
The Dao Of Love

63 posts in this topic

Has someone here directly experienced what love is?

We can blindly fall into belief systems as if they were true, accepting what sounds good with no personal consciousness on the matter.



Setting psychedelics aside: What are you conscious of now that you weren’t of before?

Is it a matter of semantics? Perhaps bliss points to the same consciousness that Leo’s referring to as love.

Edited by UnbornTao

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You are directly experiencing love all the time, but you are just not aware of it yet. You need to go beyond the emptiness.

How did your parents create you? Through love.

How did your teachers teach you English so that you can understand others? Through love.

How did you find Peter Ralston? Through Leo and that is partial love because Leo is missing the v. Get it? :)

How did I answer your question? Through love

You are blind to love. Open your eyes wider and you might be able to see it. 


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Many people here have become directly conscious of Love.

But none of that will do you any good until you awaken to Love for yourself.

There is no Truth without Love. Love is not a feeling and it is not bliss. How you feel is irrelevant to Love. Feeling bad is as much Love as feeling good. Love does not discriminate.

Here's something for you to seriously contemplate:

Why would God create anything other than Love? What kind of idiot do you take God to be?

When you finally realize that reality is Love, you will say to yourself, "OMG! How could I have been so fucking stupid? Of course it cannot be anything else. God would never create anything else."

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Arzola  You  only need a tiny amount of every aspect of the truth to know it exits. So yeah, try to feel love and then you will know it does exist and it is the truth.

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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Your mind may still be confused as to what you went through.

In the same way that a Hindu might say that he talked to Shiva, or something like that.

Edited by UnbornTao

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7 minutes ago, Arzola said:

That doesn’t guarantee that their minds aren’t confused as to what they became conscious of. 

You are projecting your own confusion onto them.

There is no solution to this other than a profound Love Awakening.

You are not yet conscious of what God is.

If you took a psychedelic it would resolve all this confusion real fast. Which is why I advocate for psychedelics. Rather than wasting years of your life debating this stuff, you could find out in 15 minutes what's true.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Arzola you will know what absolute when you feel it. And Love feels absolute for sure. what feels like an emotion now will intensify when you become more conscious  until it becomes infinity.

from the first day I recognized Love I knew it is the absolute 

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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@Arzola yeah feel it man. listen to an emotional soundtrack and try to feel love.  Try to dive deeply into it.  It is something unique, something alien. Just feel it without resistance. 

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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On 5/30/2020 at 7:46 PM, Leo Gura said:

You are projecting your own confusion onto them.

There is no solution to this other than a profound Love Awakening.

You are not yet conscious of what God is.

If you took a psychedelic it would resolve all this confusion real fast. Which is why I advocate for psychedelics. Rather than wasting years of your life debating this stuff, you could find out in 15 minutes what's true.

You're assuming that they became conscious of what love is.

In any case, what’s the opposite of love? What is then what we call love in the relative domain?

Edited by UnbornTao

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@Arzola  your problem is in assuming that love is an emotion but it is not. Love is the absolute. How do you know that? experience it. 

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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30 minutes ago, Arzola said:

You assume their descriptions of their experience was about them becoming conscious of love. Maybe they achieved a grandiose, “loving” state.

In any case: Leo, what’s the opposite of love? What is what we call love (in the relative domain)?

Obviously I cannot know for sure what they achieved. I give people some benefit of the doubt. Could some of them be fooling themselves? Of course! That's just the nature of the game. It's your responsibility to figure out if you're fooling yourself.

Love has no opposite.

What you call love in the relative domain is that which pleases your ego-mind and suits its survival agenda -- which is still Love, but it's partial, limited, conditional Love. You love cats but not dogs, you love chocolate but not vanilla, you love kindness but not murder, you love saints but not sinners, etc. These are just the biases of a limited consciousness. An unlimited consciousness has no biases and makes no discriminations because it has no needs.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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40 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


Why would God create anything other than Love? What kind of idiot do you take God to be?

As I said in the other thread, if love is absolute, then fear is absolute as well. God creates out of fear just as much as it creates out of love. Love, by definition, is a dualistic notion. To love something, you must fear its opposite. And to fear something, you must love its opposite. You can't love everything equally. I could agree with you that love is the substance of reality, but you'd deny fear, and it's as essential as love. Even when you're in an "absolute love" state, you fear losing that state. That's why you're privileging and clinging to it in the first place, because you love it and because you fear fear. You love God but you fear him abandoning you, because God is a state to you. You are clinging to love because you are afraid of losing it.

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5 minutes ago, The observer said:

fear is absolute as well.

No, fear is like a snake that's actually just a rope. Fear is a misperception of reality.

The notion fear to an Infinite Consciousness is absurd and laughable. What could an Infinite Consciousness possibly fear when it is conscious that it is all things? It is as silly as fearing your own shadow.

God is that which casts no shadow.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

No, fear is like a snake that's actually just a rope. Fear is a misperception of reality.

As is love.

5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

The notion fear to an Infinite Consciousness is absurd and laughable. What could an Infinite Consciousness possibly fear when it is conscious that it is all things? It is as silly as fearing your own shadow.

The same goes for love. What could an Infinite Consciousness possibly love when it is conscious that it is all things? It is as silly as having sex with your own dick.

And to make things easier, fear exists no matter how you rationalise it.

8 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

God is that which casts no shadow.

But still, God is that which creates hell and suffering.

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19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

God is that which casts no shadow.

Pure, divine, gorgeous Light.

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@The observer  Go experience intense fear and then intense love. compare those two experiences, which one feel absolute? easily love for sure.

you don't need awakening to know what is absolute, you just need tiny bit of it  unless you resist it 

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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29 minutes ago, Eren Eeager said:

@The observer  Go experience intense fear and then intense love. compare those two experiences, which one feel absolute? easily love for sure.

you don't need awakening to know what is absolute, you just need tiny bit of it  unless you resist it 

What does absolute mean in this context? Intense? Real? What?

I've experienced both love and fear. Bliss and suffering.

When I tasted love, it felt like I've never tasted fear. When I tasted fear, it felt like I've never tasted love.

When I experienced bliss, it felt like I've never suffered in my entire life. When I experienced hell, it felt like I've never glimpsed bliss.

God is infinitely brutal. No need to deny that. It's just the raw truth.


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@The observer  I guess you need awakening then.

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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