening yet.

I am looking at the phone screen and think that I am using the internet.

But what my iPhone is is my mind / consciousness projecting itself into that screen to offer content to itself as an operating system.

When you are watching a guy in a video... well you CREATED him the moment you found his videos; your imagination created him. 

And because consciousness / absolute infinity is absolutely unlimited, it created this character “back in time” and then his parents and his entire back story. Consciousness needed to just create and justify his existence, as the video you are watching HAS him. 

ALL the music in your Spotify collection was created by you.

Its all you.

The computer is you, the users are you, the YouTube video Star is you, it’s all you. Same with your phone.

The mere fact something was measured; like in the example of a video, means it needed to exist FOR THAT REASON. 

Its an endless, infinite dream.

Every time you imagine something new it spawns another infinite universe and then another.

But it’s all you! You are living all of those characters on your phone.

Including Leo. You created Leo, and you are Leo living Leo’s life.

Its all consciousness talking to itself. 

There is only god lost in its own dream, ever creating more and more dreams.

Reality is a dream machine spawning infinite dreams that have no ground.

You looking at more of you thinking thoughts that then have more of your thoughts.



Edited by justfortoday

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Yea, it's God damn amazing and impossible, but it is the only way this could be. Similarly I looked around at work looking at things and recognised the utter incomprehensible complexity of everything in sight. It is infinitely complex, but at the same time very ordinary. There are infinite stories, infinite adventures, infinite depth, but it is absolutely free to be just what it is. Because it is what it is, it could not be any other way, you can not escape Love. People searching for this are just Love appearing as a character looking for Love. They cant find it because Love has forgotten Love in that particular adventure. It is always whole no matter what appearance Love takes.

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