
In need of inspiring non-duality books

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Pretty much what the title says. My spiritual practice has gone to shit and I just don't feel motivated to practice. I notice sometimes that when I read a story about awakening my level of inspiration goes up. Then I'll practice diligently for a while and then drop off again. Can anyone recommend some newer books on non-duality that you feel are inspiring?

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Just force yourself to mate. Work with your mind and body. You can be flexible with your rigidness. For example you may be rigid enough to say "I'm going to practice for an hour and a half today, but it has to be at 10am." But then when you procrastinate and miss the 10am start time, you should be flexible enough to say "oh it's ok, we'll not, not practice let's just move it to 11am" or even "well as long as I start before 5pm, when I start to get tired." 

Use your mind and body's momentum against them. There's different strategies you can use

Edited by Aaron p

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14 minutes ago, ivory said:

Pretty much what the title says. My spiritual practice has gone to shit and I just don't feel motivated to practice. I notice sometimes that when I read a story about awakening my level of inspiration goes up. Then I'll practice diligently for a while and then drop off again. Can anyone recommend some newer books on non-duality that you feel are inspiring?

You call it practice, theres your problem. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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20 minutes ago, ivory said:

Pretty much what the title says. My spiritual practice has gone to shit and I just don't feel motivated to practice. I notice sometimes that when I read a story about awakening my level of inspiration goes up. Then I'll practice diligently for a while and then drop off again. Can anyone recommend some newer books on non-duality that you feel are inspiring?

What is currently your practice? The benefits of the practice itself should be enough to "motivate" you to keep going. If not you either not practicing enough or not the right things

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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2 minutes ago, ivory said:

@Rilles How is that a problem?

@Aaron p Thanks

Just sounded kind of dry, I do Self Inquiry because its enjoyable, I would never say I practice it because that sounds like I do because I have to and because I need to get somewhere. Ask yourself what you really want. If youre uninspired maybe theres  something else you want to do, maybe go party or something and then come back when that gets boring. ??

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Rilles I used to hate the term "practice". It sounded like a dead end. After a while, though, you realize you have to make it a practice.

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The Tao Made Easy by Alan Cohen;

A Course in Miracles Made Easy by Alan Cohen;

Awaken Now by Fred Davis;

The Tantra experience by Osho;

The Open Secret by Tony Parsons;

The end of your world by Adyashanti


Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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33 minutes ago, ivory said:

@Rilles I used to hate the term "practice". It sounded like a dead end. After a while, though, you realize you have to make it a practice.

Have you ever had any breakthroughs in your practice that gave you any type of bliss? 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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1000 By Ramaji

Intimacy With the Infinite By Ananda Devi 

Any book by Rupert Spira or Francis Lucille 


Agree with @Meta-Man truth should not be forced. And Francis video is PERFECT! 

I also wanted to add this doesn't mean you shouldn't meditate / do yoga etc, Francis is merely saying in terms of awakening and realizing the true nature of your being it should be done from a joyful place, not a repetitive boring one. 

But, we have to remember 99% (maybe less) of people who meditate are not ready for awakening, and that's okay, even helping people get started with beginners Guided Meditation or yoga is great and they will see many benefits such as reduced anxiety, better sleep etc, plus eventually many will want to dive deeper as they begin to reap the benefits and then find Non-Dual teachings. Everyone starts somewhere! 

But, in terms of awakening it needs to come from a passionate place of investigation and wonder of the true nature of yourself and reality, wanting to uncover truth, wanting to uncover absolute peace and happiness. 

So, if you want to simply meditate for the benefits it brings relatively speaking then simply download Headspace or buy a few Audiobooks on Guided Meditations (I say buy, as money helps us take action!) and return to truth and awakening when you are ready, you don't have to take this path at this point, follow your hearts desire and do whatever your heart is desiring! 

 And, then when you feel ready to return and feel passionate about truth and this work, return and investigate joyously, and then that investigation / contemplation, will become a deeper and deeper abidance as what and who you truly are! 

