
Mystical Experience of Floating Without Body

20 posts in this topic

Hey guys, I figured I'd actually describe the experience that led me to register on this forum.

About a week ago, I woke up around 3 am to take a leak. I was on my way to the toilet when i realized I did not have a body.

I was simply awareness floating in empty space without my body. 

In that moment, my field of vision inverted, and it was as if I was looking at a screen.

I was seeing the walls, and thought, what is behind that wall? Nothing. The wall just is because it's couched within my experience.

The moment I realized that my room was the entire universe... I turned around and saw my body in the bed.

In that moment, in what felt like a seizure, I was "pulled" back into my body.

Then I was paralyzed for 10 seconds while formless darkness surrounded me and my body became cold. I could not move, I could not scream. I could not do anything but observe this formless darkness surround me.

Then I had another "seizure" and finally jolted out of bed, covered in sweat.

The last week has been entirely dedicated to making sense of this experience.

It completely shattered the materialist paradigm for me.

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25 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Hey guys, I figured I'd actually describe the experience that led me to register on this forum.

About a week ago, I woke up around 3 am to take a leak. I was on my way to the toilet when i realized I did not have a body.

I was simply awareness floating in empty space without my body. 

In that moment, my field of vision inverted, and it was as if I was looking at a screen.

I was seeing the walls, and thought, what is behind that wall? Nothing. The wall just is because it's couched within my experience.

The moment I realized that my room was the entire universe... I turned around and saw my body in the bed.

In that moment, in what felt like a seizure, I was "pulled" back into my body.

Wow, that's some really good insight from a dream.

26 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Then I was paralyzed for 10 seconds while formless darkness surrounded me and my body became cold. I could not move, I could not scream. I could not do anything but observe this formless darkness surround me.

This is called sleep paralysis, but I've never heard of someone transitioning into sleep paralysis from another dream like that. Pretty interesting.

It seems that you can experience lots of interesting stuff during sleep. I had an experience where I only existed as my mind. There was no body, sound smell or sight, only my mind. Then I woke up.

Describe a thought.

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8 minutes ago, Osaid said:

Wow, that's some really good insight from a dream.

This is called sleep paralysis, but I've never heard of someone transitioning into sleep paralysis from another dream like that. Pretty interesting.

It seems that you can experience lots of interesting stuff during sleep. I had an experience where I only existed as my mind. There was no body, sound smell or sight, only my mind. Then I woke up.

I think the OP is not talking about a dream.

He was awake (no pun intended)

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@Javfly33 That's what I thought, but then he talked about sleep paralysis after and how he saw his body on the bed. Also, he said he jolted out of bed at the end so I think it's implied.

Describe a thought.

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42 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

Hey guys, I figured I'd actually describe the experience that led me to register on this forum.

About a week ago, I woke up around 3 am to take a leak. I was on my way to the toilet when i realized I did not have a body.

I was simply awareness floating in empty space without my body. 

In that moment, my field of vision inverted, and it was as if I was looking at a screen.

I was seeing the walls, and thought, what is behind that wall? Nothing. The wall just is because it's couched within my experience.

The moment I realized that my room was the entire universe... I turned around and saw my body in the bed.

In that moment, in what felt like a seizure, I was "pulled" back into my body.

Then I was paralyzed for 10 seconds while formless darkness surrounded me and my body became cold. I could not move, I could not scream. I could not do anything but observe this formless darkness surround me.

Then I had another "seizure" and finally jolted out of bed, covered in sweat.

The last week has been entirely dedicated to making sense of this experience.

It completely shattered the materialist paradigm for me.

Sounds like an Astral Projection! Amazing!

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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3 minutes ago, Rilles said:

Sounds like an Astral Projection! Amazing!

That's so interesting how he accidentally astral projected and then went into sleep paralysis after that lol

Describe a thought.

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3 minutes ago, Osaid said:

That's so interesting how he accidentally astral projected and then went into sleep paralysis after that lol

Going in and out the body you can have Sleep Paralysis episodes. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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It’s curious @Rilles @Osaid I had heard of sleep paralysis but I thought it was a phenomenon that happened AS you fall asleep. 

I was most definitely not dreaming.

I just started into the mirror of my bathroom and saw NO REFLECTION ?

Then I felt like...

A sandwich being layered again.

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2 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

I thought it was a phenomenon that happened AS you fall asleep.

This is how I've always experienced sleep paralysis, I didn't know it was possible for it to happen as you described

I think you maybe somehow astral projected, but I have no experience with that. I've gotten into weird states during sleep by sheer luck as well.

7 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

was most definitely not dreaming.

