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Rahul yadav

I Tell You This..! - God.

9 posts in this topic

I'll be updating it as i read through..

I tell you this: Your Life proceeds out of your intentions for it.

I tell you this: You always get what you create, and you are always creating..

I tell you this: your focus upon the other—your obsession with the other—is what causes relationships to fail.

I tell you this: be now and forever centered upon your Self. Look to see what you are being, doing, and having in any given moment, not what’s going on with another.
It is not in the action of another, but in your re-action, that your salvation will be found.

I tell you this: the highest choice is that which produces the highest good for you.

I tell you this—putting yourself first in the highest sense never leads to an unGodly act.

I tell you this: you were not meant to ever die. 

I tell you this: Your feelings will never get you into “trouble,” because your feelings are your  truth.

I tell you this: Nothing is more natural than love.

I tell you this: God’s love and God’s compassion, God’s wisdom and God’s forgiveness,  God’s intention and God’s purpose, are large enough to include the most heinous crime and  the most heinous criminal.

I tell you this: Man is capable of making the highest choice.

I also tell you this: The Highest Choice is not always the choice which seems to serve another.

I tell you this: Until you are willing to take responsibility for all of it, you cannot change any of  it. 

I tell you this: There is perfection in everything. Strive to see the perfection. This is the change of consciousness of which I speak.

I tell you this: Compassion never ends, love never stops, patience never runs out in God’s  World. Only in the world of man is goodness limited.

I tell you this: every person who has ever come to you has come to receive a gift from you. In  so doing, he gives a gift to you—the gift of your experiencing and fulfilling Who You Are.

I tell you this: Truth and God are found in the same place: in the silence

I tell you this: Your future is creatable. Create it as you want it.

I tell you this: God is not above man, and man is not above woman—that is not the “natural  order of things”—but it is the way everyone who had power (namely, men) wished it was  when they formed their male-worship religions, systematically editing out half the material  from their final version of the “holy scriptures” and twisting the rest to fit the mold of their  male model of the world.

I tell you this: You are all priests. Every single one of you. There is no one person or class of  people more “suited” to do My work than any other.

I tell you this: God’s  greatest gift is the sharing of God’s power.  I would have you be like Me.

I tell you this: You have been  made in the Image and Likeness of God—it is that destiny you came to fulfill.

I tell you this: So long as you are still worried about what others think of you, you are owned by them.

I tell you this: Guilt is a blight upon the land—the poison that kills the plant. You will not grow through guilt, but only shrivel and die.

I tell you this: Heal the rift between you, end the illusion of separation, and you shall  be delivered back to the source of your inner strength. That is where you will find  true power. The power to do anything. The power to be anything. The power to have  anything. For the power to create is derived from the inner strength that is produced  through unity.

I tell you this: Know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

I tell you this: I am in your bedroom every night!

I tell you this. You are worthy. As is everyone else. Unworthiness is the worst  indictment ever visited upon the human race. You  have based your  sense of  worthiness on the past, while I base your sense of worthiness on the future.

I tell you this: There is not a one among you who  is lost forever, nor will there ever be. For you are all, all, in the process of becoming.  You are all, all, moving though the experience of evolution.

I tell you this: Many have there been who have been risen from the "dead." Many  have there been who have "come back to life." It's happening every day, right now,  in your hospitals.


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I tell you this: You are God.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I tell you this: Your feelings will never get you into “trouble,” because your feelings are your  truth.

That is not true. The truth is the truth. Feelings appear within the truth. The feelings are not the truth, feelings are coming and going, they are not stable and not to be trusted. Do not trust feelings. You can trust the truth. The consciousness in which feelings is perceived. That alone you can trust.


 while I base your sense of worthiness on the future.

That is not true. Actually god doesn't even put a "sense of worthiness" on "you" beceause actually "you" don't exist, only god himself exists, and god does not need a sense of worthiness. Whether good or bad, a sense of worthiness is merely another thought/sensation appearing in consciousness. Future doesn't exist for god, and it doesn't exist for presence either. Future is merely a concept of the egoic-mind. God does not use such relative terms.

God is the timeless, he won't be putting itself under the effects of time. God is eternal, god doesn't know future. You are that which is perceiving time itself. Perceive that which is perceiving. Be aware of being aware.

A lot of these were good, but some are just nonsense from the mind, somehow you must have not interpreted it correctly or something.

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22 minutes ago, IAmTheHolySpirit said:

That is not true. The truth is the truth. Feelings appear within the truth. The feelings are not the truth, feelings are coming and going, they are not stable and not to be trusted. Do not trust feelings. You can trust the truth. The consciousness in which feelings is perceived. That alone you can trust

The statement is about trusting what you love. Following love. 

LOVE is not just a feeling but more than feeling. 

Pure consciousness = Pure Love. 

The whole existence is vibrating with love. 

Understanding this requires higher states of consciousness. It seems you have yet to grasp this! 

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23 minutes ago, IAmTheHolySpirit said:

That is not true. Actually god doesn't even put a "sense of worthiness" on "you" beceause actually "you" don't exist, only god himself exists, and god does not need a sense of worthiness. Whether good or bad, a sense of worthiness is merely another thought/sensation appearing in consciousness. Future doesn't exist for god, and it doesn't exist for presence either. Future is merely a concept of the egoic-mind. God does not use such relative terms.

God is the timeless, he won't be putting itself under the effects of time. God is eternal, god doesn't know future. You are that which is perceiving time itself. Perceive that which is perceiving. Be aware of being aware.

A lot of these were good, but some are just nonsense from the mind, somehow you must have not interpreted it correctly or something.

God, me, you, infinite, words (me, you) are just nothing. Everything is nothing. This place is nowhere, i am nothing thats why i am not here. Thats it. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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44 minutes ago, Rahul yadav said:

I tell you this. You are worthy. As is everyone else. Unworthiness is the worst  indictment ever visited upon the human race. You  have based your  sense of  worthiness on the past, while I base your sense of worthiness on the future.

This Statement is to give you a shift in your mindset. 

Further explanation for statement:

The future, the future, always the future! That is where your life is, not in the past.  The future. That is where your truth is, not in the past.
What you have done is unimportant compared to what you are about to do. How you  have erred is insignificant compared to how you are about to create.

I forgive your mistakes. All of them. I forgive your misplaced passions. All of them. I  forgive your erroneous notions, your misguided understandings, your hurtful actions,  your selfish decisions. All of them.
Others may not forgive you, but I do. Others may not release you from your guilt, but  I do. Others may not let you forget, allow you to go on, become something new, but I  do. For I know that you are not what you were, but are, and always will be, what you  are now.
A sinner can become a saint in one minute. In one second. In one breath.

In truth, there is no such thing as a "sinner," for no one can be sinned against—least  of all Me. That is why I say that I "forgive" you. I use the phrase because it is one  you seem to understand.

In truth, I do not forgive you, and will not forgive you ever, for anything. I do not have  to. There is nothing to forgive. But I can release you. And I hereby do. Now. Once  again. As I have done so often in the past, through the teachings of so many other teachers

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15 minutes ago, Rahul yadav said:

The statement is about trusting what you love. Following love. 

LOVE is not just a feeling but more than feeling. 

Pure consciousness = Pure Love. 

The whole existence is vibrating with love. 

Understanding this requires higher states of consciousness. It seems you have yet to grasp this! 

No, that statement said "feelings". Love is not a feeling. We both agree that following love is the way.

Edited by IAmTheHolySpirit

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Awesome expressions, keep going ????


Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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