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science is getting closer

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Science will NEVER get it. Not ever.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Ok maybe not.. i just find it interesting how science seams to be coming to an end where it almost becomes metaphysic and mysticism doesn’t seam so mystic anymore if that makes sense.. but then maybe by definition it’s no longer science. I don’t know.. ?

Edited by MrWolf

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@Dand One way to look at it is the evolution and expansion of science. Another approach is to see the science in non-science. Everyone does science everyday without realizing it. Everyone is a scientist. Even a hardcore immaterialist is a scientist. For example: “Based on my sensitivity to mushrooms, I will use a low dose of 25ug of LSD to test my sensitivity. . . (After the trip). I didn’t feel much. Next time, I will bump the dose up to 50ug” <= That is science. 

Science is everywhere. Artists, mechanics, shamans, athletes, Home Depot cashiers - all scientists. Creativity = Science = Art. . . It’s all inter-related. Humans create arbitrary boundaries and categories. These dualities have practical purpose. For example, a school may have a “Science Day”. Yet upon closer inspection, the dualistic boundaries between science vs. non-science break down. 

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36 minutes ago, Dand said:

This depends on your definition of science though. By this you mean modern materialist science using the scientific method right?

Like you say, science has been evolving and will continue to evolve, it used to incorporate spirituality and philosophy but made the mistake of separating itself from these domains. 

I can see science realising this and evolving into nonduality eventually but I guess the question is, would you still call it science at that point. Or at least, science as we know it?

I think the problem is more inclined towards "proving".

It's obvious at this point that what reality is, can't be proven. If it would what the hell are we doing in this forum. We would just listen to the word and that's it 

But words can't grasp the whole thing of course. This is one of the most obvious things. The limitation of language, logic, or even any kind of thinking to realize something as big as infinity.

The funny thing is that to get reality you need to verify it for yourself, nobody can't prove it to you. So of course science won't be able either.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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5 minutes ago, Dand said:

Why does proof have to be limited to words? It definitely can be proven in a way because if you awaken you prove it to yourself. 

Though, just because we haven't been able to prove it yet to others, doesn't mean we won't ever be able to. After all, If I gave you 5MeODMT and you awakened, wouldn't that be proving it to you? ;) 


Yes, but that is the same as with practices. People would have to do the practice or the psychedelic and get the proof themselves.

So it's not that 5-MeO-DMT is proof. It can deliver proof, but you still have to go get it yourself.


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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On 6/3/2020 at 0:49 PM, MrWolf said:

It might take a long time, but I find it exiting how multiple “disciplines” seem to be moving closer to a common knowing.


Some say the universe is Mathematics 
others say the universe is Love

they pick what they want , what they like 

but they are both wrong

the universe is the universe 


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@Dand Imagine that if Consciousness is the size of a category 5 hurricane, all of science that mankind will ever do in the next billion years will be like one pubic hair caught in that hurricane.

You're not appreciating the scope of what Consciousness is.

That one pubic hair will never understand the hurricane.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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"What is the ultimate fabric of reality? My own position is quite clear: I am a materialist while being a scientist but a mathematical realist when being a speculator. Materialism, the view that the fundamental particles, including their agglomerations into atoms and molecules, together with the forces that bind them into interesting entities, are all that is necessary for all the properties of the world. There is nothing beyond these entities."

What is the ultimate fabric of reality? Yourself. God. The musical pattern of the eternal Tao. Love. Consciousness. Oneness.

That is the Truth.

Yet, this dude has his own non-true position. And it is quite clear, but still a bit fuzzy, so let me help him:


"I'm a retard while being a scientist but a mathematical retard when being a speculator. Retardism, the view that the fundamental particles, including their agglomerations into atoms and molecules --- yes I just ignore here that QM tells us that there exist no fundamental particles but only potential waves/fields of energy, but what the heck, I'm a retard, so bear over with me --- together with the forces that bind them into interesting "entities", are all that is necessary for all the properties of the world. There is nothing beyond these entities. For example, me observing those entities when for example observing photons from the sun having a qualia-subjective-like experience of seeing blue (the sky), that's an illusion; That's just subjective, and only the objective hard-physical world exist! So naturally I don't exist as a consciousness. I'm just plain dumb matter following some dumb natural laws. And I don't have to argue why I/consciousness doesn't exist, cos remember: I am retarded, so you cannot blame me. Have a good day."


Edited by WaveInTheOcean

Can you bite your own teeth?  --  “What a caterpillar calls the end of the world we call a butterfly.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Dand Imagine that if Consciousness is the size of a category 5 hurricane, all of science that mankind will ever do in the next billion years will be like one pubic hair caught in that hurricane.

You're not appreciating the scope of what Consciousness is.

That one public hair will never understand the hurricane.

Pubic hairs don't need to understand hurricanes 

they are hurricanes 



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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Dand Imagine that if Consciousness is the size of a category 5 hurricane, all of science that mankind will ever do in the next billion years will be like one pubic hair caught in that hurricane.

You're not appreciating the scope of what Consciousness is.

That one public hair will never understand the hurricane.

If somehow, science reach the speed of light or completely understand black wholes or singularity , they can get it :) 

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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11 minutes ago, Dand said:

Content is infinite, it will never figure it out this way. Black holes and light speed are just more content, what science needs to look at is context

Blackholes point out nothingness, all is one there as nothing. They just dont know how to approach it. Additionally, speed if light points out all the time is happening at the same time, which is the moment. So if they know how to approach the moment they will figure it out. Even math describes it, 1/infinite = 0, so 0= +- infinite, infinite = +- 0 even math disproves itself. Science just will get that they can not prove the existence with material (because it is not exist). But they can understand  the what existence is with scientific drugs (5 meo, shrooms, lsd, dmt). They can never prove it because it is unexplainable. Science never say we can prove the god, because science is exist under control of religion in first place. Because they accepted in first place god is all knowing. 

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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