This article explains the difference well, most of us start believing Meditation is an activity 'I' do, and that is a great place to start! But, eventually we realize Meditation is what we are, and awakening and abidance as The Self, is essentially a 24/7 ever deepening meditation! (Formal meditation can still happen though if someone wanted to!) 


Edited by LfcCharlie4

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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I Am That by Nisargadatta Maharaj

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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2 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

1000 By Ramaji

Yes! This book is amazing.

2 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

And, then when you feel ready to return and feel passionate about truth and this work, return and investigate joyously, and then that investigation / contemplation, will become a deeper and deeper abidance as what and who you truly are! 

Yes! Charlie has good advice. Read non-duality books and listen to talks because it's fun. Receive shaktipat because it feels good. Contemplate on non-duality-truths because it's interesting. This worked for me.

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Go through the courses diligently without rush and skiping. Its pretty fun to get the bigger picture all at once. In my case, I used to think that I was only awareness and could only know my deeper dimensions through meditation and being totally relaxed. Thats one way, but there are other more direct faster ways to dive inside. For example, you can realize yourself to the level of presence without being totally enlightened from ego and that can be pretty liberating. You are free to anchor on your presence at will any moment without any prior requirements that limiting beliefs can come with. 

Along with that, peter ralston, the book of not knowing. 

The point is to gradually add practices to your experience, but by first building a rock solid foundation on the obvious such as presence. Then to know the knower through meditation and Inquiry, etc. 

If you don't feel motivated to work on your spirituality, questioning other limiting beliefs that has nothing to do with enlightenment can also be fun and sharpen the blade of your contemplation in all senses.

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3


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Two short yet very powerful ones: Ashtavakra Gita and Hsin-Hsin Ming.

Maybe watch Buddha’s documentary narrated by Richard Gere. I’m too lazy right now to look it up. ;) 

But learn to motivate yourself; waiting for something else to do it for you is disempowering.

Also contemplate what you’re experiencing. That’s a good “spiritual” practice.

Edited by Arzola

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@Seraphim Thanks man! 

I just feel there is no need to dive deep into truth and awakening until you are 100% ready and committed. 

Until then do what your heart desires, and sure still meditate and what not as it can have amazing benefits :) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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1 hour ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

@Seraphim Thanks man! 

I just feel there is no need to dive deep into truth and awakening until you are 100% ready and committed. 

Until then do what your heart desires, and sure still meditate and what not as it can have amazing benefits :) 

...I just can't choose between which benefit is my favorite, I'd have to say the perpetual bliss! NO! Being literally immortal! NO!! Id have to go with... understanding everything in existence. Those are my fave maybe hehe. I like the "being literally immortal" one... wouldn't you say @LfcCharlie4 ?

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Being aware of being aware by Rupert Spira. Will give you a direct insight into your true nature if read carefully :)

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16 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

What is currently your practice? The benefits of the practice itself should be enough to "motivate" you to keep going. If not you either not practicing enough or not the right things

Man, I've been practicing for quite a while. And what I've learned is that if you do it long enough, you end up hitting dry spots where your motivation runs dry. It's just something that happens. Part of the work is to just keep going. If you're paying attention to life, you notice that the same thing happens in other areas.


15 hours ago, Rilles said:

Have you ever had any breakthroughs in your practice that gave you any type of bliss? 

Oh yeah, but like all things, bliss doesn't last. I welcome it, but don't strive for it.


13 hours ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

I also wanted to add this doesn't mean you shouldn't meditate / do yoga etc, Francis is merely saying in terms of awakening and realizing the true nature of your being it should be done from a joyful place, not a repetitive boring one. 


Thanks! I agree. Then again, life is ups and downs. I don't think we are meant to be joyous all the time. Good stuff man.

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5 minutes ago, ivory said:

Oh yeah, but like all things, bliss doesn't last. I welcome it, but don't strive for it.

Maybe striving for that might give you some inspiration. :) ?? Nothing wrong with wanting some natural bliss. 

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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@Rilles I do things that bring me joy. Where I struggle, though, is taking care of my health. I feel good when I do it but I have a tendency to get lazy. Sometimes I forget that.

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