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A technique to deal with work pressure from your boss.

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So yesterday as I was dealing with some stubborn clients as well as the pressure from my boss, I kind of stumbled upon this new technique. 

Assume that your boss is testing you by applying pressure on you. This assumption puts you in a state where you can calm your nervs and do your work with a calm and cool mind. 

If there is a major issue in maintenance of a machine and your boss/client is putting pressure on you to make it start working. Relax, asume it's a test to check how you function under pressure, and with a calm mind focus on the maintenance. His pressure on you or his opinion of you won't make the machine work but your calm and solution oriented mind will.

So not only your boss, even if your client or anyone for that matter puts pressure on you, treat it like a pressure test, calm down and focus on your job. 



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