
I AM Consciousness and Solipsism dilemma

54 posts in this topic

@Someone here I promise you I am not annoyed. 9_9I feel like I know you already because you are posting about this topic a lot. So maybe put some flower or sunset on your avatar lol, since you are not a guest anymore. :D
Probably I sound rude, sorry if I am, I know I can be...I am just trying to tell you that by discussing solipsism we are not going anywhere, trust me I am in this game for four years. No results so far. Am I enlightened? No! I had some glimpses here and there but I am not even close, intellectually I got it, but not via direct experience. Your questions resemble mine, therefore I’ve quoted you in this topic. But what do you really want, like truly from all your heart? Just having a conversation with other people or receive some experience? We can talk all day long here, but deep inside you won’t be satisfied. Personally, I am not. Even to a point that I wanted to drop all of this, forum, books, meditation and not to think about it for a while, get back to amusement park. But some call within me triggers this curiosity over and over again. So I am patiently waiting for a door to be opened, or at least to see it through the slit. Who knows maybe I will win the lottery ( here I mean I will get some deep experience of oneness) or go to a ceremony to try a psychedelic. But I know for sure it will happen one day! I just don’t know when. 

Edited by Galyna

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Someone here You're full of questions, like me :D

But why keep asking, when it evidently isn't leading anywhere? Find out for yourself. There is a million ways to do it.


“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I'm not trying to convince myself of something. That would mean I already know the truth and try to verify it. I'm trying to discover the truth.  

Try to find out what truly exists; independently, without any support from external authority.

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Regarding solipsism.. All I see and can ever see is my own mind and I can't know for certain whether other human beings have an internal experience of awareness like mind or are they just a product of my own mind.   

If you could strictly stick with this theory instead of memorizing it as a theory, you'd discover the Truth of consciousness already. That is the all inclusiveness nature and singularity of knowledge of being.

1 hour ago, Someone here said:

.. Are there others or not?   

Again you are making the assumption that there is a resolution of this issue through q&a, more knowledge, discussion, study etc.

 I could say there are others. I could also say there are no others. But this question arises in the first place due to misconception about what consciousness or being truly aware is.

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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3 hours ago, Preetom said:

@Galyna I can intuite there's something beyond the mind and the answers to big existential questions are probably beyond the intellectual level. But for now I all have is the intellectual tool. But the intellect is not completely useless tho. 

As for my avatar.. I think I will use the question mark as one to provoke you even more :P

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3 hours ago, SamueLSD said:

@Someone here You're full of questions, like me :D

But why keep asking, when it evidently isn't leading anywhere? Find out for yourself. There is a million ways to do it.


 Can you name for me Just few hundreds of these millions please lol ?? 

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@Someone here

self inquiry 

psychedelics ( LSD, Psilocybin, DMT )

reading high consciousness books, travelling, etc ( expanding knowledge + world view )

meditation ( mindfulness, do nothing, letting go, etc ) 


kriya yoga 

shamanic breathing 

astral projection 

Many more. MANY more. ( these aren't even part of the million ways I speak of, these are just techniques to access them ) 

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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2 hours ago, Preetom said:

Try to find out what truly exists; independently, without any support from external authority.

What truly exist is the perception field that I call reality that is being precieved by my own mind. 

If you could strictly stick with this theory instead of memorizing it as a theory, you'd discover the Truth of consciousness already. That is the all inclusiveness nature and singularity of knowledge of being.

What's the difference? And why should memorize it as a theory corrupt it in some way? 

Again you are making the assumption that there is a resolution of this issue through q&a, more knowledge, discussion, study etc.

 I could say there are others. I could also say there are no others. But this question arises in the first place due to misconception about what consciousness or being truly aware is.

I hear you.  So according to your theory awareness is not localized in my body mind but rather universal.  But how did you discover this?.?  Again in my direct experience there is only this limited awareness via my body and mind and nothing else. And any other knowledge has to be derived from that. I can't go meta my awareness 


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12 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Galyna I can intuite there's something beyond the mind and the answers to big existential questions are probably beyond the intellectual level. But for now I all have is the intellectual tool. But the intellect is not completely useless tho. 

As for my avatar.. I think I will use the question mark as one to provoke you even more :P

Man, don’t continue to do yourself a disservice by intellectualising about this topic. Go discover the answer directly. By clinging to concepts you can lead yourself to entrenching ideological traps.

