
The US is Collapsing?

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I dont know if guys been keeping up but nothing looks good for the US right now. Something in my gut tells me we are looking at bad days ahead. What do you guys think?

Sorry for a low quality thread

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How did you think the transition to stage Green would look?

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Lots of "reptilian elite masterminds" conspiracy theorists in the comment section :P

Edited by VerballyHazardous

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Collectively, we are at a point where the old — I call it the old, dysfunctional, egoic state of consciousness — has become extremely dangerous. We can go back 100 years ago, which is 1914, when World War I started, and that was the first time humans fully realized how insane warfare was because of all the advances in technology that had happened by that time. Millions upon millions of people died in World War I from chemical warfare, tanks, poison gas, machine guns and all the other clever inventions of the egoic mind. That was the first time we realized the magnitude of the dysfunction in the collective consciousness, as it became amplified by the advances in science and technology.

We have reached a point now where if there’s no shift in consciousness away from the dysfunctional, egoic state that generates all that insanity, then humans would most likely destroy themselves, or at least bring about a complete collapse of civilization. We have arrived at a point of great danger, collectively, but danger also means great opportunity for change. There’s a fundamental universal truth, and that is humans do not change until they reach a point of crisis. That applies not only to individuals, but it also applies to humanity as a whole. It’s only when we reach a state of crisis, the suffering that it produces creates the impetus behind the shift in consciousness. This is the point that we have reached now, and we’ve been moving towards this for the past 100 years. This is why so many people are now ready to undergo that shift.

So this is a very important moment in human history, where there is a possibility of almost a quantum leap in human consciousness. There’s also the possibility, of course, that humans are not going to make it, that the shift won’t happen, in which case there would be a regression in human evolution that could throw us back several thousand years. Hopefully, that’s not going to happen, but it could happen, and even that would not be ultimately tragic, because I believe that consciousness is destined to grow and flower on this planet. I’m fairly confident that it is happening already, but we must not underestimate the gravitational pull, so to speak, of the old, dysfunctional consciousness that is still here and operates, as you can see when you watch the daily news. Most things you see on the daily news are reflections of the old, dysfunctional consciousness, or, rather, unconsciousness. We have reached a very interesting point in human evolution. It’s quite amazing to be alive at this time.


-Eckhart Tolle

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

How did you think the transition to stage Green would look?

can you elaborate on this? 

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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5 minutes ago, Eren Eeager said:

can you elaborate on this? 

How about you contemplate it :)

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

How did you think the transition to stage Green would look?

meanwhile India on twitter- web series are corrupting the youth of India

also, "remove chinese app. Download chinese app cleanser NOW."

Edited by Vaishnavi

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@Vaishnavi Yo hey, no offense but you might wanna remove that timer from your youtube link. It triggers the occasionally appearing autism in me. :D



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1 hour ago, Dutch guy said:

Why are people hurting eachother?

Why if a white guy gets killed by police that there is no outbreak and now there is? (police kills whites easier: https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/may/3/black-lives-matter-cops-more-willing-to-shoot-whit/

Why do white lives matter less?

Martin Luther King wanted people not to judge eachother on skincolor.

Stop hurting eachother.


Though a definite factor, this isn't just a race thing. This is about oppression. Police have been doing this kind of stuff long before Floyd with any race. This was the perfect storm of racial and political outrage in a time where a large portion of us are out of work and not distracted as much.

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@Leo Gura orange transitioning to green,hmmm , is not it supposed to be more peaceful? 

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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Just now, Eren Eeager said:

@Leo Gura orange transitioning to green,hmmm , is not it supposed to be more peaceful? 

Was transition from red to blue peaceful? Blue to orange?

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@Eren Eeager  Remember the counter intuitive nature of life? A forest has to burn to flourish.

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oh got it guys. for a society to evolve it has to be pushed to do that. how is it pushed? by the unhealthy manifestations of a current stage. a blue society will be pushed into orange by racism, fundamentalism and dogma. an orange society will be be pushed by selfish behaviors of corporation, environmental challenges and excessive life style 

Edited by Eren Eeager

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

How did you think the transition to stage Green would look?

The rioters are looting and burning down businesses which makes working class people go unemployed, but the damage done has potential to force stage green solutions.

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10 hours ago, Eren Eeager said:

@Leo Gura orange transitioning to green,hmmm , is not it supposed to be more peaceful? 

Is your life peaceful when you are growing the most?

Peace is the end-result of turbulence.

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@Leo Gura

The greens, aka the loving hippies 

All about peace, equality and harmony 

Rioting and burning down their own cities, true progress 

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I don’t know, maybe we are progressing

Just doesn’t seem like it

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11 minutes ago, IJB063 said:

@Leo Gura

The greens, aka the loving hippies 

All about peace, equality and harmony 

Rioting and burning down their own cities, true progress 

Careful bout judging "The greens"... 

You're gonna have to become an angry sjw before getting to yellow. lol

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