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Stories are the Foundation of Progress and Civilization

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In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

I have been reading the book Sapiens and it has really opened my mind to the importance of stories in all aspects of human life.


Stories build civilizations, stories destroy civilizations. Narrative and Context are the foundation of human behaviour. This is true on an individual aswell as a collective level.

For humans a life without context and narrative is a life without meaning. Humans will strive to create context and narrative, because it is what fuels all their actions. This is what makes us different from other animals. It is not intelligence, because intelligence is found in all beings and even the particles of the universe themselves. The capacity to create stories is what truly differentiate us.

All art is Story. All religion is Story. All laws and morals are Story. All of history is Story. All of Future is Story.


Without a coherent Story, without Context, Civilization will fall apart and disintegrate. A civilization which has a coherent Story for it's past, future and present is what will outcompete all other civilizations.



Freedom of speech is the end of civilization if there is no unifying story. This is why we have the emergence of conspiracy theories. This is not dysfunction, this is a feature of Evolution. It is literally God's perfect work in action. A failure to create a unifying story will lead to the self-emergance of unifying stories. This ensures that civilizations keeps operating and progressing. In the bigger picture the desire to create the story of conspiracies is equal to the desire to create civilization, meaning and progress.


In the western world the story of Christ has fallen and we have not yet found a story which replaces it. You will not win the war against conspiracy theories with facts, reason and understanding. You are fighting a force far greater than reason, science and understanding. You are fighting that which has fuel human behaviour from the dawn of mankind. You are fighting that which build the pyramids, which build all religions, which build all science, which build all spiritual practices. You are fighting the most powerful force in nature, a force which can destroy this planet or make it thrive. A force which has caused a mass extinctions on a level equivalent to the force which wiped out the dinosaurs.


The evolution of stories is as important as the evolution of species. If we do not create a more compelling story than the conspiracy theorists, than religions or governments, then we will be subjugated by those stories inevitably.



Without stories we do not know who we want to become, who we are and who we were. We do not know where to go, where we are and where we came from. A compelling story can change your entire life and it can change entire civilizations. And there is no stopping the stories. If you do not create a compelling story for yourself and civilization, someone else will. This is necessity, this is Nature in action.



Our civilization requires a compelling and unifying narrative. A narrative stronger than all conspiracy theories, all religion and all nations. A narrative stronger than self-indulgance and selfishness.

The only thing that keeps us from truly thriving is a compelling story. It will not be the scientists who will determine the future of this planet, but the story tellers. To tell a story is to shine light into the darkness of the unknown. It is one of the most powerful forms Manifestation. Fundamentally story telling is the act of actualizing the Infinite Potential of Nothingness.

You can have all the potential you want, if you do not create a story so that you can manifest that potential, you will forever remain unactualized.



What we need is conscious story tellers. This is by far what our civilization lacks most. We need to be better than the Alex Jones', Jordan Petersons, Donald Trumps of the world. We need to be more compelling, more unifying, more determined. Notice that all of them are creating stories in the realm of reality, not fiction. Star Wars is a wonderfully compelling story, but it is not grounded in reality. We need a stories that are attached to us, our civilization and our actual future. Fiction is not enough.

Edited by Scholar

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Your life is a story, and you are writing it right now.

 @Scholar You are a Scholar, so you should try to study the story of your life. 

Study as you write and you will become a great Scholar. 

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Humanity is special in that it has been given the ability to express Divinity in more diversity than previously possible. We have been given more room for the expression of Infinite Potential.

Our Creativity has been expanded. Therefore our Will has been expanded.


We have been given the opportunity to shape this world as we see fit. If we do not become conscious of our Creation, we will perish. And if we do become conscious of our Creation and take responsibility for it, we will thrive.

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