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Relationship Advice - Drop the 'Y' and Beyond

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Drop the Y from the word 'YOURS' and you're left with OURS. Change YOU to WE. Change I to US.


This advice is for any sort of relationship where the two (or more) parties are working towards a shared goal. So a couple, mother and kids, father and kids, a coach and an athlete, a tutor and a student and so on.


Now when it comes to talking about failure or faults, the normal narrative that plays out is that of "IT'S YOUR FAULT!"... "YOU FAILED"

The power of United purpose and United love is immense. This can be seen very clearly on national holidays which bring together all races genders and political views and paints one colour on them all. This can be at a city level or a national level. If a country wins an Olympic medal for a sporting event, the whole country will be United as one. And they will sing the shared song that they all know, the national anthem. If a basketball or a hockey team wins the same effect will happen at the city level, uniting the whole city together.


The same United love, an d United purpose can be applied on a one-on-one relationship. These relationships are very much mirrored. The fault we see in the other is very likely just equal and opposite reaction which is inevitable to the actions we take at our end. Approaching with a, "we will do better" instead of a "you should do better" or "it's our fault" vs "it's your fault" or "we failed" instead of "you failed" can help strengthen and evolve the relationship towards a common goal, whatsoever it may be. 


The two parties involved form a single ship, their relationship. It's like a body, and each person is a leg or a hand. When is the right leg and the right hand, the other is a left leg and the left hand. The right hand blaming left hand serves no purpose and doesn't bring them any closer to attaining their goal. Both should work in a Harmony which results naturally when it is seen and realized that they are one. It's like a child's hand clapping game, in order for the game to succeed both parties playing it need to be alert and be in rhythm together. The two playing are not looking to defeat each other in any way oh, it's just a game, and it's a shared game that two can play. Your relationships are nothing but a single body attempting to walk without wobbling oh, there are already many uneven steps, potholes and ditches along the path... The two legs working together is the only thing you can control at your end, and it's the most significant. Once this is under control the rest becomes a simple matter

Love Is The Answer

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