I'm done - ask me anything xD

By WaveInTheOcean in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
I just took 38 mg of 2C-B 5 hours ago. And I'm not tripping any more, just after-effects. However, this 2CB-trip was the most profound of profound. 

I have woken up. Dno what else to say. Oh yes, I'm God. And everything is God. It's all me. Everything that has ever happened to me in my life was my own doing (as God). Same goes for your lives. It's all God. And I am that. You are that. 

That's all awakening boils down to: Either you realize you're God, or you don't. Either you remember it or you don't. You get it, ta-dah or you don't, ta-dohhhh.

I have never cried so much as I have in the last 3 hours. Tears running down my face over how beautiful it all is. Seeing it's all me.

It's also horrifying  as fuck. What should I do now? I'm fucking done. However, I felt that God told me (that is I told myself) that my purpose is to help wake other ppl up.

My peak experience on the 2CB-trip felt like a big puzzlepiece where all the puzzles just came into place. And it was the most beautiful and most profound experience in my life.

I have never done 5-MeO, but fore sure want to. I've done LSD 5 times, DMT 10+ times (one breakthrough), Ayahusaca 2 times, and this 2CB-trip is my 7th. And the deepest of deepest.

I'm 25 years old and have been pursuing spiritualiy/enlightenment/psychedelic-exploring/meditation for 5 years. Before my 20's I was a hardcore atheist.

Yeah, ask my anything if you give a fuck:D I have to talk to myself through someone, it's nice.

EDIT: It's actually a really thin life between "losing it" and staying grounded. I wish to stay grounded though. When you know you're God you have absolute free will. No point in losing it, although that could be fun aswell. (with "losing it" I mean acting out insane as that youtuber some weeks ago did. He prolly acted insane cos his ego wasn't aligned with God).
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