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Ive been following Mooji for the last month and i feel he has some of the most direct teachings. He seriously cuts through all the bullshit of the mind and i really feel in my body and completely present while listening to his teachings. He doesn't address any of the growing up ideas like Leo or Ken Wilber and just sees it all as mind play that can be transcended. He really directs the person towards The Self with every word he says and its making me question whether growing up is that important when you can leave all the psychological worries behind by following a spiritual master like this.

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@andyjohnsonman I go for growing up and cleaning up (shadow work), because I see that staying in a very present and still state, denying Life (living life) does not work in the long term. I was, and you might also at some point be, brought back to the body and society to work through stuff that was left behind. And I am glad. That means freedom everywhere, not only in the empty and detached state. It means being free and fully enjoying the body to the very bottom. It means being free and being so close and intimate with people. It means, yes, dying fully, but living fully also :)

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He's an amazing teacher his guided meditation are taking me very deep very quick 9_9

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7 hours ago, okulele said:

@andyjohnsonman I go for growing up and cleaning up (shadow work), because I see that staying in a very present and still state, denying Life (living life) does not work in the long term. I was, and you might also at some point be, brought back to the body and society to work through stuff that was left behind. And I am glad. That means freedom everywhere, not only in the empty and detached state. It means being free and fully enjoying the body to the very bottom. It means being free and being so close and intimate with people. It means, yes, dying fully, but living fully also :)

Yea that's something im currently looking into. Can you be in a very present state and live a life. I've come to the conclusion you can and you aren't denying life but actually enriching it. You just don't have all the worries of an egoic identity which can actually hold you back. When you start out  I think its important to find some place quiet to meditate where you can be by yourself but as Mooji says you should develop out of this rather than spiritual bypassing - go do all the things you want to do, meditate on a busy crowded loud urban jungle like a crowded train station in New Delhi. 

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Love without clinging
Give without demanding
Receive without possessing
Perceive without projecting
Witness without judging
Focus without tension
Work without strain
Relax without laziness
Play without competing
Enjoy without craving
Reflect without imagining
Serve without demonstrating
Surrender without hesitating
Challenge without dominating
Meditate without identity
Correct without blaming
Overcome without pride
Master without enslaving
Laugh without cynicism
Cry without pity
Confront without hatred
Guide without superiority
Enter without self-importance
Depart without regret
Live without arrogance
Exist without self-image
Awaken to the Real
Be one with God

- Mooji

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I agree, Mooji is incredible. I think he easily has some of the best guided meditations out there. It was only relatively recently that I started branching out and watching other spiritual teachers on YouTube, people like Mooji and Rupert Spira and Shunyamurti. These guys can provide a unique perspective or sort of explain things in their own distinct way, and I think it really helps to put everything into perspective. 

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