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Implications of Nonduality on Mirrors and Digital Screens

2 posts in this topic

I will make this quick and swift. 


Since there is no physical reality, when I look at a mirror and see my “reflection”, from the point of nonduality, what is the mirror? A rectangular void on which consciousness projects an image of the avatar it is inhabiting?


Computer / Phone Screens

When I interact with my phone, since there is no physical existence... what is that appearing inside the screen?

Does this mean that we are creating more stories and events by using our phones, because they are the ULTIMATE research and communication tools?

In summary:

Am I God using an iPhone it itself dreamt up, and when using it I invent more realities. All that I see in my phone I imagined and is not real.

What are the implications for life?

Lets say I meet someone on a dating app. I dreamt up the app, and then dreamt up the conversation... what if we meet in real “life”. What are the implications of that?

Edited by justfortoday
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