@SamueLSD listed some good techniques to experiment with. You will discover much more in them than you will here.


Edited by Jacobsrw

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8 minutes ago, Jacobsrw said:

Man, don’t continue to do yourself a disservice by intellectualising about this topic. Go discover the answer directly. By clinging to concepts you can lead yourself to entrenching ideological traps.

When you say "go discover the answer directly".. what should I do?   . If I'm going to be honest the answer directly from my direct experience is "only me is certain to exist and others can't be proven for certain to exist.. They might exist but can't be proven". 

I already know that this is the only possible answer. But I'm just  kinda going with the flow here 

Clinging to your pov of how can I discover answers can also  get me trapped :D

Edited by Someone here

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4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

When you say "go discover the answer directly".. what should I do?   . If I'm going to be honest the answer directly from my direct experience is "only me is certain to exist and others can't be proven for certain to exist.. They might exist but can't be proven". 

I already know that this is the only possible answer. But I'm just  kinda going with the flow here 

Clinging to your pov of how can I discover answers can also  get me trapped :D

Hahaha you are a funny dude. I‘d be scared to navigate your mind xD

Just follow your intuition. In the end you’re going to end up you require anyway. All I suggest is be open along the way and abstain from clinging to anything.

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"Q: I am not concerned with the totality. My personal consciousness and your personal consciousness — what is the link between the two?

M: Between two dreamers what can be the link?

Q: They may dream of each other.

M: That is what people are doing. Everyone imagines ‘others’ and seeks a link with them. The seeker is the link, there is none other.

Q: Surely there must be something in common between the many points of consciousness we are.

M: Where are the many points? In your mind. You insist that your world is independent of your mind. How can it be? Your desire to know other people’s minds is due to your not knowing your own mind. First know your own mind and you will find that the question of other minds does not arise at all, for there are no other people. You are the common factor, the only link between the minds. Being is consciousness; ‘I am’ applies to all.

Q: The Supreme Reality (Parabrahman) may be present in all of us. But of what use is it to us?

M: You are like a man who says: ‘I need a place where to keep my things, but of what use is space to me?’ or ‘I need milk, tea, coffee or soda, but for water I have no use’. Don’t you see that the Supreme Reality is what makes everything possible? But if you ask of what use is it to you, I must answer: ‘None’. In matters of daily life the knower of the real has no advantage: he may be at a disadvantage rather: being free from greed and fear, he does not protect himself. The very idea of profit is foreign to him; he abhors accretions; his life is constant divesting oneself, sharing, giving."

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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6 hours ago, The observer said:

@Someone here What's the problem with solipsism though? What would it change about your life whether it's true or not?

Not much in the practical level. I still have to deal with others assuimg that they are aware. But if knew they aren't that might make my connections with people weaker.. Imagine looking into someone's eyes and realizing there's no one there. That's freaky!.     I already know it's undebunkable so I think I'm done arguing about it. 

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4 minutes ago, The observer said:

@Someone here Do you not play video games?

I do lol. 

BTW I only posted one thread about Solipsism so I Don't understand why people accuse me of rambling about it a lot lol. 

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35 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I do lol. 

BTW I only posted one thread about Solipsism so I Don't understand why people accuse me of rambling about it a lot lol. 

might be true but there where 3 recent threads about it. 

But I think they are justified because they are talking about it from different angles 

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51 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Imagine looking into someone's eyes and realizing there's no one there. That's freaky!.    

If it makes you feel better there is no you either.  Its just Consciousness playing games with itself.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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a) you created the whole Universe

b) nothing exists unless you imagine it.

c) nothing exists but yourself.


Are any of the above statements Solipsism ?

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7 minutes ago, Inliytened1 said:

If it makes you feel better there is no you either.  Its just Consciousness playing games with itself.

Don't disturb the illusion.  Don't punch it and run away. 

Even if separation is illusory it was made for some purpose. Don't stay in the middle. Kill the illusion altogether or play by it's rules. 

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1 minute ago, Someone here said:

Don't disturb the illusion.  Don't punch it and run away. 

Even if separation is illusory it was made for some purpose. Don't stay in the middle. Kill the illusion altogether or play by it's rules. 

Haha yup.  I play by the rules everyday.  Im here talking to you aren't i? :)



Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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