
Explosive insight after contemplating "What is other?"

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16 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

@IAmTheHolySpirit I get what you saying but I can´t drop all my thoughts like that. Yes, POV is a thought, but I use it as a label to know what is happening in my experience. I do think God is looking throgh my eyes. So why God is not looking through @IAmTheHolySpirit right now? Because it´s just in my imagination. @IAmTheHolySpirit is not a real POV right now. Not until I directly experience it. (that´s the defintion of POV).

See I get what you saying but that state of empty awareness-no thoughts I only have achieved in very small occasions. It seems that tocontinue to this game call life I still have to operate to some meanings and labels (thoughts). But to know if that label or meaning is actually true would be very important. 

No need to attempt to drop thoughts, rather recognize that thoughts just arise. There's no need to take ownership of them, no need to identify with them as 'MY' thoughts.... they are not your thoughts, they are just thoughts arising for no one.

When you stop identifying with thoughts and giving them attention, they can decrease to almost no thoughts arising at all. ❤


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@Javfly33 God is actually looking through every “POV” right now. Including “you” but “you” are not aware of “other POV”  because that is what it means to be “you”! God is outside of time!

This is why the illusion of “you” is so strong, because “you” only have the sensory experience of “you”! This is all Maya! Your true nature can not be found in the world of sensory experiences, aka the world of Maya.

“you” are like a GTA character being played by God, and God is playing everyone right now in a timeless eternity. You are God!

Edited by DaHonorableCourt

Elevators of my mind,

Up and down a million times

Loving you.

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2 hours ago, The observer said:

You aren't stuck. You are Galyna.

Okay, so what does that make them? How does this fit into your puzzle? If thoughts are just certain sensations, auditory labels and visual images, how can one confuse them for reality?

That is not actually my problem. For the past five or so years I have been aware of my thoughts. I know my inner motives, I try catching myself when ego manipulates and lying...I hear every single thought and it is drawing in my awareness. 
my problem is that I don’t have this Aha moment like people here. I am not aware enough to realize I am oneness. I can stop my thoughts , but not for a long time. I don’t think I have an overwhelming inner dialogue, in fact it is subtle. I just can’t break through. 

oh God pls send me some psychedelics and a lot of enlightened people in my life so I get what I really wish for so many years. Amen! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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44 minutes ago, Galyna said:

That is not actually my problem. For the past five or so years I have been aware of my thoughts. I know my inner motives, I try catching myself when ego manipulates and lying...I hear every single thought and it is drawing in my awareness.

You don't need to do anything else. Just keep going further down this road.

44 minutes ago, Galyna said:

my problem is that I don’t have this Aha moment like people here. I am not aware enough to realize I am oneness. I can stop my thoughts , but not for a long time. I don’t think I have an overwhelming inner dialogue, in fact it is subtle. I just can’t break through. 

I would be careful here. What others say is huge might seem peanuts to you. The reaction is different from one person to another, and psychedelics exaggerate your emotional state, so that's why you see people celebrating very ordinary things or insights. That celebration is simply more delusion. Don't buy into it. It's a red herring from the actual work. In that light, you have already broken through a lot of things, you're just thinking that's ordinary. If you talk to other people who are beginners or not even on the path, you can see how much more advanced you are and how much you're discrediting your efforts. You don't have to sit down in certain positions and repeat certain mantras to practice spirituality. Once you're on the path, spirituality is practicing you. There's no you anymore. Don't be surprised (or do ?) if you find out that you are even more advanced than most of the ones that claim they are awake. Most of them are deluded. Their ego is taking ownership of their insights, and therefore all their work is useless. In fact, the fact that you are not experiencing much of these aha moments is a sign you're doing things correctly. It means you are busy working through your stuff and not wasting your time on creating unnecessary distractions.

44 minutes ago, Galyna said:

oh God pls send me some psychedelics and a lot of enlightened people in my life so I get what I really wish for so many years. Amen! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Perhaps what you really wish is for you to lose that one wish.

Edited by The observer

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29 minutes ago, The observer said:

. If you talk to other people who are beginners or not even on the path, you can see how much more advanced you are and how much you're discrediting your efforts.

Honestly, I feel like in the past my awareness was way higher than right now. But because i have experienced life changing events in my life, it has changed some of my regular routine, my awareness has dropped. 
Also, I am not mature in terms of my emotions. I am very emotional. To me the pinnacle of my growth would be the neutral /cool emotional state. 
I still buy into various things like approval, anticipation ( don’t like this feeling, can’t get rid of it ) praise, pride( this is huge for me, I am very proud, even though my ego pretends sometimes that it’s humble, I can catch when it is a fake humility just because it wants to think higher of itself) recognition ( oh boy, my whole life is predicated upon this, to prove others that I am better in some way) call it  arrogance....

what I have mastered so far is that I am trying to be honest. Probably this is my biggest strength. I am trying to be honest with myself and other people as much as I can, or aware of, or as much as it possible in our society, and !!!! 99% of the time I get in trouble for this. I even lost some friendships in the past because people can not handle or not ready to hear honest opinion. 

so... there are a lot of work, probably not enough for another life to master this ego and become a super human!

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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6 hours ago, DaHonorableCourt said:

@Javfly33 God is actually looking through every “POV” right now. Including “you” but “you” are not aware of “other POV”  because that is what it means to be “you”! God is outside of time!

