
Can't stand the lie we're living!

45 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, kagaria said:

@Jacobsrw thanks! Beautifully put. Let's use the power of our minds wisely.

Anytime. Indeed.

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1 hour ago, Nak Khid said:

To say everything is imaginary is just as dogmatic as materialism.      There needs to be a balance 

It’s only dogmatic if one clings to it as a conceptual belief. If it is directly realised there will be no self left from which to cling to it.

Edited by Jacobsrw

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Nuff said.

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20 hours ago, kagaria said:

One time when I was trying to enter the no-mind state I had a sense that everything about me was a lie and all things were imaginary. Basically, my self-created world (literally everything!!) collapsed, even though it didn't exist in the first place, if you want to put it that way.

Life was pretty shocking after that meditation session. Not that I have problems with naive solipsism or constant depressive thoughts.

It's just that I can't stand the BIG lie of materialism that we are all living! Nothing is real and it especially sucks that we keep on deluding ourselves..

For example, many (in fact, most) people pass away without even realizing that it's all a dream.. It's just.. very, very SAD!! Sigh

It is very, very SAD!! Indeed.

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Hi @EnlightenmentBlog! have you watched Leo's latest video (advice to young peoole pt.2)? He answered a similar question at 1:33:42 - no need to be sad any longer :))

Edited by kagaria

 explain grammar to an alien ?

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