
Super Consciousness

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What meditation should I do to get to super consciousness. Unless if it's something that is built up over time.

Edited by MrPeak

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I think you should just sit down all day and do nothing. Like a homeless ;) 

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Meditate 1 hour per day (more than enough...) AND BE AWARE EVERY SECOND OF EVERY DAY (maintain that meditative state trough the day). It's fucking easy to be aware while your sitting and doing nothing, try to be aware every second trough the day, that will make all the difference. Empty your mind and BE aware, don't try to be aware of something, just be aware. This is so fucking simple, it can't be more simple than that. The trap begins when you think that you think, because YOU can never think that you think. Every thought that you identify with will make it more complex. People are exchanging reality for a combination of symbols wich meaning is illusory. Just be and everything will fall into place. 

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Let yourself be distracted by one sense at a time until you are slowly concentrated on all of them. Do not resist one of the five senses. Do not focus so much on one that your focus is not evenly distributed unless you are slowly working toward applying that amount of fixation on all of them.

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Listen very carefully, and do everything that I say, in this exact order, and you will attain super consciousness forever:

  • Meditate for precisely 21 minutes and 34 seconds daily.
  • by the fortieth day at approximately 20:00 hours, you will see a blue pearl of light shining brilliantly in your awareness.
  • at that exact moment, stop meditating and do a handstand. Headstand is fine too, but less effective. And if you really can't do that, go for the tripod.
  • while in this position, repeat out loud five times: "I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride!"
  • this should activate a thought in your head that says "That was stupid." Good, this means you're close!
  • Now make an omelette. Not just any omelette though. A four-egg omelete topped with extra pink himalayan salt, two sliced shitaake mushrooms, one and a half pinches of cayenne pepper, and diced green pepper. Oh, don't forget the pepper jack too!
  • After eating your omelette, drink a julep outside while singing "Row Row Row Your Boat" and gurgling the liquids in your mouth as if you were underwater.

And voila! Superconsciousness activated. Now make sure to follow each and every step to the tee, or else your life becomes meaningless and you won't know anything. Wait a sec.....

“Feeling is the antithesis of pain."

—Arthur Janov

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@MrPeak Actually, that article talks about Kriya yoga. I have a book in my book list which details every secret Kriya yoga technique. A complete manual, full of dozens of techniques. In that book, you can find Yogananda's exact set of practices. They're super arcane and technical. But they should work if you do them long enough.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Learn to be aware of 

Your body all the time bodyparts sensations etc

your breathing 

your heart beating 

your emotions how when and why they appear 

ahat would be a good start i think 

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@MrPeak I wasn't able to raise my consciousness until I learned that it's normal to go up and down the consciousness chart and learn to coach myself out of it (I am a life coach).


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