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My problem with the internet.

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I basically need to use the internet at the moment for job hunting, and for some other research purposes. However, for some reason i always endup on a YouTube binge, and before i know it, several hours have gone by after i wake up from this haze of having watched the most stupid and mundane shit. Than i wonder where all the time has gone to, and i feel kinda shitty for not having done something more productive with my time. 

How can i use the internet responsibly? I keep failing at this. I can't just quit it all together, because i obviously need to use the internet.

Edited by Shiva99

"I should've been a statistic, but decided to go against all odds instead. What if?" - David Goggins.

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Its like any other addiction. You could try to will power it. Or slowly spend less and less time on YouTube. Become very aware of the time you spend on the internet. 

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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I had the same issue with Youtube and Netflix. It didn't work out for me being mindful, I tried it maaany times. So I just cut them off entirely. Pretty hard at the beginning, but it was the solution.

If you like watching Leo or other good channels, you can download the videos you want and watch offline.

Nowadays, after several months, I use Youtube, but only for searching specific things. Never allow myself to start binge watching stupid videos, because they capture me for hours.


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54 minutes ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

Its like any other addiction. You could try to will power it. Or slowly spend less and less time on YouTube. Become very aware of the time you spend on the internet. 

Hmm yes i guess awareness alone is also curative with this addiction.

"I should've been a statistic, but decided to go against all odds instead. What if?" - David Goggins.

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13 minutes ago, WalterM said:

If you like watching Leo or other good channels, you can download the videos you want and watch offline.

Ah yes good idea. 

"I should've been a statistic, but decided to go against all odds instead. What if?" - David Goggins.

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I think it’s mostly to do with your health practices. I have noticed that on days when I haven’t had enough sleep, or eat something unhealthy, it’s way easier to fall into internet binges. But on most days when I do everything right, I have no problem getting work done.

There can be other factors at play as well. For instance, I have found that the weather as well as air quality can impact your mind. On cloud/rainy (low atmospheric pressure) days, your mental clarity is often impacted, making it easier to slack off. Breathing practices or anti-inflammatory herbs can be helpful for that.

And poor air quality will ruin your mental clarity as well as sleep quality. An air filter is a great investment for that.

Overall, as long as you're productive at least 85-90% of the time, there's nothing to worry about. If lower than that, there's room for improvement.

Edited by smurf88

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Set a timer, 15 minutes of work, then 10 to relax, or do what you want online. Repeat or change time increments as needed. It helps build awareness of how you're using your time without judging yourself, in fact it also allows you to fully enjoy the time you're "wasting". 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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Whenever you catch yourself watching YouTube just open a video with Leo ?

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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Well what do you watch? If you binge on actualized videos thats at least binge time spend on something that could help you.

I found the best way to counteract this is by simply having more interesting stuff to do. So maybe the problem will solve itself when you found your job. Or you could start a new habit, a new hobby.

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