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Tancrede Pouyat

A Simple Yet Powerful Exercise

4 posts in this topic

I've been doing this in my journaling habit without realizing it, and it's been really powerful.

I also see a lot of people creating whole topics where they're basically doing this.

Here's the exercise :
1. Write down your fears and frustrations
2. Write down your hopes and dreams
3. Contemplate

I think it's even more powerful if we share it in this forum because it shows that we're not alone in this, and maybe other people who have already been there can help us.

It's also very important to do all 3 parts, not just the first one, or the first two; because it helps re-wire our brain to be moving away from that pain and towards that pleasure.

We don't necessarily need to do it very often, just whenever we feel like it. Also it's important not to hold yourself back here, it'll really help you advance in your journey if you do it right.

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@popi I just did 10 minutes for each steps. It helps a lot because it creates a huge emotional release and you just feel good right after it. They're not wrong when they say "feel through your emotions to release them". Anyway, here's what I wrote :

I fear that I lack the credibility required to be teaching personal development. I fear that I lack the self-governance required to be getting my business up and running. I fear that I can't compete with all the great personal development teachers out there on YouTube. I fear that I lack experience in the field of personal development to be teaching it to others. I fear that I am not remarkable enough to get people's attention. I fear that I can't come up with great personal development material that people would actually want to buy.
I am frustrated about the fact that I am not getting any results in my business. I am frustrated about the fact that I can't harness the full power of life purpose to fuel my business. I am frustrated about the fact that I see that I create all these problems myself but that doesn't stop me from keeping at them. I am frustrated about the fact that I don't take full advantage of all the time that I have during my vacation from college. I am frustrated about the fact that I can't seem to be able to delay gratification. I am frustrated about the fact that I can't appreciate how much progress I've made both in my business and also in my life over the past 3 months.

I dream of implementing what I call a Scale-Depth Pyramid, which is something like I create content that scales a lot but doesn't go deep and then start building trust and go deeper but doesn't scale (for example Leo's videos scale a lot, then we have his newsletter, then his book list, then his life purpose course which all scale less and go deeper than the previous one); Practically it means shooting videos for youtube, then creating cheap material like ebooks, books, and cheap online courses, then creating physical workshops and working with coaches all around the world to deliver them everywhere, not just here in Geneva, and then creating seminars, and then creating retreats (obviously this is subject to change). I dream of balancing this great work with a minimalist lifestyle, with plenty of time for meditation. I dream of being able to take mini-retirements that last like 3 months and where I would go to some quiet and peaceful place, like a cabin in the woods, or go fishing for wild salmon in Alaska. But I also dream of enjoying the grind, the hustle, the emotional labor (which I kind of am right now). I dream of developing both my life purpose journey, and also my enlightenment journey, at the same time (which I realized is a requirement if you want to be successful at both). I dream of being a greatly strategic motherfucker to achieve my goals (especially right now).

I conclude that my weekly 1-hr strategic thinking session will definitely help me over the long run. Tomorrow's session will be all geared toward answering the question : How do I create great personal development content without being good enough ? I have a cool idea for what i want to do in my head right now, I'll need to clarify it tomorrow and then test it next week (which reminds me I'll have to find some way of testing it at a small scale, then maybe I can start thinking about how I can make it bigger).

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