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Forrest Adkins

Mediation Posture Problem

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I have the problem that after about 30 minutes my leg and ass muscles are getting uncomfortable. My muscles even start to shake and its really bringing my out of my meditation to the point where I have to stop. Im trying to sit kind of like leo in the blog post video about mediation posture. I feel stable when I start but after 30 minutes im just wiggling around.

Im sitting on a pillow like this


On top of this mat




What the best way to sit on this?

Edited by Forrest Adkins

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Hi, I can't find the blog post video (it may help if you can direct me to it), but at a guess I'd suggest you try a bit more support under the cushion to lift you up a couple of inches or so. I was taught when sitting cross legged to keep my hips higher up than my knees to create a tripod effect with both knees on the floor. How long do you want to sit for?  30 mins sitting still is good, why not give yourself a break and move posture so you can continue and keep comfortable for the rest of the session? 

Edited by silene

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