
Consciousness is waking up to itself

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Healing is possible.

Growing a new arm maybe not.

@Leo Gura why not? What is hindering that?

I always thought infinite love is infinite goodness. Why shouldn’t god be able to do something like that? Where is the difference in the miracle of healing a cancer patient and healing an amputee?

Sure it’s not an illness per se, but still something that is limiting ones experience in a body.

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7 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Maybe I won't be here soon.

C’mon man, there’s no rush. Куда спешить? ?

I just was interested in the reasons: you preparing to it or you just haven’t decided yet or there’s something else?

Mybe you just waiting when the Cyberpunk 2077 will be released?

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32 minutes ago, deso said:

@Leo Gura why not? What is hindering that?

I always thought infinite love is infinite goodness. Why shouldn’t god be able to do something like that? Where is the difference in the miracle of healing a cancer patient and healing an amputee?

Of course you can do it, but first you have to die.

You see the existential problem here? You want the full unlimited power of God but you are not willing to let go of all the limits that you as God have placed on yourself.

You have your foot on the break pedal and wondering why your car can't go 100 MPH.

If you cannot change the radius of the moon using your mind, you aren't fully awake. You are limiting yourself.

12 minutes ago, Ar_Senses said:

C’mon man, there’s no rush. Куда спешить? ?

I just was interested in the reasons: you preparing to it or you just haven’t decided yet or there’s something else?

Mybe you just waiting when the Cyberpunk 2077 will be released?

Maybe I was never here and you are just talking to yourself ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course you can do it, but first you have to die.

You see the existential problem here? You want the full unlimited power of God but you are not willing to let go of all the limits that you as God have placed on yourself.

You have your foot on the break pedal and wondering why your car can't go 100 MPH.

If you cannot change the radius of the moon using your mind, you aren't fully awake. You are limiting yourself.

@Leo Gura but this would result in the end of this dream, the end of me in physical form. I want to stay here, but aswell heal my ailment. Is there no other way?

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13 minutes ago, deso said:

@Leo Gura but this would result in the end of this dream, the end of me in physical form. I want to stay here, but aswell heal my ailment. Is there no other way?

I told you healing is possible. You talk about growing arms.

If you want to grow a dick on your forehead then you'll have to die.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

This question is misleading because "physical death" is imaginary.

But what I'm talking about means you will no longer be a part of this material universe which you are presently dreaming up. You will let go of this dream. Humans usually call this "physical death". But actually it's LOVE!

Any human who is in this material universe is not fully awake by definition. If they were, they wouldn't be here.

So basically unless you physically drop death your level of awakening is never 100%?
Like the highest you can get without dying is like what you got in 30 days retreat probably? Like 99.9% awakening, but not the 100% which would be when you physically drop dead?

So the idea as this avatar is to get to the 99.9%, live and enjoy life and let life put you down in one way or another so that you die and get to the 100%. But if you don't care about life itself, but just to get to the 100% awakening, then the best way to awaken it would actually be killing yourself?
But then to say it in human terms, it would like an instant that feels like infinity and then you "reincarnate" meaning that you imagine a new world/life? 
I guess from the absolute perspective of infinity all these infinite lives and possibilities are happening at the same time, but to say it in human terms, so in more linear terms you "reincarnate", right?

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14 minutes ago, docs20 said:

So basically unless you physically drop death your level of awakening is never 100%?
Like the highest you can get without dying is like what you got in 30 days retreat probably? Like 99.9% awakening, but not the 100% which would be when you physically drop dead?

So the idea as this avatar is to get to the 99.9%, live and enjoy life and let life put you down in one way or another so that you die and get to the 100%. But if you don't care about life itself, but just to get to the 100% awakening, then the best way to awaken it would actually be killing yourself?
But then to say it in human terms, it would like an instant that feels like infinity and then you "reincarnate" meaning that you imagine a new world/life? 
I guess from the absolute perspective of infinity all these infinite lives and possibilities are happening at the same time, but to say it in human terms, so in more linear terms you "reincarnate", right?

I don't know if God reincarnates after it goes totally infinite. Seems silly to do so. But up to you I guess.

I don't know if natural death will be enough to reach 100%. It might not be. I think to become fully God it has to be a conscious choice to never ever have a self again.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't know if God reincarnates after it goes totally infinite. Seems silly to do so. But up to you I guess.

But you said a few months ago that God goes through all life experiences and the cycle is infinite :o

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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1 minute ago, billiesimon said:

But you said a few months ago that God goes through all life experiences and the cycle is infinite :o

Look, it's hard to explain this shit. It's unexplainable.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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29 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I told you healing is possible. You talk about growing arms.