This is why the illusion of “you” is so strong, because “you” only have the sensory experience of “you”! This is all Maya! Your true nature can not be found in the world of sensory experiences, aka the world of Maya.

“you” are like a GTA character being played by God, and God is playing everyone right now in a timeless eternity. You are God!

Sure, if you imagine that, for you it will be real. But is not actually true .

Truth is only direct Experiencia. Can't you see everything else is imaginary?

It's pretty obvious, really. You are doing it right now. You are imagining other POVs!!

I'm talking about what is true. Not theories or imaginations.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Galyna Do you journal? You're doing great, but I get the feeling that you're overwhelming yourself with many, many thoughts. A journal can help you process your thoughts slowly, and each one alone. Follow your intuition on what thoughts are most important to you. Honesty is the key to success in this work. So, good on you. Keep observing yourself. There's no rush here and there's no endpoint to be rushing towards. The standards you're limiting yourself to are irrelevant to your path. You don't need to be that detached monk to realise your true nature. Your true nature is realised through acknowledgement of where you are. If you desire pride, that's fine. Acknowledge that desire. Observe it. Don't suppress it or try to ignore it. Be yourself.

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11 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Truth is only direct Experienced.

Says who? Have you (ego) ever directly experienced that? How do you know that truth (God) does not exist outside your perception (ego)?

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7 minutes ago, The observer said:

Says who? Have you (ego) ever directly experienced that? How do you know that truth (God) does not exist outside your perception (ego)?

I don´t know if God could exist out of my direct experience, but if it would, it would just be an imagination. I literally would imagine that God exists "out there". That is the nature of imagination: To imagine something that is not right here.

Contemplate what really means that something exists

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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So, is your direct experience not imaginary? How do you know? What's the difference between existence and imagination? After all, all distinctions are imaginary. Right?

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21 minutes ago, The observer said:


So, is your direct experience not imaginary? How do you know? What's the difference between existence and imagination? After all, all distinctions are imaginary. Right?

I guess, since imagination happens IN direct experience, they are not separate.

A thought happens IN direct experience.

That thought is occurring NOW and Here. Not "there". Contemplate is something  other than "here" could ever exist.

Existence can only happen Here. Because THIS is existence! 

Now if you want to imagine/think that there is some planet called Mars miles away from here, you can. But notice that is not truth. The thought about Mars is TRUTH. But you imagining that thought actually means something and that Mars is actually existing out there is complete delusion.

Direct experience IS existence. Is so obvious I laugh how I could have missed it all this time ?

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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15 hours ago, Someone here said:

I see Leo communicating in a normal straightforward fashion without complications and he is God himself. 

That's because he is aware of this problem. The easier you communicate the better it is for lesser developed people. They just can't understand high consciousness material, they need an answer which is as simple as possible.


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55 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

I guess, since imagination happens IN direct experience, they are not separate.

A thought happens IN direct experience.

That thought is occurring NOW and Here. Not "there". Contemplate is something  other than "here" could ever exist.

Existence can only happen Here. Because THIS is existence! 

Now if you want to imagine/think that there is some planet called Mars miles away from here, you can. But notice that is not truth. The thought about Mars is TRUTH. But you imagining that thought actually means something and that Mars is actually existing out there is complete delusion.

Direct experience IS existence. Is so obvious I laugh how I could have missed it all this time ?

Wow! It seems like you have a coherent story for the paradigm you're using.

I would investigate; What is here? What is there? What is direct experience? What is existence? What is truth? What is delusion? What is non-existence?

Direct experience is not existence. That's just a thought.

I'm going to flip your paradigm upside down; Notice the trick:

Now if you want to imagine/think that there is some thing called direct experience here, you can. But notice that is not truth. The thought about direct experience is TRUTH. But you imagining that thought actually means something and that direct experience is actually existing right here is complete delusion. 

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@Javfly33 yes I am imagining other POV, just as im imagining “my” POV. There is no difference.

Imagination = Life. Imagining just means that you as God are The one both living and creating it. You are Formless and you can’t find it in your experience because it is the very substance of your experience.

Edited by DaHonorableCourt

Elevators of my mind,

Up and down a million times

Loving you.

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1 hour ago, The observer said:


I would investigate; What is here? What is there? What is direct experience? What is existence? What is truth? What is delusion? What is non-existence?


Just now, DaHonorableCourt said:

@Javfly33 yes I am imagining other POV, just as im imagining “my” POV. There is no difference.

@DaHonorableCourt Really? Interesting. I think that opens up some room for further exploration... I´ll have to keep an open mind. 

@The observer Ok, I´ll contemplate deeply

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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16 hours ago, The observer said:

Do you journal?

Sorry for the late response...I do not do the journal, however, it is on my list. I wanted one just for my emotions, I need one. I want to see my emotions clearly, what triggers them and why I reacted the way I did. Because if you do not pinpoint them, they just go on subconscious level and you are doing things over and over again.


16 hours ago, The observer said:

You don't need to be that detached monk to realise your true nature.

But I want to be free from some attachments. It is a hard work...


16 hours ago, The observer said:

Observe it. Don't suppress it or try to ignore it. Be yourself.

Thank you for your compassion, time and understanding. I do appreciate it. You got it right about something I need to work on, very good for a person who interacts with others via forum. Good catch. I mean it.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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