I just started into the mirror of my bathroom and saw NO REFLECTION ?

Then I felt like...

A sandwich being layered again.

In sleep paralysis, it feels exactly like you're not dreaming, but you can't move. I think you somehow escaped the "not being able to move" aspect of sleep paralysis and started exploring your own house during it. Who knows. Maybe that's what astral projection is.

Describe a thought.

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Interesting experience but creepy at the same time. Honestly, I'm reluctant to these OBEs as a few times I felt like something tried to pull me out of my body, which didn't feel right at all. I am curious if besides the sleep paralysis, you've had a feeling that there was a presence in your room. If the spirit world is true, then it could be quite dangerous to leave your body imo.

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4 hours ago, Member said:

If the spirit world is true, then it could be quite dangerous to leave your body imo.

Probably what happened is that he is stopping to identify with his body and he just become aware of what he really is. Just awareness.



Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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@abrakamowse that's possible but it would be really creepy to wake up with some "entities" inhabiting your body. Not that I believe in such things because they sound silly to be honest but some say that when you have OBEs you're pretty vulnerable to demonic attacks... so who knows but imo better be safe than sorry :ph34r:

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2 minutes ago, Member said:

so who knows but imo better be safe than sorry

Yeah, I agree with that. That's why I never tried to do Astral projection. But I had a friend who experienced one involuntarily too, like @justfortoday


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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I guess I had not looked at it that way, but...

Physicality is itself an illusion. Consciousness did not leave my body. Consciousness "imagined" it left my body and sort of merged my dream world with the awake world.

I don't believe in demonic possession if that is what you're implying. I have studied the occult for a bit and never once felt like I would be possessed.

In other words...

Awareness is dreaming me right now, and in that instance, awareness dreamt that it had no body.

There are no others to possess your body.

What intrigued me about this and my experience driving (also on the forum) is.... that it looks like I can manipulate certain aspects of reality consciously with my mind. 

Which resonates with Leo's teachings, that is what drew me in the first place... his video about psychic and paranormal phenomena.

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18 minutes ago, justfortoday said:

There are no others to possess your body.

Maybe is just the subconscious mind playing tricks on people hehehe... but if you don't believe in demons then you are safe.

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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How should one keep calm in such situations??

Recently I have experienced being in an odd state. It's like something is being pulled up and down in my body. It happens when I'm not completely conscious, like before sleeping. I really wish I could keep calm and stop analyzing it to see where it leads me. But I can't let go of myself!

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@justfortoday this seizure is sleep paralysis and I think this is an out of body experience (but an unusual one) 

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3 hours ago, abrakamowse said:

Maybe is just the subconscious mind playing tricks on people hehehe... but if you don't believe in demons then you are safe.

I don't believe in demons but I find it weird that many people experiencing sleep paralysis see all kinds of entities or demonic looking creatures and almost all the descriptions have something in common. Personally, I never experienced sleep paralysis but I've seen otherworldly 'beings' before awakening which looked nothing like my imagination. But I don't want to negatively influence you guys, if you think positively hopefully you will be safe ?

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On 6/1/2020 at 4:51 PM, justfortoday said:

The last week has been entirely dedicated to making sense of this experience.

It completely shattered the materialist paradigm for me.

I’ve experienced that a few times as well. The ‘traveling’ aspect has been arbitrary in my experience, but the disappearing of the body mind has been experience many times voluntarily via meditation. I’m not sure if that’s something you’re looking to do. I recommend it, it’s mystical, fun & delightful, ime. Like a ‘full reset’ of reality. In regard to making sense of it, if the materialist paradigm is shattered, and I believe it is, then ‘making sense’ would no longer point to what is logical, rational, computable, deducible, or other facets of “material”. So that it shattered the materialist paradigm, is how it ‘makes sense’. Almost like someone breaking out of prison, and asking how it makes sense, and how it makes sense is that they are no longer in prison. Hopefully that makes sense. 




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3 hours ago, Member said:

I don't believe in demons but I find it weird that many people experiencing sleep paralysis see all kinds of entities or demonic looking creatures and almost all the descriptions have something in common.

Everything appears in awareness, so probably they are shared entities in the lower levels of consciousness, but I don't know.

3 hours ago, Member said:

Personally, I never experienced sleep paralysis but I've seen otherworldly 'beings' before awakening which looked nothing like my imagination.

I had sleep paralysis very frequently as a child, but I never saw any being. I had friends who felt presences and saw some weird entities.

3 hours ago, Member said:

But I don't want to negatively influence you guys, if you think positively hopefully you will be safe ?

I don't think I am going to try to do it in purpose, maybe if it happens spontaneously ... 


Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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