If you want to grow a dick on your forehead then you'll have to die.

@Leo Gura But is there a fundamental difference if everything we label as physical isn’t actually existent but in our mind? Shouldn’t we be able to bypass the physical laws when waking up to a certain level of consciousness? Just through the simplicity of love. Just like Jesus reportedly did by transforming water into wine.

I just want to regenerate something that has been lost. I don’t want to grow wings and fly away.

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42 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I told you healing is possible. You talk about growing arms.

If you want to grow a dick on your forehead then you'll have to die.

But why one thing is possible and not the other? 

Like why not growing a huge dick is not possible and healing maybe a cancer is? [like I'm not ironic, it's a serious question]

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33 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Look, it's hard to explain this shit. It's unexplainable.

I'm pretty sure that God itself has no clue about what existence actually is.

Here stems the chaos and the maze of life, in my opinion.

Inquire in the now.

Feeling is the truest knowing ?️

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5 minutes ago, billiesimon said:

I'm pretty sure that God itself has no clue about what existence actually is.

Here stems the chaos and the maze of life, in my opinion.

God doesn't have a clue. He doesn't exist. You don't have a clue either. You don't exist. Infinite intelligence is, but no one has a clue. No one is doing anything, everything seems to be being done but no one is doing anything. Nothing has changed "since" the big bang, if you can imagine that when the universe was created and coming into place and life first evolved, no "one" was doing anything and now that "we" can "think" we think we do things. And no one is doing that. When you stop thinking of yourself as the person with a body and a certain perspective going about doing things, what changes? 

26 minutes ago, docs20 said:

But why one thing is possible and not the other? 

Like why not growing a huge dick is not possible and healing maybe a cancer is? [like I'm not ironic, it's a serious question]

If there's no self, then to use the power of "God" or the "One" the "motive" would be total Oneness or Love. So maybe the One doesn't give a shit about your dick size, how many you have or the placement of them but if you were created for a purpose to serve the One out of perfect Self Love then your life might be extended until that purpose is played out. 

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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18 minutes ago, billiesimon said:

I'm pretty sure that God itself has no clue about what existence actually is.

Here stems the chaos and the maze of life, in my opinion.

No one  does. 

" Clue" Can't capture what's Larger than it. The part is always smaller than the whole. 

Edited by Someone here

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18 minutes ago, mandyjw said:

So maybe the One doesn't give a shit about your dick size

LOL, true that. 

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't know if God reincarnates after it goes totally infinite. Seems silly to do so. But up to you I guess.

I don't know if natural death will be enough to reach 100%. It might not be. I think to become fully God it has to be a conscious choice to never ever have a self again.

I don’t think it’s silly at all. It feels all about time not existing and only perceiving it as a human. I think there is a way to figure out who you played before and after Leo, I sometimes feel like the idea of now is an illusion as well and we just experience whatever we want. So there has already been an after, like the whole strangeloop thing and everything would have to be already finished but we perceive it being created. It doesn’t make sense we’d have to create this slow when we can do it all in an instant. I think we just pick a part to play based on where our love went in the last round. So there’s no reason why you couldn’t of been someone in 2070 before you were Leo in 1980’s. 

this is all speculation and I’d love to hear anything proved wrong, I need drugs, soon 

sorry I’m really bad at trying to type this out


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Why can a human not swim as well as a shark? 

Because being in a finite avatar places severe restrictions on you. Your body restricts infinite consciousness.

You can't have it both ways. You want to be both unlimited while clinging to all of your limits and attachments out fear. If you cling, you become limited.

If you want to be unlimited then go die. Otherwise suffer your limits.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Have you ever had a Lucid Dream in your life? You know, being able to do everything you can think of as long as you can? Being completely aware it’s a dream and that you’re creating all of it, it’s so good you don’t want it to end? You can fly and fuck whoever you want? whoever you’re able to think of, every thought just happens as it’s thought with no interference 

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@Leo Gura So, basically, fear is the mechanism which limits us? And if we get rid of fear 100%, we will die and become unlimited?

So, fear is just a God's way to fool itself in order to experience itself in a limited way? 

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

If you want to be unlimited then go die.

@Leo Gura To go die, that means die completely to the small self or ego?  Basically removing the human identity or letting go of the limitations of being human?  

What are the best ways to undertake dying to the limited self? 

Edited by wordsforliving

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