
Can you get awakened with the intention to escape suffering?

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Just now, deso said:

@IAmTheHolySpirit what if every goal that you ultimately try to reach is already reached? What if everything that you truly want is already there? What if you can live every moment in complete surrender and just listen to what love tells you to do? Wouldn‘t this mean you didn’t have to figure anything out all that much, because it is already there, you just don‘t see it yet? Complete letting go of control and just focusing on what makes you happy each and every moment. Isn‘t it so that love will show you the way to what you want naturally by not knowing how to get anywhere, by not needing to go anywhere, by just complete surrender to love?


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@IAmTheHolySpirit wouldn‘t this also mean that literally anything is possible (even things like transforming water into wine) by accessing infinite intelligence through not trying to understand nothing?

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Just now, deso said:

@IAmTheHolySpirit wouldn‘t this also mean that literally anything is possible (even things like transforming water into wine) by accessing infinite intelligence through not trying to understand nothing?

Yes. All you must do is rest in the infinite place within your own being.  

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@IAmTheHolySpirit simultaneously, will one then be able to keep the character and body alive?

If one already is everything around him, every atom, every particle, the whole dream and what is beyond, is it then more so god showing himself through this specific vehicle of character and body?

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8 minutes ago, deso said:

@IAmTheHolySpirit simultaneously, will one then be able to keep the character and body alive?

If one already is everything around him, every atom, every particle, the whole dream and what is beyond, is it then more so god showing himself through this specific vehicle of character and body?

Yes and yes. But do not go to delusion territory expecting you'll keep this character and keep the body alive. It is completely possible and yet it mustn't happen according to the mind's projection. The projection is merely a projection, it is not true. In truth it is possible, because it is infinite. The universe works according to its own will and nothing can overpower it. Even the power that appears to be taking you into unconsciousness is actually brought to you by consciousness itself. You use it to transcend the mind and see life truly as pure consciousness again.

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9 minutes ago, IAmTheHolySpirit said:

Yes and yes. But do not go to delusion territory expecting you'll keep this character and keep the body alive. It is completely possible and yet it mustn't happen according to the mind's projection. The projection is merely a projection, it is not true. In truth it is possible, because it is infinite. The universe works according to its own will and nothing can overpower it. Even the power that appears to be taking you into unconsciousness is actually brought to you by consciousness itself. You use it to transcend the mind and see life truly as pure consciousness again.

So it‘s just the same old projection of fear and trying to hold on again? So no matter how much you will let go, you will be able to still use this body?

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5 minutes ago, deso said:

So it‘s just the same old projection of fear and trying to hold on again? So no matter how much you will let go, you will be able to still use this body?

The body will be moving by you but you are not moving the body.

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46 minutes ago, IAmTheHolySpirit said:

The body will be moving by you but you are not moving the body.


But why doesn’t everybody access these high levels of consciousness then?

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9 minutes ago, deso said:


But why doesn’t everybody access these high levels of consciousness then?

Because everyone expects to find the truth with the mind. The truth is extremely simple, the mind is extremely complex.

The extremely mind complex can't see the simplicity of the truth. It can't believe it truly is so simple. And because of this belief, many will go on searching and seeking and reading and teaching and talking and whatever they do, they are not aware of that which is true. They will go and beat around the bush because they are interested only in the intellectual complex concepts instead of the simple and natural truth. It is fine, it is a stage consciousness goes through also, eventually you understand that there is no way to comprehand the truth using the mind and so you give it up. You are obviously open to it and you are blessed for that. You mustn't suffer and you mustn't look any further, the complete truth and the essence of what you are which is eternal and infinite is right here. Be aware of being aware. 

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@IAmTheHolySpirit isn’t this the highest state one could possibly reach? Becoming love itself. Kind of a stateless state where reality and imagination become one.

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There is no such thing as a permanent awakening state you can achieve. This here is what is looked for. Awakening points to the loss of a dream that was never real. The dream is a layer on top of what is happening that makes this seem known and lacking. When the need to know falls away there is just what is, perfect and whole. The illusory knower wants to know what will happen to "it" when awakening "happens." Awakening doesn't happen, it is a falling away of the illusory knower that seeks to awaken. Nobody realizes this, this is already, the need to realize/get something falls away and then it is revealed that what you were always looking for was and is what you have always been. You never left home.

Edited by traveler

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15 hours ago, actualizing25 said:

Im just curious, if one can reach full permanent awakening with the the motivation to escape suffering?


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17 hours ago, Guru Fat Bastard said:

Yeah. Any motivation to seek Truth,God,Realization etc.,can be used. It is often because of suffering that one seeks. No one wants to suffer. It's the reason one seeks happiness in objects,relationships,status,accomplishments etc., We want a sustained joy and peace,not a joy or peace that is temporary which is often the case.

@Guru Fat Bastard ♥️

(Nice name btw ;) )

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I wanted to respond to this when you posted it but got distracted.   This to me is an egoic agenda.  You see, the ego is selfish and by its own selfish agenda it brings about its own suffering.  For example if you desired to awaken to avoid suffering you will probably end up suffering as a result - counterintuitively.  This is because you are seeking  pleasure or the lack of suffering and this will ultimately result in suffering.    As it is coming from a place of the ego.  Yet even more counterintuitive is the fact that it will go full circle and bring you closer to Truth.  Because You will be conscious of your own selfishness.  And you will want to fix that to alleviate suffering but not for the ego.  For Truths sake. 

Bottom line is you have to go through suffering to pass through to the other side from selfishness to selflessness.  And the more selfless you are the more aligned with Truth will you be.  

Suffering is a part of the path.   Because it makes you more conscious.    It grows you through experience.  And all experience has some degree of suffering.   It moves you from a place of ego to a place of pure Consciousness.



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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