
Is Heaven a real place aside from here and now>

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I experienced what I call heaven in a dream where I went through a black hole and got me questioning if Heaven is real. 

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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4 minutes ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

I experienced what I call heaven in a dream where I went through a black hole and got me questioning if Heaven is real. 

By trying to find heaven you declare that it is not here. Heaven is all there is, trying to find it is hell, because you can't. 

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This is heaven ;)

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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What is there besides here /now? What is a here /now? All of that seems to exist in imagination. Dogs don't think about a here /now, though they live in it. But what are they living in? It takes the imagination of a human to say the dogs lives here /now. Heaven exists in imagination. Imagination is heaven. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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What's fascinating is people can go through their entire lives believing some sort of depictions or metaphors of heaven and hell as if they are some post-death far away places, all the while missing the truth that's right under their noses.

Heaven and hell exist literally, right now in our current world.

A wise thing Jordan Peterson said is that the decisions you make, even the smallest ones. And the kind of life you live in the big picture contribute to either one of those becoming more prevalent.

So you better be watching out for what you're doing!


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yes. it is. but the direction of your experience only starts heading towards that... starts transforming towards that place when you make the u-turn and start driving it that way.


the place you ask about is like a reflection in the mirror. yes, the mirror's reflection is very real. but it's secondary. the primary is the one before the mirror.


so your question is really like this:

is Smile a reflection that is possible in the mirror?

answer: yes! yes it is. but to make that happen, the one standing before it must smile first :)


now the real life reflection of the mirror to your heart/smile is not instantaneous like a mirror... (it builds up-to that point though!) but the change begins with you. start today and your life will begin to transform... to match your smile the mirror adjusts the reflection in it accordingly... and the bigger and deeper your smile, the faster this happens... keep smiling no matter what happens on the outside, knowing deep within that the transformation is underway... you will feel it in your heart and soul and before you know it, the place which is Heaven will have arrived for the one fit to live in it :)


Love Is The Answer

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Yes, it is a real place beside here.

Heaven is death.

You will not reach Heaven until you permanently die forever.

Death is an endless process of LOVE. Which is what you call Heaven.

The only thing keeping you from Heaven is your fear of death. The problem is that you are not willing to let yourself go.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The only thing keeping you from Heaven is your fear of death. The problem is that you are not willing to let yourself go.

That's what Marshall Applewhite said


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@Leo Gura What about hell? Can one "go" to hell after death? I mean an actual place, like they describe in Bible or something.

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4 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

That's what Marshall Applewhite said

Doesn't matter. What is true is true.

Also, don't confuse the lower death drive with the higher death drive.

The death I am talking about is not one that is forced upon you. It's one that happens naturally once you become conscious enough.

If you have any fear of death whatsoever, you're not ready for what I talking about. True death happens when all your fears are realized to be a pure illusion.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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21 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, it is a real place beside here.

Heaven is death.

You will not reach Heaven until you permanently die forever.

Death is an endless process of LOVE. Which is what you call Heaven.

The only thing keeping you from Heaven is your fear of death. The problem is that you are not willing to let yourself go.

How do you know God won´t create another dream after being x time in this Infinite Love heaven?

Isn´t that why we are all here? Because God got bored of Oneness?

Edited by Javfly33

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3 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

How do you know God won´t create another dream after being x time in this Infinite Love heaven?

Isn´t that why we are all here? Because God got bored of Oneness?

You will do whatever you want, since you are God.

Heaven removes all limits. You gain the capacity to create or experience whatever you want. You could imagine yourself having sex with every hot girl on the planet simultaneously and cumming into them for eternity - an endless orgasm. Until you get bored with it and go do something else like kill some puppies.

That is Heaven: whatever you want, forever.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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 Advanced issue found
4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You will do whatever you want, since you are God.

Heaven removes all limits. You gain the capacity to create or experience whatever you want. You could imagine yourself having sex with every hot girl on the planet simultaneously and cumming into them for eternity - an endless orgasm. Until you get bored with it and go do something else like kill some puppies.

That is Heaven: whatever you want, forever.7fri

So we aren't in heaven yet, because we don't decide stuff like that right? Like for example if I could decide I would make my body 10/10 Adonis, but hey my wishes don't call the shots. 

Is it what lies beyond the line? Heaven?Where all dreams come true and there is, therefore,no struggle/friction/suffering because everything is smooth?

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31 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, it is a real place beside here.

Heaven is death.

You will not reach Heaven until you permanently die forever.

Death is an endless process of LOVE. Which is what you call Heaven.

The only thing keeping you from Heaven is your fear of death. The problem is that you are not willing to let yourself go.

  Somebody considering suicide might be inspired to do it in reading this. 
but do you care? 

And you are saying this but retreated from it yourself in your Outrageous Experiments video where you were virtually crying in part of it.
You didn't go through with the death experiment so why are you encouraging others to?  Would it be fascinating to watch someone else do it?  That's love? 

Edited by Nak Khid

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9 minutes ago, WHO IS said:

So we aren't in heaven yet because we don't decide stuff like that right?



Like for example if I could decide I would make my body 10/10 Adonis, but hey my wishes don't call the shots. 

Right, which is why you suffer. Because your wishes cannot be full fulfilled as long as you are in human form.


Is it what lies beyond the line? Heaven?Where all dreams come true and there is, therefore,no struggle/friction/suffering because everything is smooth?

Of course

It's not just smooth or lack of suffering, it's a Cosmic Orgasm that never ends. You make love to everyone and everything that could possibly exist. For example, you have sex with Hitler and you LOVE IT!

You don't understand what LOVE is until you've had sex with Hitler ;)

Until you understand that everything that Hitler did was the highest form of LOVE. When you realize that Hitler's action were just an expression of the highest LOVE, you will cry like a baby and you will be happier than you've imagined was possible.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Nak Khid said:

Somebody considering suicide might be inspired to do it in reading this. but do you care?

I told you to not confuse the lower death drive with the higher death drive.

I do care that people don't commit suicide. Which is why I always say, don't harm the body.

Suicide is no done out of consciousness and love, it is done out of fear and suffering.

I am only talking about actions taken out of the highest consciousness and love.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Anybody who says they know what happens after death 

doesn't knows what happens after death. They are simply making it up

Edited by Nak Khid

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