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2 ''high-dose'' shroom trips identical

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So I had my third shroom trip today. The first one was 3 grams, second 5.5g lemon tek and this one was 4.5g lemon tek.

During the first trip I didn't experience much of anything. During the second and third, I did, but nowhere near what I had expected.

For my 2nd and 3rd trip I set goals. Goals of finding out what I want to do with my life and alleviating some of my depression.

These trips were pretty much identical though. I felt in pretty good control over the trip, and didn't really experience any healing experiences. Didn't even experience a lot of introspective thought about my goals either... The only thing that has happened during these trips was me feeling as though I had acquired this information of reality. Information outside of our human grasp, but no helpful information on dealing with my personal problems. I'm not saying it's not cool to feel like you know everything... It's cool... But i'm doing psychedelics for personal growth, and I haven't really gotten any personal growth out of these trips.

These trips were in silent darkness, but after an hour or 2, on both trips, I felt the urge was too bad to move and do something that I went and did things like opened the window, watch videos, look up on psychedelics on the internet...

When I read trip reports of 5g (especially lemon tek) I read about ego deaths, talking to entities, deep spiritual and personal healing experiences... or terror trips.

I'm wondering what i'm doing wrong not to experience any of this. Am I simply not sensitive to psilocybin and I just need to take more? Are my expectations way off?

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You have high tolerance. Just take larger doses.

Or maybe your mushrooms are some weak kind. Not all mushrooms are equal.

On 4g my entire room warps into a twisting tunnel.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I'd go even higher.

I took 1,5g from a batch and had a mild trip. I had closed-eye visuals and some insights on the things I was trying to work on at the moment (the peak lasted 1:30h). My dad took the same amount from the same batch and had a 20 minutes long subtle trip. Weeks before that I gave him 1g and he didn't even feel it. The first time I took 1g I went full WTF HOLY SHIT

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Maybe try listening to emotionally provocative music next time. Having your emotions cracked open can help gain insight into what you really authentically care about in life.

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@Psych2Awak3n dont eat anything before 4 hours of your trip. Eat regular lemon. Shrooms must be weak at the same time, i have super high tolerance too, but i took 10 gr and half of ego come back lol :) 15 hours trip. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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