
Consciousness is waking up to itself

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15 minutes ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

@Someone here @Javfly33

Dunno guys, I tried everything, and if Universe is playing this game since forever and it has an infinite number of perspectives and it has seen everything, and it never ends and it lasts since always and will last forever and ever - what's the point? 

Yeah, I know, it's about JOURNEY, it's about here and now, it still doesn't convince me. 

There's nowhere to go and nothing to do, great, why not just kill yourself? Oh, I forgot, there's only me and I will probably reincarnate and have to live through this again and again. I'm stuck and Universe is stuck, what a fucking farce.

All that is bullshit woo woo beilefs that you heard someone else saying. You have no direct experience of any of that.  You are sacrificing actual reality (this thing here) for these stupid fantasies in your head??   Really sad. 

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32 minutes ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:


So you're telling me, that Neo was wrong and Cypher is right? Deluding yourself is the correct answer? 

No, let me correct that, you're saying, that they are both right, it's about perspective and the deluded one is wiser, whilst being stupid, because it's deluded. Life is a paradox and shit?

Suffering is delusion. The beauty, the life, the love, the freedom, that's pure creation. 

You are afraid of being deluded. The fear is suffering. That's the delusion. 

It's too fucking perfect, too fucking amazing to even describe. It's so powerful and entrancing it creates moments of boredom and weakness just so that you can appreciate it all, the WHOLE of it, all the more. It's so perfectly totally whole that nothing can be said that it allows itself to be veiled, seperated, colored and described in various languages. 

All we're doing here is tapping into that full appreciation and love, putting down the suffering of the delusions that keep them in place simply seeing them in ourselves without judgement, bit by bit... to uncover more of that light.

The most "nihilistic" seeming teachers are doing it out of sheer perfect LOVE and courage just so that you can see this. There are no separate teachers. They are characters in the story just like Neo, and Harry Potter. Imagine the hard-nosed, "nihilistic" teachers as making as a "sacrifice" of a sort. This whole thing, everything, is unfolding here just for you... for all because they never had existence on their own. You only need appreciate it in all it's wondrous beauty and perfect. Laugh, cry, feel, dare to dream, dare to live, knowing deep in your core, (the core that is not), that nothing can ever be lost. 

Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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26 minutes ago, 28 cm unbuffed said:

@Someone here @Javfly33

Dunno guys, I tried everything, and if Universe is playing this game since forever and it has an infinite number of perspectives and it has seen everything, and it never ends and it lasts since always and will last forever and ever - what's the point? 

Yeah, I know, it's about JOURNEY, it's about here and now, it still doesn't convince me. 

There's nowhere to go and nothing to do, great, why not just kill yourself? Oh, I forgot, there's only me and I will probably reincarnate and have to live through this again and again. I'm stuck and Universe is stuck, what a fucking farce.

There are a lot of complex things going on in reality I guess, but you don't have to understand all of them to be, at least not yet.

It's quite simple, really, you haven't erased the "I". Suicide is not an option, not just morally or whatever because I'm nobody to juzge anybody if if wants to end his life, but rather that it's not an option because your survival conditioning won't allow it.

That's what one of the turning points for me. My ego would complain about how life or this or that is an illusion, nonsense or whatever. But then I realized that this ego actually the problem. Also that this ego prefers to stay the same before actually changing and finding peace.

Basically I saw clearly that the only problem in reality was my "I". From that moment it was crystal clear what I needed to do.

I guess until you see this you won't have this realization. It doesn't take only suffering but also wisdow/observation. Really observing if the problem is reality or is your "I" 

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